Autopod 0.33, an untethered pneumatic walking metamere robot
by Jan
Henri Cocatre-Zilgien
(C) 1996 Jan Cocatre-Zilgien
802 East California Avenue
Urbana, IL
61801-4342, U.S.A.
2. Robot
2.1. Body
2.2. Leg
2.3. Hybrid leg
& wheel arrangement
3. Motor
3.1. McKibben
3.1.1. History of
the McKibben actuator
3.1.2. Materials
and construction
3.1.3. Performance
and characteristics
3.1.4. Design
3.2.1. Hinged Kink
3.2.2. Valve
patent application
3.2.3. Valve
3.3. Compressed air
power supply
4.1. Leg
4.2. Other
5.1.1. Upper
5.1.2. Sensory
5.1.4. Motor
5.1.5. Electrical
power supply
5.2. Algorithms and
5.2.1. Mostly
Proportional Control
5.2.2. Serial
6.1. Walking
6.2. Energetic
6.4. Costs
7.1. Six-legged
robot possibility
7.2. Underestimation
of hardware design
7.3. Brain
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Walking robots present challenges
that go beyond the mere coordination of walking, which is widely perceived as
the main problem to be solved for such machines. A walking machine needs to be a
harmoniously integrated system of general design, leg design, actuators,
actuator controls, energy and power supplies, external and internal sensors,
navigational equipment, communications links, and controlling system. The
building of a successful machine is more likely to be hampered by the mismatch
between all of these components than by any one element in particular being
ill-suited to its task.
The Autopod project consisted in the design, the component testing, the
construction, and the evaluation of a proof-of- concept walking robot, within
one year (1996). Its purpose was to gain more insight on the problems related to
the interface and integration of multidisciplinary systems. Unlike the building
of a new car, for which hundreds of models exist, there are no guidelines for
the building of a walking machine.
Objectives were not defined in terms of shape, materials, or operating
principles, but in terms of function. The function chosen for Autopod was a
useful and real one, namely Search and Rescue in an urban environment. A typical
mission would involve carrying a TV or an infrared camera to find survivors
trapped in collapsed and unstable buildings after earthquakes or explosions. For
example, a large and heavy slab of concrete hanging by a single reinforcing bar
prevented rescue personnel from reaching an area of the federal building
recently destroyed by terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City (and the slab actually
did spontaneously crash down a few days later). Another typical mission would be
exploring an area of toxic or explosive gas, such as in a mine or an accidental
spill of the chemical industry, which would prevent the use of search dogs.
The mission of Autopod therefore imposes the followings constraints on the
robot: It has to be relatively small and easy to bring to the location of a
disaster area. It has to be of low acquisition and operational cost, so that
although not designed to be expendable, it can be sent without hesitation in
dangerous areas from which it may not come back. It has to be robust and
untethered, given the terrain it has to tread. It has to be simple, fast to
set-up on site, and easy to operate by mostly untrained personnel, often in
difficult and urgent conditions.
The development of Autopod led to an hybrid intermediary machine having two
legs and two wheels, dubbed "Autopod 0.33" (front cover photo), essentially as a
third of a six-legged machine end product. This version maintained the need of
system integration, and allowed exploring the biological concept of "metamere"
for control. Autopod 0.33 uses inflatable instead of air cylinder actuators,
controls its actuators by novel kink valves instead of solenoid valves, and is
powered by a high- pressure tank of compressed air instead of an on-board
compressor. Given the partial limitation that this robot is a hybrid leg-wheel
arrangement, the objectives were reached, except performance-wise on slopes, for
reasons which will be discussed later. [return to top of
The body of the robot is made
entirely of L section aluminum (12" x 12" x 1/16"), bolted together in a very
rigid interlocking frame that does not need bracing (Fig.1). The frame is hollow
and of easy access and supports directly, from the top down, an electronics
board, a valves board, low-pressure tanks, and a high-pressure tank. The top
(electronics board) is protected by a hemicylindrical sheet of clear

1. Three-quarter front view photograph of Autopod 0.33 showing
the body
frame, the longitudinal offset of the wheels relative to the
body, and the
legs of the metamere.
