This is what you should do
With this class you should subscribe a sensor_msgs::LaserScan a sensor_msgs::JointState(create respective Callback)
The message to publish is from type sensor_msgs::PointCloud2
<?xml version="1.0"?> <launch> <!-- This is a atlasmv launch files for starting a pointcloud accumulation from the laser3D--> <group ns="/snr/las3d/fus/pointcloud"> <!-- Remmaping topics--> <remap from="/joint_state" to="/trf/joints"/> <remap from="/laserscan0" to="/snr/las/0/scan"/> <remap from="/pc_out" to="/snr/las3d/fus/pointcloud"/> <remap from="/tf" to="/trf/frames"/> <!-- Set the accumulation frame_id--> <remap from="/ac_frame" to="/atc/laser/roof_rotating/base"/> <node name="node" pkg="laser3D_pointcloud" type="las3D_pc"> <!-- Set the accumulation_mode; 1 - Use slerp projection, with time t0 and tn based on the shaft angle stamp; 2 - No correction (project the laser scan in only one phi), using t0 as scan start time 3 - Use slerp projection, with time t0 and tn based on the scan time; --> <param name="accumulation_mode" type="int" value="1"/> <!-- Max of scans to be accumulated --> <param name="max_scans_accumulated" type="int" value="500"/> <!-- 1 - ros time now; 0 - rost time scan, using when we are using bag--> <param name="pointcloud_stamp" type="int" value="1"/> <!-- Set the output_frequency--> <param name="output_frequency" type="double" value="200.0"/> </node> </group> </launch>