Release Notes for Third Party Tools for MPLAB® IDE


August 13, 2010

Table of Contents

1      Language Tools Support

2      RTOS Support

3      Version Control Programs Support

4      Plug-in Tools Support

5      Miscellaneous Support

6      Operating System Support List

7      What’s New in v8.53

8      Repairs and Enhancements Made in v8.53

9      Known Problems for v8.53

1         Language Tools Support

MPLAB IDE supports language tools (C compilers, assemblers, linkers, etc.) from many different vendors. If you encounter problems using the tools with MPLAB IDE, see the vendor website for more tool information and the latest version of the tools and associated MPLAB IDE plug-ins.

Some vendors provide plug-in support for their language tools. Among these are:

·         B Knudsen Data (

·         CC5X

·         CC8E

·         Byte Craft (

·         Assembler & C Compiler

·         CCS (

·         C Compiler for PIC12/14/16/18

·         microEngineering (

·         PicBasic Pro Toolsuite

·         PicBasic Toolsuite

Other vendors use a generic interface which is tailored through the use of MTC and INI files. These files are available in:

C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB IDE\Core\MTC Suites

More recent tailoring files are usually available through the language tool vendor.

Select Project>Select Language Toolsuite and Project>Set Language Tool Locations to set up your language tool(s) in MPLAB IDE. See the MPLAB IDE on-line help file for more information.

2         RTOS Support

MPLAB IDE supports RTOSs from many different vendors. If you encounter problems using the RTOS with MPLAB IDE, see the vendor website for more tool information and the latest version of the RTOS.

View RTOS information from Tools>RTOS Viewer.

MPLAB IDE supports the following real-time operating systems (RTOSs) as plug-ins:

·         CMX (

·         RTX

·         TINY+

·         Micrium mC/OS-II (

You must include "os_dbg.c" in the project and set OS_DEBUG_EN = 1 for the Micrium mC/OS-II viewer to operate properly

·         embOS (

·         ThreadX (

For device support and other information on RTOS’s, see our website for the RTOS link under Software on the Development Tools page.

Select Tools>RTOS Viewer to select and monitor RTOS operation in MPLAB IDE. See the MPLAB IDE on-line help file for more information.

3         Version Control Programs Support

MPLAB IDE supports version control (VC) programs from many different vendors. If you encounter problems using the VC programs with MPLAB IDE, see the vendor website for more tool information and the latest version of the VC programs.

MPLAB IDE supports the following VC programs under projects:

·         Microsoft Visual Source Safe (

·         PVCS (

·         CVS (

·         Subversion (

Select Project>Version Control to set up a VC in MPLAB IDE. See the MPLAB IDE on-line help file for more information.

4         Plug-in Tools Support

MPLAB IDE supports plug-ins from many different vendors. If you encounter problems using the plug-in with MPLAB IDE, see the vendor website for more tool information and the latest version of the plug-in.

MPLAB IDE supports the following third party plug-in tools:

·         MATLAB/Simulink (

·         Gimpel PC-LINT/MISRA (

MPLAB IDE supports these plug-ins and support under its Tools menu.

Third Party Tool

Device Support




hlpMATLAB.chm (Help file)

MATLAB/Simulink Blocksets


“MATLAB®/Simulink® Device Blocksets for dsPIC® DSCs” (DS51771)


PIC18, 16-bit, and 32-bit devices

hlpPCLint.chm (Help file)

5         Miscellaneous Support

·         External Difference Tool Launcher – Provides a means to specify a differencing utility of your choice and invoke it with files from your project. Select Edit>External DIFF to set up this feature. See MPLAB Editor on-line help file for more information.

6         Operating System Support List

These tools have been tested with MPLAB IDE under the following operating systems:

32-Bit: Windows® 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2 and Window Vista™ OSs

64-Bit: Windows XP 64 and Window Vista 64 OSs

7         What’s New in v8.53


7.1        What’s New in v8.50

The PC-lint plug-in no longer provides an option to process C header files individually. Instead, header files are processed as they are included by source files, in order to avoid confusing error messages.

8         Repairs and Enhancements Made in v8.53


9         Known Problems for v8.53

The following is a list of known problems. For tools with MPLAB IDE help files, see Help for information on common problems, error messages and limitations. Bolded prefix represents internal tracking numbers.

MPLAB-495: [Subversion] Setting version control to Subversion prevents opening of projects that do not use Subversion.

MPLAB-497: [Subversion] There is no way to resolve a conflict when using Subversion version control.