Version 1.3 =========== * Added cportgetint and cportputint. * ports can be directed to files (cportopen). -AMW Version 1.2b ============ * Now works with Microsoft USB Point-of-sale driver. The full legal device name (e.g. "\\.\com2") is used, so error in GetFileType does not occur. (cportopen) * The 'lpt'-'com' checking fixed. (cportopen) -IVOVI- Version 1.2a ============ * Now works under Matlab 5.1. Function mxArrayToString (not included in Matlab 5.1) replaced with mxGetString stuff. * cportgetchar bug fixed (returns nchars chars instead of n really received). * added cportgetdouble. (Useful to receive binary data including aciicode=0 which was impossible with cportgetchar because of 0=endofstring in C.) -IVOVI- CPORT version 1.2 This archive contains the CPORT minitoolbox. This is a set of .M and .DLL files for Matlab 5+ which add communication port (COMx: and LPTx:) functionality. It was compiled using gcc+rsxnt under Windows95 and Matlab 5.2, and should work on Win95/98/NT but I haven't tested it except under Win95. You can freely distribute it to whomever you wish. Version 1.2 =========== * cportconfig now accepts partial property names if they are unique. * cportwrite now accepts an optional third argument which specifies an End-Of-Line terminator (CR, LF or CRLF). * various bug fixes. Version 1.1 =========== * Replaced cportpurge with cportreset, which also retrieves and resets error messages. * Deleted cportstate. Its functionality is now included inside cportconfig. * Completely re-worked the interface of cportconfig. The function now both sets and retrieves the port configuration. Setting parameters is now not via a long string, but using parameter-value pairs, like in the Matlab set/get commands. * Added control of the following configuration settings: XonLim, XonChar, XoffLim, XoffChar, ErrorChar, EofChar, EvtChar. All communication port settings can now be controlled and returned. * Allowed status reports to be optional in most functions. * Various minor bug fixes. Version 1.0 =========== * First release. Eyal