Each leg of the robot is made of
aluminum tube (3/4" OD, 1/16" wall) and square-section aluminum tube (1" side,
1/16" wall). It is essentially a pantograph leg, so that the tibia stays
parallel to the coxa (usually vertical) when extensors and flexors of the tibia
are equally activated (Fig.2). This leg with all apparent - and vulnerable -
parts was designed for ease of repositioning pivoting axes and pulling points;
the leg of a more robust robot would be designed after the Morrill Leg (Dept. of
Entomology, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign), that is, with a riveted
steel loadbearing exoskeleton.

2. Front view photograph of Autopod 0.33 showing the right leg of
metamere bearing weight on the ground and the left leg lifted up.
The walking
metamere is essentially a pair of legs from a 6- legged machine, with the four
missing legs replaced by a pair of low pressure (15 PSI) 14" diameter unpowered
wheels. The wheel axle is long enough that the robot is always tripod-stable
with any one leg and two wheels on the ground. Location of the center of mass
relative to the wheels is such that the legs bear approximately the same load as
they would in a 6-legged version (see front cover photo and section 6.3 below).
Wheel arrangement also allows load variation by adding weights above the
location of the legs to simulate payloads, or by adding counterweights on the
other side of the axles to partially simulate buoyancy or low-gravity. However,
the wheels introduce problems of their own, especially on sloped terrain.
The metamere robot control is simpler, as the robot has only 3 degrees of
freedom: pitch up & down (metamere elevate-crouch down), yaw left &
right (metamere crab left & right), and movement forward & backwards.
Except for some stability issues, integration of all the subsystems and results
can reasonably be extrapolated to a 6 degrees of freedom 6-legged version. [return to top of
For simplicity, weight, and
compliance reasons, compressed air was selected over electricity as propulsive
power. Also, compressed air is safer in explosive environments. Working pressure
was 100 PSI, but without payload, Autopod 0.33 actually walked with 70 PSI, and
the whole system has been tested at 160 PSI for "emergency power". Because this
was a personal project, hydraulics were not considered for logistics reasons.
Leg design is intertwined with
that of the actuators. One of the problems that emerged during component testing
is that mid-size cylinders, even the aluminum-ended ones, are somewhat heavy for
the work they can produce under 100 PSI. A computer program was written to
optimize actuator and leg geometry, as a function of actuator weights (which are
not listed in catalogs and have to be extrapolated from samples &
reconstructions). As an alternative, custom cylinders made out of rigid PVC
tubing were built, but the bore of plastic tubing turned out to be irregular and
mottled enough that no O-ring could slide in them smoothly. In the end,
custom-made McKibben actuators were built and used successfully for all
actuators of Autopod 0.33. It is apparently the first time such actuators have
been used for a walking machine, although it is possible this was done in Japan,
where McKibben actuators are manufactured and where there are many types of
walking robots. As witnesses of the robot have been intrigued by the life-like
appearance and the motion of these inflatable actuators, they will be described
now in some detail.
In the 1950s,
American physician Joseph L. McKibben invented a pneumatic muscle actuator of a
deceptively simple design to power artificial arms in amputees. His actuator
consists of a rubberlike inner tube inside a hollow braided sleeve; increasing
the pressure of a fluid in the inner tube increases the diameter of the
actuator, and shortens it by pantograph action on the braided sleeve. The
invention seems never to have caught on, presumably because the amputees had to
carry a pressurized tank on their backs. In robotics, however, these artificial
muscles are much more appealing, and the Japanese corporation Bridgestone has
patented its "Rubbertuator" based on an extension of the same concept. For
convenience, Autopod actuators were custom built, after what developed into
significant experimentation.
The construction of
the McKibben actuator described here is built with components that can be found
in nearly any hardware store. As a result its cost is low, several times less
expensive than an equivalent cylinder counterpart. The parts needed for a
typical $4 one-foot long actuator are listed below:
- Two feet of hollow braided polypropylene rope 2" diameter, 16- braids, for
the outer sleeve. Often yellow in color and labeled simply "Poly", it is also
found in shipchandlers. Smaller 3/8" diameter 12-braid rope can also be used,
but performance is decreased. Polypropylene is best cut with a soldering gun
or iron. Rope with fewer than 12 braids is to be avoided.
