******************************************************** Haptic teleoperation in V-REP - standard procedure ******************************************************** 1. Connect the PHANToM Omni haptic device(s) to the computer(s). 2. The PHANToM drivers do not have access to the FireWire communication port object, it falls to the user responsability to change the access rules. To set permissions do "sudo chmod 777 /dev/fw*". 3. The "roscore" is the first thing you should run when using ROS. Run: "roscore" on the first computer, typically the one that will be running V-REP. 4. Launch the V-REP 3.1.3 in the first computer. Go to the V-REP folder, and from the COMMAND LINE run "./vrep.sh" to launch V-REP. 5. The ROS functionality in V-REP is enabled via a plugin. Make sure to inspect V-REP's console window or terminal for details on plugin load operations. 6. All ROS modules are designed to work together. A "launch file" is used to initiate the five main nodes of the "humanoid_simulation" package at the same time. On the second computer run "roslaunch humanoid_simulation humanoid_simulation.launch plane:=lat amplitude:=2.0 frequency:=0.10 user:=jb" (example) to launch the "phantom_control_vrep", "robot_state", "haptic_feedback", "record_data", and "vrep_perturbations" nodes. The input parameters allow the scene perturbations and must be defined to enable the "launch". 7. The command "rosrun" allows the use of the package name to directly run a node within a package. To run the joystick module on the second computer do: "rosrun humanoid_simulation phantom_control_vrep". 8. The V-REP simulation should be started if all the remaining nodes are correctly initiated. 9. When the simulation stops all ROS modules are automatically shutted down. 10. Log files relating to the teleoperation tasks are added to /home/phua3-lar/Experiments/.