Version 3.26 (15-July-2014) -fevalDistr.m: tweaks to HPC case -bbGt>set(): minor fix (thanks David Hall) -bbGt>evalRes(): optimized, bbGt>bbLoad(): support for ImageNet format -minor: gradientMex.cpp Version 3.25 (15-Dec-2013) -added pointer to PAMI14 work: chnsScaling.m, acfTrain.m, chnsPyramid.m -minor: toolboxCompile.m Version 3.24 (10-Oct-2013) -classify/private/*.cpp: minor fixes for very large datasets -classify/forest*.m: added new options for splitting/applying -videos/opticalFlow.m: various improvements, changes to parameters -matlab/medianw.m: added fast weighted median -toolboxCompile.m: added option to compile w/o openMP -minor: imagesAlignSeq, bbApply, convConst, imResample, gradientMex, pca, kmeans2, subsampleMatrix (removed) Version 3.23 (20-Aug-2013) -fhog.m: added heavily optimized FHOG (Felzenszwalb's HOG) features -gradientHist.m/chnsCompute.m: added contrast sensitive gradient histograms -gradientHist.m: various optimization and additional options -gradientMag.m: added support for computing orientation in [0,2pi) -minor: acfDemoCal, hog, hogDraw Version 3.22 (08-Aug-2013) -imagesAlignSeq.m: stabilize image sequence using coarse optical flow -videos/: split images/ directory into images/ and videos/ -detector/acf*: minor fixes and tweaks -minor: localSum.m, kernelTracker.m, imrectLite.m (removed), rgbConvert.cpp Version 3.21 (30-July-2013) -classify/adaBoost*,binaryTree*: various improvements -detector/acf*: various optimization and tweaks -detector/acfDemoCal.m: added detector trained on Caltech Peds Dataset -minor: toolboxComple.m Version 3.20 (25-July-2013) * THIS IS A MAJOR RELEASE, FEATURING THE FOLLOWING NEW PACKAGE: * detector/ - Aggregate Channel Features (ACF) object detection code. * For more information, see detector/Contents.m. Other changes: -images/bb*.m: moved to detector/bb*.m -detector/bbGt.m: removed obsolete sampleWins() and sampleWinsDir() functions -classify/adaBoost*.m: added highly optimized code for boosted decision trees -classify/binaryTree*.m: added highly optimized code for binary decision trees -dijkstra.*: fixed for 64 bit and added back to toolbox (thanks Bhuwan Dhingra) -minor: forestFindThr.cpp, forestInds.cpp, toolboxComple, demoGenData Version 3.10 (11-June-2013) -NO LONGER SUPPORTING MATLAB VERSIONS PRIOR TO MATLAB 2011b -mlint error fixes throughout for Matlab 2013a -forestTrain.m: optimizations and minor fix if hs small (thanks Stefan Gachter) -bbGt.m: minor fix to bbGt>loadAll (thanks Phuc Nguyen) -minor: savefig, seqReaderPlugin Version 3.02 (19-Feb-2013) -chnsCompute.m/chnsPyramid.m: tweaks to input/output format -chnsScaling.m: improved robustness, various tweaks -fevalDistr.m: new usage cases, major overhaul -minor: gradientMag, rgbConvert, bbGt, opticalFlow, convTri, convBox, mat2cell2, plotRoc Version 3.01 (17-Sep-2012) -opticalFlow.m: optimized coarse-to-fine LK and HS flow -optFlow*.m: deleted, made obsolete by opticalFlow.m -forestTrain.m/forestApply.m: fast random forest code -minor: toolboxCompile.m, imtransform2.m, seqReaderPlugin.m Version 3.00 (6-Aug-2012) * THIS IS A MAJOR RELEASE, FEATURING THE FOLLOWING NEW PACKAGE: * channels/ - Robust image features, including HOG, for fast object detection. * For more information, see channels/Contents.m. Other changes: -moved hog, hogDraw and imResample from images/ to channels/ -removed mac binaries which were obsolete (code can still be compiled on a Mac) -minor: toolboxUpdateHeader, toolboxCompile, toolboxGenDoc, localSum, imShrink Version 2.66 (4-Aug-2012) -optFlowHorn.m: major rewrite/optimization, coarse-to-fine computation -minor: bbLabeler.m, plotRoc.m, seqReader/WriterPlugin.m, bbGt.m Version 2.65 (14-June-2012) -bbApply>random(): rewrote to make more powerful -bbGt: various improvements/tweaks -seqReaderPlugin.m: support for reading Jpeg-BayerRGB8 (thanks Dayu Lin) -minor: jitterImage.m, char2img.m Version 2.64 (13-Apr-2012) -bbGt.m: major changes/overhaul, not fully backward compatible -minor: bbApply.m Version 2.63 (15-Mar-2012) -plotRoc.m: ability to specify multiple reference points -bbGt.m: optimized various subfunctions and made more flexible -seq*Plugin.m: support for PNG in Matlab 2011b and BayerRGB8 (for read only) -minor: bbApply.m, convOnes.c Version 2.62 (22-Dec-11) -imResample: major optimziations, *input format has changed* -ploRoc.m: improved options and commenting, fixed second output parameter -hog: major optimizations, removed obsolete param oGran -dijkstra.*: removed from toolbox (was broken on 64 bit matlab) -removed all 32 bit binaries (will no longer distribute) -minor: dispMatrixIm.m, imtransform2, bbApply.m, jitterImage.m Version 2.61 (16-June-11) -imtransform2: massive overhaul (optimized, mexed, new IO format) -imagesAlign: added code for fast/robust homography estimation -diffTracker: removed (made obsolete by far more powerful imagesAlign) -fernsClfTrain: various speedups (thanks Kristin Branson) -kernelTracker: minor bug fix for single scale case (thanks Juan Carlos Niebles) -minor: fevalDistr, simpleCache, seqIo, seqPlayer, seqReaderPlugin, ... textureMap, convnFast, diskFill, jitterImage, toolboxCompile, dijkstra1.cpp Version 2.60 (21-Jan-11) -behaviorAnnotator: added video behavior annotation tool to toolbox. -seqIo: convert from avi (thanks Xavier Burgos-Artizzu), various tweaks -bbNms: large speedups (thanks Boris Babenko), changed how maxn works -plotRoc: various minor fixes -imResample: optimized -mexw64: updated windows 64 bit binaries -minor: getPrmDflt(), seqPlayer Version 2.53 (18-Nov-10) -localSum: sped up case for 2D or 3D convolution w ones filter -imResample: added case for fast nearest neighbor image resampling -imtransform2: various optimization, including inline linear interp -diffTracker: added ability to find scale change between images -bbLabeler: enhanced GUI, including zoom and pan control (thanks Boris Babenko) -added mac 64 bit intel binaries -minor: nlfiltersep, seqIo, toolboxCompile Version 2.52 (25-Oct-10) -seq*.m: various optimizations for reading/writing/viewing seq files -pdist2: fix for numerical error causing negative d (thanks Lena Gorelick) -bbLabler.m: tweaked GUI, image wide lines indicate cursor position -kmeans2: ability to specify initial cluster centers for first trial -kernelTracker: minor bug fix for single scale case (thanks Juan Carlos Niebles) -minor: bbNms, bbGt, bbApply, multiTimes, fevalDistr, plotRoc Version 2.51 (17-Apr-10) -seqIo.m: major rewrite: cleanup, commenting, new functionality, bug fixes -updated description of classify/ directory on main page -minor: seqWriterPlugin, seqReaderPlugin, seqPlayer, imRectRot, uniqueColors Version 2.50 (18-Mar-10) -classify/ferns*.m: fast random fern classification/regression code -dispMatrixIm.m: code to display a Matrix with non-negative entries in image form -fevalDistr.m: jobs can return outputs (not limited to writing res to disk) -bbApply.m: crop() correctly returns extent of cropped bbs -toolboxCompile.m: rewrite, standardized all c/c++ headers -classify/clf*.m, nfoldxval.m, demoClassify.m: moved to external/deprecated, these functions were outdated, better code exists, will no longer support these -minor: randSample, rbfComputeBasis, rbfComputeFtrs, seqIo, imResample1, ... tocStatus, seqPlayer, bbGt, confMatrixShow, textureMap, seqReaderPlugin Version 2.42 (22-Feb-10) -jitterImage.m: major overhaul (also removed jitterVideo.m as it was broken) -getPrmDflt.m: major rewrite (speedup and code cleanup) -bbNms.m: added ovrDnm parameter -bbGt.m: fixed toGt() to work for ellipses, added draw() -minor: toolboxCompile, multiTimes, seqPlayer, plotEllipse, randSample, pDist2 -using Matlab wrappers and moved mex to /private: imResample, hog, dijkstra Version 2.41 (18-Jan-10) -hog.cpp, hogDraw.m: added very efficient HOG feature computation code -fevalDistr.m: wrapper for distributed cluster code (must be installed separately) -bbGt.m: added evalResDir() for evaluating Pascal detection criteria -nlfiltersep.m: simpler/faster 'block' case (deleted nlfiltersep_blocksum.*). -localSum.m: extra options to compute local mins/maxes -seqIo.m/seqReaderPlugin.m: 'getts': return timestamps for all frames -minor: plotRoc.m, toolboxCompile.m, bbApply.m, bbLabeler.m, im.m, bbNms.m Version 2.40 (24-Nov-09) -added images/bbLabeler.m: Bounding box or ellipse labeler for static images. -added images/bbGt.m: bb data struct, evaluation and sampling routines. -images/seqIo.m, seqReaderPlugin.m: seq conversion and new header support -images/imRectRot.m: additional display options and numerous tweaks -matlab/multiDiv.m: added extra cases -images/maskEllipse.m: faster, simpler, minor bus fix, all in matlab now -images/bbApply.m: rewrote draw(), tweaked toMask() -minor: plotEllipse.m, fevalImages.m, cell2array.m, bbNms.m, seqPlayer.m Version 2.35 (17-Sep-09) -tested w Matlab 2009b (some mlint errors due to new tilde ~ operator) -added windows 64-bit binaries -added matlab/multiDiv.m (similar to multiTimes but for division) -added images/imRectRot.m: draggable, resizable, rotatable rect or ellipse -tuned images/imRectLite.m, however, now OBSOLETE (see imRectRot.m) -fixed some compatibility issues w Octave (rotationMatrix and getPrmDft) -added new cases to matlab/multiTimes.m -added matlab/spBlkDiag.m: sparse block matrix generation -moved bbApply.m to /images (from /matlab), generalized bbApply>random -added images/bbNms.m: Non-maximal suppression of bbs (including 'cover') -sped up classify/pdist2.m for squared Euclidean case (thanks Vincent) -images/imResample.m can now take inputs of type uint8 -seqIo.m: generalized to/frimgs, tweaked seq*Plugins, seqPlayer.m -moved modefilt1.m form /image to /filters -added filters/medfilt1m.m: adaptive median filtering with missing values -added txt2img.m and char2img.m to /matlab: Convert text to binary image Version 2.31 (03-Jun-09) -tweaked images/imrectLite.m -generalized matlab/bbApply>squarify and bbApply>toMask -added matlab/randSample.m (custom implem. of randsample in Stat Toolbox) -added images/diffTracker.m (see documentation) -images/seqIo.m: more versatile crop function Version 2.30 (15-May-09) -adding images/seq* (support for .seq video files) -added bbApply>nmsMax,toMask,frMask, tweaked other bbApply funcs -optimized rbfComputeFtrs -added matlab/multiTimes.m (faster than external/other/multiprod.m) -replaced images/imDownsample with images/imResample -updated version of savefig to 2.0 (can embed fonts) -fixed/suppressed mlint errors new to Matlab 2009a Version 2.20 (06-Mar-09) -optimized classify/kmeans2 and classify/meanShift -added matlab/uniqueColor.m for generating random colors -added images/imDownsample (fast bilinear image downsampling) -tweaked/improved confMatrixShow -removed restriction that pidst2 must use type double -tweaked/added to bbApply.m -tweaked/added to getPrmDflt.m -tweaked/improved classify/rbf* -added multiprod.m to external/other -cleaned up c code/headers Version 2.12 (17-Nov-08) -new version of savefig (also removed