- 14" of latex tubing 3/8" OD 4" ID for the inner tube. Latex can stretch
more than 700% before bursting, and the thickness of this particular tubing
minimizes the risk of its bulging and bursting between braids under pressure
(Fig.3B). Latex tubing is also available in medical supply centers.
- Two worm gear clamps 5/16" - 29/32" or similar.
- A nylon L fitting for 4" flexible tubing, that is with 3 or 4 barbs on
each branch.
- Two short machine screws that just fit in the inner diameter of fitting

3. Photos of two different custom-made McKibben actuators.
(A) The top
actuator is of the kind used in Autopod 0.33. (B) The bottom
actuator was an
unsuccessful attempt at reducing the number of braids to
increase pulling
force, and inner tubing burst out between braids.
The assembly proceeds in two steps. The first step is the preparation of end
plugs for the inner tube. One of the branches of the nylon L is sawed off, and
the cut sections are plugged with machine screws secured with epoxy glue. A
short length of brass tubing or a specific fitting is epoxied for the air supply
hose in the remaining port of the sawed L. Epoxy is allowed to cure 24 hours.
Supply hoses of appropriate pressure rating (generally polyethylene) are to be
used. The second step is the assembly proper and takes but a few minutes. With a
pair of smooth needle-nosed pliers, a lozenge-shaped space is stretched open
between braids, the latex inner tube is inserted inside the rope, and then, by a
strange operation akin to feeding a worm to a snake, it is pushed manually in
until only the free branch of the L fitting protrudes from the hollow rope. Care
must be taken so that the latex is not damaged by the tool. Finally, the two
extremities are folded around a 4" diameter rod or other pivot and the clamps
are screwed exactly over the plugs, which can be located by touch. It is better
to position the worm screw of the clamp on the folded side of the loop so as to
pad as much polypropylene as possible between the worm screw and the underlying
A test actuator
was built as described above, with an active length of 30.48 cm (1') and a pivot
to pivot length of 37 cm, to obtain some quantitative data and assess its
performance. SI units are used below for comparison with the scientific
literature. An unpressurized actuator was hung vertically and loaded
incrementally by the addition of weights up to 728 N (163 lb) then unloaded
incrementally down to zero load, at which the length was remeasured at 37.7 cm,
defined as the zero-length. The same cycle was repeated with different pressures
up to 689 kPa (100 PSI, 68.9 N/cm2) in increments of 138 kPa (20 PSI). The
actuator is pictured in Figure 3A, and force-length results for different
pressures are plotted in Figure 4. These results influenced the overall design
of Autopod's legs.
Readily apparent from the graphs is that the force produced depends on
actuator length (which is also the case of biological muscles). For a given
pressure, for example of 689 kPa (100 PSI), the pulling force decreases with the
shortening of the actuator, from one extreme of 550 N (123 lb) for no shortening
at all (0%), to the other extreme of 0 N for a shortening of 8.5 cm (22%). By
comparison, the force produced by a piston is independent of its position in a
cylinder actuator. If emulating air cylinders was the objective, drawing
rectangles within the boundaries of Figure 4 would allow to identify equivalent
ones; for example, a 1.66 cm (21/32") bore 5 cm (2") stroke, as drawn in Figure
The actuator diameter increases from 1.75 cm (0.69") deflated to about 2.6 cm
(1.02") inflated. Dividing the zero- length force (550 N) by the inflated
cross-section area (5.3 cm2) yields a maximum stress of 1030 kPa (103 N/cm2, 149
PSI). Note that it is stronger than a piston of similar diameter (689 kPa), and
more than three times stronger than a biological muscle (350 kPa). At an air
pressure of 500 kPa, maximum stress is 755 kPa, only 65% of the average of 1160,
880 and 1440 kPa gathered from the literature at that air pressure, but a good
result considering that all the components are off-the-shelf and extremely
![[force/length plots]](Autopod 0_33, an untethered pneumatic walking metamere robot_ficheiros/ap033f04.jpg)
4. Force-length relationship of the actuator at 5 different
pressures (see
text). Hysteresis trajectory is clockwise. The rectangle
defines the
performance envelope of a 21/32" bore 2" stroke air cylinder
used for
The force-length diagram also reveals that at a given length, the force
produced is not the same depending on the direction of the change of actuator
length at that time. This hysteresis effect, due to friction, complicates the
task of the actuator controller because it is difficult to predict. This form of
viscosity could be called a "spatial delay" in the operation of the actuator.
