An example which shows how to use a DLL object to modify incoming data in an input port ====================================================================== -- Open a terminal and follow the bellow instruction to build the dll $ mkdir $YARP_ROOT/examples/portmonitor/simple_dll/build $ cd $YARP_ROOT/examples/portmonitor/simple_dll/build $ cmake ../; make; you should see the `' after the compilation (the generated dll can have different names on windows or macos). -- Open a terminal and run yarpserver $ yarpserver -- Open another terminal (lets call this the sender terminal) and type $ yarp write /write -- In the directory where you you built the dll (lets call this the receiver terminal), type $ yarp read /read -- In another terminal connect the port as follow: $ yarp connect /write /read tcp+recv.portmonitor+type.dll+file.simple_monitor Now if you write something in the 'sender' terminal, you will see the text "Modified in DLL" will be added to the original message. For example: [sender terminal] Hello [receiver terminal] Hello "modified in DLL" As it is constrained in `SimpleMonitorObject::accept()' method from `Simple.cpp', if you type "ignore", the message will be ignored by the portmonitor and it never be delivered to the input port.