--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Training stage 0 {Error using cat Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent. Error in acfTrain>sampleWins (line 245) nd=ndims(Is{1})+1; Is=cat(nd,Is{:}); Error in acfTrain (line 133) Is1 = sampleWins( detector, stage, 1 ); } imshow(disparity_mask) help parpool parpool Create a parallel pool of workers on a cluster and return a pool object pool = parpool creates and returns a pool on the default cluster with its NumWorkers in the range [1, preferredNumWorkers] for running parallel language features (parfor, parfeval, parfevalOnAll, spmd, and distributed). preferredNumWorkers is the value defined in your parallel preferences. Use delete(pool) to shut down the parallel pool. pool = parpool(numWorkers) creates and returns a pool with the specified number of workers. numWorkers can be a positive integer or a range specified as a 2-element vector of integers. If numWorkers is a range, the resulting pool has size as large as possible in the range requested. pool = parpool(cluster) creates and returns a pool on the specified cluster object. pool = parpool(profile) creates and returns a pool on the cluster defined in the specified parallel profile. pool = parpool(profileOrCluster, numWorkers) creates and returns a pool on the specified cluster or profile with the specified number of workers. pool = parpool(..., P1, V1, ..., Pn, Vn) allows additional parameter-value pairs that specify further properties of the created pool. The accepted parameters are: - 'AttachedFiles' - a string or a cell array of strings specifying files to be attached to the pool at the time of its creation. Attach files to the pool to allow them to be used by the workers. - 'SpmdEnabled' - a logical value (true or false) that enables the use of the SPMD language construct. By default 'SpmdEnabled' is set to true. If SpmdEnabled is set to false then you will not be able to use the SPMD language construct, however the parallel pool created should be more robust against workers crashing. - 'IdleTimeout' - an integer greater than zero that sets the time in minutes after which the pool will automatically shut itself down if it is idle. A pool is idle if it is not running code on the workers. By default 'IdleTimeout' is the same as the value in your parallel preferences. Examples: % Create a pool which uses all the default settings. myPool = parpool(); % Create a pool using the profile named 'MyProfile'. myPool = parpool('MyProfile') % Create a pool using the cluster myCluster. % First create myCluster using 'parcluster'. myCluster = parcluster(); % Now create the pool. myPool = parpool(myCluster); % Create a pool with 2 workers. myPool = parpool(2); % Create a pool using default settings and attach the file 'myFunction.m' % to it. myPool = parpool('AttachedFiles', {'myFunction.m'}); % Create a pool using default settings and disable the use of SPMD. myPool = parpool('SpmdEnabled', false); % Create a pool using default settings and an IdleTimeout of 2 hours. myPool = parpool('IdleTimeout', 120); See also gcp, parfor, spmd, parfeval, parfevalOnAll, parcluster, parallel.Cluster/parpool, batch, parallel.Pool/addAttachedFiles, parallel.Pool/updateAttachedFiles, parallel.Pool/listAutoAttachedFiles, parallel.Pool/delete. Overloaded methods: parallel.cluster.Local/parpool Reference page in Help browser doc parpool gcp ans = Pool with properties: Connected: true NumWorkers: 12 Cluster: local AttachedFiles: {} IdleTimeout: 30 minute(s) (27 minutes remaining) SpmdEnabled: true delete(gcp) Parallel pool using the 'local' profile is shutting down. {Error using imread (line 349) File "/home/data/matlab_rosado_full_p2_1/wide_left/00055.png" does not exist. } figure('name','Backgroun mask','numbertitle','off') imshow(background_mask) help imagesc imagesc Scale data and display as image. imagesc(...) is the same as IMAGE(...) except the data is scaled to use the full colormap. imagesc(...,CLIM) where CLIM = [CLOW CHIGH] can specify the scaling. See also image, colorbar, imread, imwrite. Reference page in Help browser doc imagesc {Operation terminated by user during kmeans/loopBody/batchUpdate (line 452) In kmeans/loopBody (line 381) converged = batchUpdate(); In internal.stats.parallel.smartForReduce (line 128) reduce = loopbody(iter, S); In kmeans (line 299) ClusterBest = internal.stats.parallel.smartForReduce(... } {Error using imread (line 349) File "/home/data/matlab_rosado_full_p2_1/wide_left/00050.png" does not exist. } mask = background_mask;& & disparity_mask; | {Error: Unexpected MATLAB operator. } {Undefined function or variable 'image_mask'. } clear all;close all;clc image_name = '000355.png'; image_path = fullfile('/home/data/matlab_rosado_full_p2_1/wide_left',image_name); disparity_path = fullfile('/home/data/matlab_rosado_full_p2_1/image_disparity/wide',image_name); background_path = fullfile('/home/data/matlab_rosado_full_p2_1/background_masks/wide',image_name); image = imread(image_path); image = imresize(image,0.5); disparity = imread(disparity_path); disparity = imresize(disparity,0.5); disparity_mask = disparity; disparity_mask(disparity_mask<50)=0; disparity_mask = logical(disparity_mask); background_mask = imread(background_path); background_mask = imresize(background_mask,0.5); background_mask = im2bw(background_mask,0.1); figure('name','Input','numbertitle','off') imshow(image) figure('name','Backgroun mask','numbertitle','off') imshow(background_mask) clear all;close all;clc image_name = '00050.png'; image_path = fullfile('/home/data/matlab_rosado_full_p2_1/wide_left',image_name); disparity_path = fullfile('/home/data/matlab_rosado_full_p2_1/image_disparity/wide',image_name); background_path = fullfile('/home/data/matlab_rosado_full_p2_1/background_masks/wide',image_name); image = imread(image_path); {Error using imread (line 349) File "/home/data/matlab_rosado_full_p2_1/wide_left/00050.png" does not exist. } MEvent. CASE! MEvent. CASE! MEvent. CASE! MEvent. CASE! MEvent. CASE! MEvent. CASE! parpool('open') {Error using parpool (line 99) 'open' is not the name of a profile. Valid names are: local } parpool('local'); Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ... connected to 12 workers. {Error using disparity (line 137) Not enough input arguments. } {Operation terminated by user during distcomp.remoteparfor/getCompleteIntervals (line 119) In parallel_function>distributed_execution (line 793) [tags, out] = P.getCompleteIntervals(min(thisDispatchSize, j)); In parallel_function (line 587) R = distributed_execution(... } {Undefined function or variable 'disparity_images_path'. } delete(gcp) Parallel pool using the 'local' profile is shutting down. ginput(1) ans = 781.2500 420.7500 image(781,420,:) ans(:,:,1) = 161 ans(:,:,2) = 157 ans(:,:,3) = 132 ginput(1) ans = 779.7500 416.2500 size(image) ans = 1031 1455 3 image(416,780,:) ans(:,:,1) = 177 ans(:,:,2) = 173 ans(:,:,3) = 148 parpool('local') Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ... connected to 12 workers. ans = Pool with properties: Connected: true NumWorkers: 12 Cluster: local AttachedFiles: {} IdleTimeout: 30 minute(s) (30 minutes remaining) SpmdEnabled: true IdleTimeout has been reached. Parallel pool using the 'local' profile is shutting down.