The weight of the actuator is 64 g (2.25 oz), that is four times less than an
equivalent cylinder, but as two McKibben actuators are needed to replace one
double acting cylinder, weight advantage is two times less, still a very
significant advantage for a pneumatic walking robot.
One disadvantage of
McKibben actuators (shared with Nitinol wire and some biological muscles) is
their short stroke for their length, about 22% without load but more like 10%
with a useful load, compared with the 40% that can be reached by some cylinder
actuators. As a result, actuators may have to be positioned away from their
point of action, just as finger extensor and flexor muscles are located in the
forearm. Since they only pull, as opposed to double action cylinders, cables and
pulleys (or teflon guides) can reroute the direction of the force produced.
Another limitation is that only one size of rope and inner tube is given here
and the resulting actuator is unlikely to be adapted to a prespecified task, as
opposed to cylinder actuators, for which a wide choice of diameters and strokes
exists. However, the stroke can be extrapolated from the data in Figure 4; a
muscle twice as long will provide twice as much stroke (actually slightly more,
as the length of the two end loops is constant). Also, the force can simply be
multiplied by linking several actuators in parallel, which is easy for reasons
explained below.
McKibben actuators are robust and can be somewhat bent longitudinally and
twisted axially, so that the placement of its end attachments is very flexible
(unlike cylinders, which have to obey strict trigonometry). They can even "jump"
joints if too long to fit in a limb segment. Another aspect of their robustness
is that when stretched (Fig.4) they tend to become like the hefty rope they were
in the first place, here with a tensile strength of 17 kN (3800 lb). As a
result, they naturally act as "stops" preventing damaging joint hyperextension
or hyperflexion. In a typical antagonistic extensor-flexor arrangement (Fig.2),
the extensor should be able to shorten completely under 100 PSI pressure without
fighting a stretched flexor under 0 PSI on the other side, and vice-versa.
Except for their low maximum stress relative to their published or advertised
counterparts, these actuators did not have any operational problems (and never
burst as in Fig.3B). There is obviously room for improvement of the performance
by selecting a better braided sleeve than polypropylene rope and a slightly
thinner walled inner tube.
It was no surprise that
valves to control the actuators of Autopod 0.33 were a problem, as experienced
with Protobot in
the Hexapod Group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The "leaky pulse frequency
modulated system" developed for Protobot turned out to consume too much
compressed air for an untethered robot, at least in a simple form, so it was
abandoned. Commercial valves were too heavy, too power-hungry or too expensive.
Quite a number of lightweight spool valves with a wide variety of plastic and
metal tubing were experimented with, but either they exhibited too much stiction
or they just leaked. They needed close tolerances that could not be attained
simply, and this in turn impacted on their robustness, so spool valves were
abandoned too. This need for a valve led to the "hinged kink valve" concept. At
first its arrangement seemed too simple to be effective, but it worked so well
first in extensive trials and then in the robot itself that it was a very good
surprise indeed. Trials for Autopod valves were conducted to the thousands
actuations, but similar kink valves in the literature can be opened and closed
up to one million times without failure. This valve fulfilled all the
requirements for the walking robot.
The principle of kink
valves goes back to at least 1892, but hinged kink valves seemed novel, so given
its great advantages, a patent has
been applied for (Oct. 23, 1996). The patent application summary and a drawing
(Fig.5) are reproduced here: "A two-way flexible valve is provided to control or
interrupt the flow of a medium. The valve comprises a semi-rigid length of
tubing that has been kinked by bending it until the material has yielded in an
irreversible manner. Ulterior flexions of the tubing then tend to take place
about the preferred axis set by the kink. An acute angle will close the valve by
crimping the lumen shut, whereas an obtuse angle will open it, in some
proportion of the angle. One end of the kinked valve tubing is held by a fitting
on a support, and the other end is held by a fitting fastened to a lever hinged
on pivot pins. The distance between holding fittings and the valve kink itself
is several times the diameter of the valve tubing, and the axis of the kink is
collinear with that of the hinge, both factors reducing stress in the valve
material and increasing its lifespan. An elastic member holds the valve closed,
and a flexible actuating line acting against the elastic member opens the valve
in some proportion of its pull. The valve is simple, inexpensive, robust, of low
maintenance, and because of its semi-rigid material, can withstand pressures
higher than most flexible valves. A three-way valve embodiment is detailed for
the control of a robotic actuator."
![[patent drawing #3]](Autopod 0_33, an untethered pneumatic walking metamere robot_ficheiros/ap033f05.jpg)
5. Patent application drawing of the normally closed three-way
hinged kink
valve embodiment. Some relevant parts are supply port 25a,
actuator port 43,
exhaust port 25b (with optional silencer 48), servo arm
47a&b, flexible
lines 29, rubber bands 27. Drawing shows valve from
supply to actuator open,
and valve from actuator to exhaust closed.
In the implementation for
Autopod 0.33, the support is a cut and bent thin aluminum sheet, the lever is
made of bent piano wire, and the elastic members are plain rubber bands. Valve
actuation is created by the arms of a standard model aircraft servo (Fig.6). All
valves and servos are secured or embedded in 3/4" thick expanded polystyrene,
with one end for electrical connections, and the other for the actuator
connections (Fig.7). A main manifold runs under the board to feed air to each
three- way valve. The servos are controlled by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Air
flows practically full bore from supply to actuator for a pulse width of 2 ms,
and flows practically full bore from actuator to exhaust for a width of 1 ms.
Between these two extreme values flow is throttled accordingly, in about 100
steps in each direction, with a complete closure of both two-way valves for a
1.5 ms pulse width (closed center mode). The relationship between kink angle and
air flow was not investigated, but it is very likely non linear.

6. Implementation of three-way hinged kink valves on a styrofoam
board for
Autopod 0.33.

7. Top front photo of the robot. Single extensors and flexors of
the left and
right coxa are not powerful enough to climb slopes. The 12
compressed air
lines from the servovalve board are clearly visible.
Originally a small
on-board gas-powered compressor was envisioned, because the excellent energy to
weight ratio of gasoline would provide long endurance. A wide range of
lightweight gasoline engines exist from 3 to 60 HP, for model or experimental
aircraft, and all develop about 1 HP/lb. However, suitable compressors to hook
up to them, except for some rare exceptions (see section 6.4), were not found.
Compressors are usually designed without any weight consideration (using cast
iron, for example) for fixed industrial plants and struggle at about 0.1 HP/lb.
The requested autonomy depends on the mission of the robot. The mission of
Autopod 0.33 was not to beat a record of endurance, so the idea of an on-board
gasoline engine to power it was dropped. Also, a gasoline engine would not be
suited to operate in air of low oxygen content or an explosive atmosphere.

8. Rear view of Autopod 0.33 showing, from top to bottom,
polycarbonate shield, electronics board with switches and
two serial ports,
servovalve board, low pressure tanks level, high
pressure tank level with
pressure regulator, and attachments for removable
axle & wheels unit.
Quick-connect fitting for optional hose tether is
just outside of the
As a consequence, actuators of Autopod 0.33 are powered either by a
quick-connect 3/8" hose tether linked to an electrical 3.5 HP compressor for the
prototype, or by 3000 PSI air tanks for the operational version. A 20 foot
tether is used for indoor testing, and a 100 foot long tether is used for
outdoors testing. The 3000 PSI tanks are high pressure cylinders made of
fiberglass-wrapped aluminum ( SCI ,
Pomona, CA). They have a Department of Transportation exemption and need to be
pressure proofed every 3 years. They are expensive and it takes months to obtain
them, but the energy they contain is comparable to that of lead-acid batteries
of the same weight. They can be recharged at Fire Departments and at commercial
dealers of firefighting equipment ($15/cylinder). In an operational 6-legged
Search & Rescue robot, these tanks can either be exchanged for a filled one
in a few minutes, like huge batteries, or recharged, also in a few minutes, from
the high-pressure supply available in nearly all Fire Trucks.
