Release Notes for Visual PROCMD MPLAB® IDE v8.56 DLL and Executable versions: VProcmdPm3.dll v2.30.25 vprocmd.exe v02.30.58 August 13, 2010 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Tool Definition 2. Programmer Support 3. Operating System Support List 4. HCS Support 5. MCP Support 6. What's New or Updated 7. Checksum Changes 8. Known Problems 9. Visual PROCMD Features 10. Installation 11. Known Problems 12. Readme Files for Related Components 13. Customer Support ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Tool Definition ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visual PROCMD is a visual interface to the PRO MATE II and MPLAB PM3 device programmers which provides most of the same programmer options as MPLAB IDE. This interface is designed for programming devices using your PC (Pentium or better) without having to use MPLAB IDE software in environments where disk space is limited. Possible uses for this interface include: - Setting up a PRO MATE II or MPLAB PM3 for stand-alone programming - Updating device programmer firmware The Visual PROCMD executable may be found, by default, in: C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB IDE\Programmer Utilities\Visual Procmd This Readme is targeted to users of the Visual Procmd interface. Refer to "Readme for PRO MATE II.txt" and "Readme for MPLAB PM3.txt" for more information about the MPLAB IDE interface to the respective device programmers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Programmer Support ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visual PROCMD supports the PRO MATE II and MPLAB PM3 device programmers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Operating System Support List ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows 98, Windows® 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista™ (32-Bit) and Windows 7 OSs NOTE: Windows NT® and Windows ME OSs are NOT supported. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. HCS Support ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As of MPLAB IDE 7.41, MPLAB 5.xx is no longer required to create SQTP files for the programming of an HCS devices. SQTP file creation for HCS devices is now available by using the KeeLoq Plug-in. This component is offered during the MPLAB IDE Installation. When installed, the Keeloq Plug-in becomes available under the Tools menu in the MPLAB IDE. Encoder, Decoder and Transponder options are offered on the Keeloq dialog for the SQTP file creation. For Users who will not be installing the MPLAB IDE and the Keeloq Plugin, SQTP files can still be created in MPLAB 5.xx. In order to create a non-encrypted SQTP file within MPLAB 5.xx the User must add the following key into mplab.ini: [programmers] AllowKeeloqHexSQTP=1 The supported are: HCS101 HCS200 HCS201 HCS300 HCS301 HCS320 HCS360 HCS361 HCS362 HCS365 HCS370 HCS410 HCS412 Note: HCS360 and HCS361 require MCLR to be tied to S1 via ICSP. Support for HCS473 is Beta. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. MCP Support ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The supported MCP devices are: MCP25020 MCP25025 MCP25050 MCP25055 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. What's New or Updated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- None. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Checksum Changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to the MPLAB IDE readme for checksum information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Known Problems ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloading Non-MPLAB IDE Generated Hex Files: Directly downloading a hex file not generated by MPLAB IDE, such as an Intel 32 Byte (INHX32), with the VPROCMD.exe programmer standalone utility, may result in an error message. As a workaround, import the hex file into MPLAB IDE then export the hex file from MPLAB IDE in order to create a hex file compatible with VPROCMD. PM3-157: Calibration Tab Page 'New Value' Text Box: Still accepts certain invalid values; Programming is allowed. If it is necessary to change the calibration value, do not delete the '0x' mask in the 'New Value' text box. Two hexadecimal numbers should be appended to the '0x' mask, such as 'AE' or '32'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Visual PROCMD Features ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Editable, resizable memory region windows - Resizable output window - Import/export of hex files - Dockable programmer toolbars - Clear memory operations - Mouse and keyboard user input - Informative status bar - Hex file checksum reporting - Working indicator - Select device dialog with tool support status indicators ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Installation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the MPLAB IDE installation, choose to install Visual PROCMD. Its default installation location is listed under "1. Tool Definition". 11. Known Problems ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- None. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Readme Files of Related Components ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For additional information concerning the device programmers supported by Visual PROCMD, refer to "Readme for PRO MATE II.txt" and "Readme for MPLAB PM3.txt" files. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Customer Support ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Microchip Web Site ---------------------- Microchip provides online support via our web site at This web site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following information: * Product Support - Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user's guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived software * General Technical Support - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program member listing * Business of Microchip - Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factory representatives myMICROCHIP Personalized Notification Service --------------------------------------------- Microchip's personal notification service helps keep customers current on their Microchip products of interest. Subscribers will receive e-mail notification whenever there are changes, updates, revisions or errata related to a specified product family or development tool. Please visit to begin the registration process and select your preferences to receive personalized notifications. A FAQ and registration details are available on the page, which can be opened by selecting the link above. When you are selecting your preferences, choosing “Development Systems” will populate the list with available development tools. The main categories of tools are listed below: Compilers – These include all MPLAB C compilers; all MPLAB assemblers (including MPASM™ assembler); all MPLAB linkers (including MPLINK™ object linker); and all MPLAB librarians (including MPLIB™ object librarian), as well as HI-TECH C compilers. Emulators – These include the MPLAB REAL ICE™ and MPLAB ICE 2000 in-circuit emulators In-Circuit Debuggers – These include the MPLAB ICD 3 in-circuit debugger, MPLAB ICD 2 in-circuit debugger, PICkit™ 3 debug express and PICkit 2 debug express. MPLAB IDE – This includes MPLAB IDE, the Windows® Integrated Development Environment for development systems tools, MPLAB IDE Project Manager, MPLAB Editor and MPLAB SIM simulator, as well as general editing and debugging features. Programmers –These include the MPLAB PM3 and PRO MATE II device programmers and the PICSTART® Plus and PICkit 1, 2 and 3 development programmers. Starter/Demo Boards – These include MPLAB Starter Kit boards, PICDEM demo boards, and various other evaluation boards. Additional Support ------------------ Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels: * Distributor or Representative * Local Sales Office * Field Application Engineer (FAE) * Technical Support Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer (FAE) for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of sales offices and locations is available on our website. Technical support is available through the web site at: