Altium Limited Microchip Batch Number 200709 Publication History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29-May-2009 04-May-2009 29-Jan-2009 11-Oct-2004 Latest Modification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29-May-2009 04-May-2009 Component IntLib Name Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 components Microchip Microcontroller 8-Bit PIC18 Sch Symbol fixed. 4 components Microchip Interface Pinout fixed. Revision History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For complete revision history please see latest version of the Library Index. Reporting Errors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any errors in these libraries should be reported to the Altium Library Development Center so that they can be rectified immediately. A form has been provided for this purpose on the Library section of the Altium website ( Library News ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notification of Amendments and Updates to these libraries will be sent via the "Library News" e-mail list. See