A standard and heavy (3 lb) single stage industrial regulator brings down the
pressure from 3000 PSI to a manually adjustable range of 0 - 180 PSI (Fig.8).
3/8" diameter brass tubing serves as the main manifold on the whole length of
the body. To minimize main manifold pressure variations, four one- liter
Windkessel tanks are connected to it in parallel. These tanks are made of
fiberglass-wrapped polyethylene bottles proof- tested to 160 PSI, and are of
insignificant weight and cost. There was concern originally that the regulator
would ice up and clog because of the high flow and the dew point of the typical
humidity of Illinois, but this never occurred. During intensive use outdoors,
both regulator and high-pressure tank get cold and covered with dew though, a
good reason not to put any electronics below them. [return to top of
The number of sensors per leg is the
minimal required, four, and this of course pales in comparison to the thousands
on a cockroach leg, but it is enough for quite complex types of robot behavior.
The three joint angles are measured by
50 kn potentiometers and encoded by 8-bit Analog to Digital to Serial chips
(ADC0831). Eight bit resolution (256 steps) is sufficient for a walking machine,
as opposed to pick-&-place robotic arms.
Leg contact information is provided by heavy duty momentary push-buttons
secured in a rubber foot at the end of the tibiae. They can be triggered up to
inclinations of 45ø of the tibia relative to flat ground. Their activation force
is 4 lb and their deactivation force 3 lb, which creates an hysteresis that
prevents the sensor from hesitating in describing the state of the leg.
Initially a compression spring with a linear potentiometer encoding some analog
value of the force was tried, but abandoned as not rugged enough. The sideloads
at the feet are surprisingly destructive for foot sensors. A foot instrumented
with a few strain gauges may be a better choice, if need arises.
Pressure in the main manifold is
monitored by a Fujikura bridge-type piezoresistive pressure sensor ( Servoflo , Lexington, MA), amplified by a
custom built differential instrumentation amplifier, and encoded again by an
Analog to Digital to Serial chip. The amplifier works well enough on 9.6 V
instead of the required 12 V, which is not available on-board Autopod 0.33. All
the sensors are successively polled by the sensory ganglion (section 5.1.2
below) and transmit their eight bits serially to the latter. More advanced
multiplex chips are available for that task. Planned but not purchased for
Autopod were a pair of two- channel 900 MHz video camera transmitters ($300
each), for demonstration of remote stereoscopic viewing - and Searching - by
human observers. [return to top of
The hardwiring of the metamere generally
follows the organization and terminology of biological systems. The nervous
system consists of an upper brain, a sensory ganglion, a brain, and motor
ganglia, organized in a one-way linear fashion, as shown in Figure 9. Note that
the brain of this robot cannot modify sensor activity, only interpret it. Since
Autopod 0.33 is comprised of only one metamere, a functional pair of legs, the
nervous system of that metamere is fused for simplicity with that of the robot
as a whole. It would be different in a three- metamere robot. All the
electronics are soldered on modular perforated boards or printed circuits that
can be easily reshuffled and debugged. They can be organized in a much more
compact way if needed. All boards are held by screws on a same support made of
3/4" expanded polystyrene. With standard grounding methods, static electricity
was not a problem.
Autopod 0.33 does not possess any
upper brain per se, that is, it is unable to exercise its own free will. It
takes all of its higher orders directly from a human being via the joysticks of
a 7-channel 75 MHz radio control ( Futaba , Irvine, CA). Because of the
wheels, Autopod 0.33 has only three degrees of freedom, controlled independently
from one another by three channels: 1) walk forward or backwards, (metamere walk),
2) yaw left or right (metamere crab),
3) pitch up and down (metamere elev.-depress.).
A 6-legged robot would possess the full six degrees of freedom of any
physical object in 3-D space, that is, added to the above: 4) walk crabwise left or right (yaw in 0.33),
5) elevation or depression (pitch in 0.33),
6) roll left or right (impossible in 0.33).
