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Function apply_visitor /*three or more variant parameters*/

boost::apply_visitor /*three or more variant parameters*/


// In header: <boost/variant/multivisitors.hpp>

template<typename MultiVisitor, typename Variant1, typename Variant2, 
         typename Variant3> 
  typename MultiVisitor::result_type 
  apply_visitor /*three or more variant parameters*/(MultiVisitor & visitor, 
                                                     Variant1 & operand1, 
                                                     Variant2 & operand2, 
                                                     Variant3 & operand3, 
                                                     ... other_operands);
template<typename MultiVisitor, typename Variant1, typename Variant2, 
         typename Variant3> 
  typename MultiVisitor::result_type 
  apply_visitor /*three or more variant parameters*/(const MultiVisitor & visitor, 
                                                     Variant1 & operand1, 
                                                     Variant2 & operand2, 
                                                     Variant3 & operand3, 
                                                     ... other_operands);


Allows compile-time checked type-safe application of the given visitor to the content of the given variant, ensuring that all types are handled by the visitor. See apply_visitor for more information.
