

Entity Size
Nodes 275
Elements 672


Connectivity Statistics
TE4 672 ( 100,00% )


Material apply to

  Part1 - OCTREE Tetrahedron Mesh.1 : Part1  

Material Steel
Young Modulus 2e+011N_m2
Poisson Ratio 0,266
Density 7860kg_m3
Thermal Expansion 0
Yield Strength 0N_m2

Static Case

Boundary Conditions

STRUCTURE Computation

Number of nodes : 275  
Number of elements : 672  
Number of D.O.F. : 825  
Number of Contact relations : 0  
Number of Kinematic relations : 0  

Linear tetrahedron : 672  

RESTRAINT Computation

Name: RestraintSet.1

Number of S.P.C : 126

LOAD Computation

Name: LoadSet.1

Applied load resultant :

Fx = 2 . 274e-010  N
Fy = -7 . 451e-009  N
Fz = 5 . 000e+001  N
Mx = 1 . 337e+000  Nxm
My = -5 . 000e-001  Nxm
Mz = -1 . 008e-010  Nxm

STIFFNESS Computation

Number of lines : 825    
Number of coefficients : 12621    
Number of blocks : 1    
Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 12621    
Total matrix size : 0 . 15  Mb


Restraint: RestraintSet.1

Number of local singularities : 0  
Number of singularities in translation : 0  
Number of singularities in rotation : 0  
Generated constraint type : MPC  

CONSTRAINT Computation

Restraint: RestraintSet.1

Number of constraints : 126  
Number of coefficients : 0  
Number of factorized constraints : 126  
Number of coefficients : 0  
Number of deferred constraints : 0  

NUMBERING Computation

Restraint: RestraintSet.1

Numbering Method : SLOAN  
Number of connected nodes : 275  
Nodal maximum front width : 18  
Nodal maximum band width : 52  

FACTORIZED Computation

Method :  SPARSE  
Number of factorized degrees : 699    
Number of supernodes : 147    
Number of overhead indices : 3807    
Number of coefficients : 23892    
Maximum front width : 78    
Maximum front size : 3081    
Size of the factorized matrix (Mb) : 0 . 182281  
Number of blocks : 1    
Number of Mflops for factorization : 1 . 133e+000  
Number of Mflops for solve : 9 . 906e-002  
Minimum relative pivot : 5 . 019e-004  


Name: StaticSet.1

Restraint: RestraintSet.1

Load: LoadSet.1

Strain Energy : 8.741e-004 J


Components Applied
Reactions Residual Relative
Magnitude Error
Fx (N) 2.2737e-010 -2.3464e-010 -7.2711e-012 9.4047e-014
Fy (N) -7.4506e-009 7.4335e-009 -1.7046e-011 2.2048e-013
Fz (N) 5.0000e+001 -5.0000e+001 9.3650e-011 1.2113e-012
Mx (Nxm) 1.3375e+000 -1.3375e+000 3.3524e-012 8.6723e-013
My (Nxm) -5.0000e-001 5.0000e-001 3.8725e-013 1.0018e-013
Mz (Nxm) -1.0081e-010 1.0087e-010 5.7627e-014 1.4907e-014

Static Case Solution.1 - Deformed Mesh

Axis Definition : Last , System : Cartesian

Display On Boundary ---- Over all the Model

Static Case Solution.1 - Von Mises Stress (nodal value)

---- Volume Elements ---- : Components : ALL

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