Not having an upper brain does not make Autopod 0.33 fully autonomous in the
sense that if released in an unknown environment it could make strategic
decisions as to which direction to proceed or which attitude to adopt. As a
matter of fact, a fail-safe system automatically shuts down the robot in the
event of the loss of the radio signal. However, given those motion requests, the
robot would follow them without falling. The six channels (three in Autopod
0.33) of higher orders along this format of three translations and three Euler
angles are convenient and natural to transfer motion requests, irrespective of
the platform used. Any man-out-of-the-loop upper brain can simply be grafted
onto the robot if its output has this same six channel format.
The sensory ganglion of the
metamere is a "Basic Stamp II" consisting of a 20 MHz PIC 16C57 microcontroller
( Parallax , Rocklin, CA). It is
programmed through a proprietary Basic interpreter via a dedicated 9 pin RS232
serial connector from a portable IBM-compatible computer. Sensory ganglion has
the function of collecting the sensory information from the legs of the
metamere. For convenience, it also performs more general tasks such as decoding
motion orders from the radio receiver and monitoring main manifold pressure. It
then periodically sends a train of bytes to the brain, serially at 9600 Baud.
The brain is a "FlashLite" single board
computer (SBC) consisting of a 8 MHz NEC V-25+ microcontroller with 512 kBytes
RAM, a 256 kBytes flash memory disk, and two serial ports ( JK Microsystems , San Pablo, CA). It is very
conveniently IBM-PC (Intel 8088/8086) compatible, and runs a brain.c program
written in Borland Turbo C++, which is downloaded to it via a dedicated 9 pin
RS232 serial connector. The brain interprets the sensory data as a function of
the motion requests from the radio and sends off appropriate orders of the
degree of opening of all the pneumatic valves.
The motor ganglia are "Mini
Serial Servo Controllers", 8 MHz PIC 16C61 microcontrollers running a prewritten
assembly language program ( Scott Edwards
Electronics , Sierra Vista, AZ). They have the function of receiving orders
serially from the brain at 9600 Baud and shaping them into an appropriate
non-stop train of PWM pulses for each of the 12 servos.
left leg sensors right leg sensors
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
|A/D| |A/D| |A/D| |A/D| |A/D| |A/D| |A/D| |A/D|
| F | |FTA| |CFA| |TCA| |TCA| |CFA| |FTA| | F |
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
| | | +---+ +---+ | | |
| | +-------+ | | +-------+ | |
| +-----------+ | | | | +-----------+ |
+---------------+ | | | | | | +---------------+
| | | | serial| | | |
| | | | 12 Hz | | | | +---+
| | | | | | | | | |amp|
+------+ PWM | | | | | | | | serial |---|
|RX | 50 Hz +-------------------------------+ 12 Hz |A/D|
|progr.|-------| sensory ganglion |----------|PSI|
| yaw|-------| and upperbrain relay | +---+
| pitch|-------| BS2 / PIC 16C57 |== RS232
+------+ +---------------=---------------+
| 13 bytes
| 9600 Baud
| 12 Hz
| |
| brain |
| FlashLite / NEC V-25+ |
| |== RS232
| booster |
| 36 bytes
| 9600 Baud
| 12 Hz
| |
+------------------+ +------------------+
| motor ganglion | | motor ganglion |
| SSC / PIC 16C61 | | SSC / PIC 16C61 |
+------------------+ +------------------+
+----+ | | | | +----+ +----+ | | | | +----+
| +--+ | | +--+ | PWM | +--+ | | +--+ |
| | ++ ++ | | 58 Hz | | ++ ++ | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
+--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+
|FT| |ET| |FF| |EF| |FC| |EC| |EC| |FC| |EF| |FF| |ET| |FT|
+--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+
left leg servovalves right leg servovalves
Figure 9. Organization of the electronic modules of Autopod 0.33
Electrical power is
provided by off-the-shelf Nickel-Cadmium batteries. Due to potential problems
with electrical noise, separate power supplies were used for the nervous system
electronics and the servomotor controlled valves. Good physical separation
between power and signal wiring allowed a 75 MHz radio, several 20 MHz ganglia
and a 8 MHz brain to work without interference on the same power rails, which
was somewhat unexpected. Details of the power consumption are tabulated in
| component | V | mW | Ni-Cd battery |
| 5V regulator | 9.6 | 52 | |
