2021-08-27 ========== - Solved a bug that was making some headings (table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, and bibliography) to be kept uppercase. This same bug was also making the appendix heading to have the wrong name ("Chapter" instead of "Appendix"). - Changed "fancyhdr" heading (again): chapter is right-aligned at odd pages and left-aligned at even pages. - Make "et al." italic for the Portuguese language. 2021-08-21 ========== - Added appendices. - Solved a bug that caused an unwated vertical space (a new line) to be added between bibliography entries. This problem was only noticeable when a bibliography entry had no URL. - The package "glossaries-extra" is now used in replacement of "glossaries", since it provides additional features. - Improved automatic detection of the TeX engine: pdfTeX or LuaTeX. Now, it is not necessary to edit the "main.tex" file to choose the TeX compiler. - Hyphenation is now enabled by default. - Changed "fancyhdr" heading: chapter is left-aligned at odd pages and right-aligned at even pages. - Regarding the author-year style. Citations can: - Use parentheses (default behavior) or square brackets. - Link only the year, or include the author name (default behavior). - Renamed labels of chapters, sections, etc. - Other small changes. 2021-05-29 ========== - UA thesis style file (uathesis.sty): - Renamed directory for the images from "fig" to "img". - Department name removed from the cover page and the first page. - Vertical space before the rule is always present even when the department name is not shown. - Horizontal rule height set to 1.0pt. - Choosing pdfTeX or LuaTeX as compiler is now possible. LuaTeX is the default due to its capabilities with font types (fontspec package). - Language selection is now easier (Portuguese, UKenglish, or USenglish). - Commands for Latin expressions were added. - Other small changes.