exportfig) -optimized/tweaked nonMaxSupr and nonMaxSuprList <--2-3x faster -added matlab/bbApply: functions for manipulating bounding boxes -removed dependencies to randint & minmax (not available on all systems) -tested compatibility with Matlab 2008b (all ok!) -tested on minimal Matlab install (requires Image Processing + Signal Processing Toolboxes) Version 2.11 (09-July-08) -removing external/xmltree from toolbox (not being used by anything) -removing /private directories from doc -added Google Analytics Code to documentation (replaced StatCounter) Version 2.10 (02-July-08) -added kernelTracker.m (and helper funciton) to /images -added /matlab/plotRoc.m and /matlab/dirSynch.m -added matlab/dijkstras.m (and accompanying cpp files in /private) -made /matlab/getPrmDflt.m more flexible -minor update to /matlab/RotationMatrix.m -moved main comment after "function ..." line for nicer Matlab code collapsing -updated compile script, including linux binaries Version 2.03 (25-Feb-08) -optimized getPrmDflt. New cleaner way of using it too. -optimized images/imtransform2 -minor performance tweak for meanShift1.c -minor tweaks to images/imrectLite -minor tweak to doc index.html file to remove scrollbars if unnecessary -typos fixes in documentation, learned to spell "license" Version 2.02 (31-Oct-07) -made images/im.m compatible with Matlab2007b -in doc changed toolbox_compile to toolboxCompile -minor optimization / bug fix in matlab/arrayCrop -minor bugs/cleanup of images/imtransform2 -added images/imrectLite Version 2.01 (10-Oct-07) -added copyright notice to each file -added LGPL licence information (see gpl.txt and lgpl.txt) -moved savefig/matrix2latex from /external to /external/other Version 2.0 (30-Sept-07) -major overhaul that included renaming / merging many functions -NOT backward compatible -standardizing naming conventions (no more under_scores) -removed: -montages2 (see montages) -rotation_matrix2D,rotation_matrix3D,recover_rotation3D (see rotationMatrix) -localsum, localsum_block (see localSum) -normxcorrn_fg (see normxcorrn) -imsubs_resize (not useful/general) -filters merged lots of 1d/nd functions (visalizeFilters, FbMake, filterGauss) -removed randperm2 (see randsample in the matlab statistics toolbox) -merged pca_apply and pca_apply_large -removed mode2.m (now apparently part of matlab) -merged all the dist_*.m -> into pdist2.m -merged imwrite2split into imwrite2 -merged nlfilt_sep and nlfiltblock_sep into nlfiltersep -merged 1d/nd histogram function, cleaned up commenting -merged makemovie, makemovies, makemovieset, makemovisets, playmovie into playMovie -merged filmstrip, filmstrips into filmStrip Version 1.5 (06-Jul-07) -major documentation change -formatting of code -general code cleanup -fixed display bug in kmeans2 -changed behavior of gauss_smooth if extra sigmas specified -tweaked playmovies Version 1.03 (03-May-06) -this file is now a standard part of the documentation -thanks to everyone who gave me comments and helped make this toolbox more useful! -added imtranslate.m -playmovie/playmovies backward/forward playback -comment nonmaxsupr < vs <= -compile problems 'toolbox_compile' -tweaked feval_images / imwrite2 to make more resilient -added to imnormalize -added scales to jitterimage -added imwrite2split (useful extension to imwrite2 for writing/reading from mul dirs) -lots of other minor fixes that I should have recorded... Version 1.02 (29-Nov-05) -filmstrip/filstrips -principal is misspelled in the PCA-related functions. -fixed clustermontages (header was stripped) -updated overview (add to path, recompile, description) Version 1.01 (11-Oct-05) -minor changes? Version 1.00 (02-Oct-05) -initial version