01 GetVariableUsableData **************** calculates the usable data in * ground truth and inertial or * visual sensors, in order to * treat only complete cycles of * the experiment. * 02 GetImageData ************************* calculates the visual data for * both experiments, using * different values for angle_tol, * saving them afterwards (this * will allow to change the Kalman * Filter model at need, without * having to calculate all visual * data again, resulting in a * saving of time. * 03 MergeData **************************** will create an error and add it * to the inertial data, while at * the same time, will load visual * data and merge the both types * together, resulting in four * outputs for each value of * angle_tol (exp1, exp2, exp1E, * exp2E), where "E" represents * artificial error. * 04 Kalman Filter ************************ will fed the "merged" data into * a KF, in order to analyze the * measures of both sets of sensors* and extract the mean difference * between the output and the * ground truth, which will be * saved. Will also plot the * results in order to have a more * visual conclusion on the * influence of angle_tol * data ************************************ contains the data from the * experiments. It should be copied* to folders 02-03, in order to be* read by them. * *****************************************