Release Notes for PICkit® 2
Development (Nonproduction) Programmer &
Debug Express

MPLAB® IDE v8.56

DLL and Firmware versions:

 PICkit2.dll   v0.0.3.63  
 PICkit 2 (OS, FW)   v2.32.00  (PK2V023200.hex)


August 13, 2010


Table of Contents

1      Device Support

2      Operating System Support

3      Reference Documents

4      What's New in v8.43

5      Repairs and Enhancements Made in v8.43

6      Known Problems


1         Device Support

Click the link below to see device support for “PICkit 2 Debugging” (PK2D) and “PICkit 2 Programming” (PK2P).

·         · Device Support List

1.1        Debugging Considerations

For low pin-count devices (8 to 28 pins), a Header board is usually required. See the Header Board Specification (DS51292) or Header help file (hlpHeader.chm) for a list of available headers by device.

For high pin-count devices (40 to 100 pins), a Header board may be available, but is not required. See the Header Board Specification (DS51292) or Header help file (hlpHeader.chm) for a list of available headers for a particular device.

PICkit 2 does not support the optional header for the following devices at this time:



NOTE: To connect PICkit 2 to a debug header board requires the AC164110 RJ-11 to ICSP Adapter.

NOTE: PICkit 2 reserves 64 bytes less flash memory than the MPLAB ICD 2 for the following devices:





2         Operating System Support

This tool has been tested under the following operating systems:

Windows® 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2, and Windows Vista™ (32-bit and 64-bit) OSs

NOTE: Windows NT® and Windows 98/ME OSs are NOT supported.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Beginning with MPLAB IDE v7.51, MPLAB IDE and PICkit 2 will no longer be tested on Windows 98, Windows ME, or Windows NT® OSs. MPLAB IDE and PICkit 2 may continue to work under these operating systems, but their operation will no longer be verified through testing.

3         Reference Documents

The following documents may be found on our website or MPLAB IDE CD-ROM:

· PICkit 2 Development Programmer/Debugger User's Guide - DS51553

· Low Pin Count User's Guide - DS51556

· 44-Pin Demo Board User’s Guide – DS41296

· Header Specification - DS51292

· Programming Specifications for devices - various DS numbers

· Development Tool Selector

4         What's New in v8.43


5         Repairs and Enhancements Made in v8.43


6         Known Problems

The following is a list of known problems. For more information on operation, please see the online help file for the PICkit 2 (hlpPICkit2.chm). Bolded prefix represents internal tracking numbers.

6.1        General Issues

·          Do not change the selected device (Configure > Select Device…) when PICkit 2 is actively selected as the Debugger. Doing so may cause PICkit 2 to hang at the next debug operation. Deselect PICkit 2 as the debugger (Debugger > Select Tool > None) before changing the device, and then reselect PICkit 2 as the debugger afterwards to ensure proper operation.

·         The Programming Executive (PE) for PIC24H and dsPIC33F parts may fail on certain programming ports of certain 44-Pin devices. Known problems exist with using the PGC3/PGD3 port on the following devices:

PIC24HJ16GP304, PIC24HJ32GP204, dsPIC33FJ16GP304, dsPIC33FJ32GP204, dsPIC33FJ16MC304, dsPIC33FJ32MC204

If a “PE Error” is frequently encountered in the MPLAB IDE Output Window, try using a different PGC/PGD programming port pair on the device.

·         To use the PICkit 2 as a debugger, two 4.7KW pull-down resistors are needed on pins ICSPDAT and ICSPCLK for units with a black pushbutton. Units with a red pushbutton have the pull-down resistors already internal to the unit.

·         Freeze Peripherals for PIC16F devices are not supported at this time.

·         PIC18F2520 MCUs: Table Read Protect (EBTRx) will not work unless Code Protect (CPx) is enabled. Also, once Table Read Protect is enabled, you cannot perform a Verify on the protected block.

6.2        System Service Requests


When the PIC18F8680 Oscillator Config bits are set for "HS - hardware enabled 4x PLL", the first attempted ICSP communication after VDD is applied fails. Suggested work-around:

PICkit 2 Programmer Application

If powering from PICkit 2:

1) Check the VDD PICkit 2 "On" checkbox under the Microchip logo.

2) Select Device Family > PIC18F until the PIC18F8680 is detected.

3) It should now program properly as long as VDD is not interrupted.

If powering externally:

1) Select Device Family > PIC18F until the PIC18F8680 is detected.

2) It should now program properly as long as VDD is not interrupted.

PICkit 2 from MPLAB IDE

If powering from PICkit 2:

1) This only needs be done after first selecting PICkit 2 as the programmer, or after PICkit 2 is first connected to the target.

2) Select Programmer > Verify - it doesn't matter the results; this is just to the 8680 out of the problem state.

3) It should now program properly as long as VDD is not interrupted.

If powering externally:

1) This only needs be done after first applying power and connecting PICkit 2 to the target board.

2) Select Programmer > Verify - it doesn't matter the results; this is just to the 8680 out of the problem state.

3) It should now program properly as long as VDD is not interrupted.


Download OS operation brings MCLR to VDD when PICkit 2 is selected as programmer.


PICkit 2 may not enter debug mode when 32 KHz LP oscillator is selected as clock source for PIC16F505, PIC12F508, PIC12F509.


PICkit 2 does not enter debug mode wiht PIC16F722 at 20 MHz.


MPLAB PICkit 2 fails to program/verify the PIC24FJ128GA010 device when user code does runtime flash erase /write operation. It appears the device is executing code before the full programming cycle is complete.

For PIC24F devices during a programming/verify operation (or subsequent verification operation) of user code that performs self-writes and/or self-erases to program space, a verify sequence may fail if the code execution occurs within the first execution cycles following reset.

Workaround: Place a delay in your code before the code section that performs the self-write and/or self-erase.

The specific delay value may need to be adjusted, but 100 ms would be a conservative value to start

out with. Here is a C language example that illustrates the workaround:

int main (void)


// Place 100 ms delay here before any self-write/self-erase code

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PIC24FJ256DA210 Family: Data Memory not functional unless 96 MHz PLL is enabled. This is a silicon issue that is being worked on.