Safety First

Since this is a new product, not to many people may be familiar with working with pneumatic systems. Therefore a few safety guidelines should be followed.

  1. 1. Always wear goggles when proto-trying a new design.
  2. 2. Never connect a plastic PET soda bottle to an air compressor.
  3. 3. Never use a glass bottle for air storage.
  4. 4. Limit PET bottle size to one liter (or quart) or less.
  5. 5. Do not unscrew the bottle top, pull off an air fitting or valve when the system is still pressurized. Bleed the system of air first.
Going Further

The air muscle is imported from England where it has been under development for a number of years. Some of the applications found for the air muscle are interesting.

In the future we will return with more projects for the air muscle.

Basic Program

5 REM Nitinol Air Valve Controller

10 REM John Iovine
15 REM Find Printer Port Address
20 DEF SEG = 0 25 a = (PEEK(1032) + 256 * PEEK(1033))
30 REM Next line activates the air muscle
35 OUT a,1
40 REM Next line deactivates the air muscle
45 OUT a,0

Parts List
Air Muscle 6" length with 5/32 tubing $ 16.75
PET Bottle top adaptor with pressure release valve. $ 4.00
3-Way Air Valve $ 4.00
Air Pump Adapter $ 2.00
Foot Air pump with 100 psi air pressure gauge $ 12.95
5/32" dia. air tubing $ .25 ft
7/32" dia. clear air tubing $ .25 in (for making quick releases)

IBM Interface

DB25 pin connector $ 3.50
Nitinol valve $ 15.00
4050 Non-inverting Hex Buffer $ 1.00
TIP 120 NPN Darlington Transistor $ 1.25

Parts Available from

Images SI Inc.
POB 140742
Staten Island NY 10314
(718) 698-8305


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