########################################################################### # THE KITTI VISION BENCHMARK SUITE: OBJECT BENCHMARK # # Andreas Geiger Philip Lenz Raquel Urtasun # # Karlsruhe Institute of Technology # # Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago # # www.cvlibs.net # ########################################################################### This file describes how to use the pre-trained object detector models that where used to generate the baseline approach for the KITTI object detection benchmark. The baseline approach are the "Discriminatively Trained Deformable Part Models", version 4. (Felzenszwalb et.al., Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part Based Models, PAMI 2010). The source code is available for download at http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~rbg/latent/. Pre-trained model files have the following naming convention: ___model.mat where object type may be car, pedestrian or cyclist. Supervision corresponds to one of the following numbers: % 0: Unsupervised % 1: Classes are provided for initialisation only % 2: Classes are provided and fixed during the whole training where class describes the orientation for an object in the current image. The 3D world coordinate system that is used to describe the orientation of an object with respect to the current viewing angle is given by X pointing forward, Y to the left and Z upwards. For further reference, an example for 16 orientation classes is provided by orientation.pdf within is this zip file.