| radio | 5.0 | 145 | |
| pressure board & A/D | 9.6 | 73 | |
| potentiometers & A/D | 5.0 | 208 | |
| sensory ganglion | 9.6 | 52 | |
| brain | 5.0 | 1352 | |
| motor ganglia | 9.6 | 94 | |
| |-----+------| high-discharge |
| SUBTOTAL | 9.6 | 1976 | 9.8V 500mAh .4C |
| left 6 servo-valves | 4.8 | 300 | 4.8V 500mAh .1C |
| right 6 servo-valves | 4.8 | 300 | 4.8V 500mAh .1C |
| TOTAL | 2.5W |
Fig.10 Electrical power and energy budget
The brain is a TTL version and therefore consumes the bulk of the electric
power. CMOS versions exist on the market and consume a tenth of that but are
more expensive and less robust. The brain also has a "sleep" mode which was not
used. Total drain on the nervous system battery is about 200 mA and drains a 500
mAh battery (~ 0.4 C) in 30 minutes, about the typical duration of a Search and
Rescue run. A high-discharge type used in R/C racing model cars without the
usual 0.3 C discharge rate limit were selected. Higher capacity batteries are
available for a negligible increase of total weight.
The maximum drain caused by the servo-valves was measured by simultaneously
activating all servos, back and forth. It is about 60 mA and well within
capacities of standard 4.8 V 500 mAh batteries. This was a good surprise and a
definite advantage of the hinged kink valves. Simultaneous operation of the 12
three- way proportional valves (600 mW) consumes less than one single on-off
Clippard Minimatic solenoid valve (670 mW), which has much less air throughput.
At any rate, with this system, electrical power for the valves is not a limiting
One of the great ironies of
the Autopod 0.33 Project was that designing, developing, testing components, and
building the prototype robot took nearly one man-year, but writing a program to
make it walk successfully following radio orders took just one week. This little
fact has large consequences for the planning of future walking robots.
Program brain.c is
a proportional feedback system, with a few feedforward attributes. For example,
when the leg is to be put down on the ground, it does not target some
prespecified coxo-femoral angle, but opens all appropriate extensor valves full
bore until the leg has established ground contact, and only then it adjusts
valves to follow angle depending on the pitch joystick position.
The robot also possesses a potentially hardware saving reflex. If there is a
loss of contact of both legs simultaneously, it means that the robot is very
likely falling or about to do so. It does not have enough time to interpret what
is actually going on and to take appropriate action. Therefore, the program
activates each and every muscle actuator in anticipation of some shock, which
can be assumed to be coming from anywhere, and this is enough to keep the robot
on its feet.
Finally, Autopod has a couple of fail-safe systems. If the main manifold
pressure drops below 50 PSI, or if radio contact is lost or too glitchy, the
robot shuts itself down safely along a predetermined sequence of valve actions.
Many animals walk successfully, but adherence to biological concepts and
terminology, although advisable, was not mandatory.
The simple "mostly proportional control" program is enough to make the robot
walk. Obviously more complex programs of PID or other adaptive control types can
be experimented with, but the philosophy or robust walking machines should be to
start simple and go complicated only if needed.
Unexpected problems
developed with the serial communications between modules. First, the so-called
"RS232 standard" is all but standard. The Clear-To-Send and other handshaking
lines vary greatly from one manufacturer to another. Second, the NEC V25+ chip
is not 8086/8088 compatible in the critical domain of serial ports registers.
Some registers cannot even be read, as that chip is optimized for interrupts
that were not used. Also, the "zapping" risk was real even for this TTL version
during the experimentation, because some pins need to be brought directly to 5V
or ground, some others need to be pulled up or down via 5 kn resistors, and
microcontrollers and their manuals are generally not user-friendly. An
oscilloscope was invaluable during that debugging phase.
Instead of using strobe lines or hardwired handshaking, in the end software
handshaking was used, with reserved value 255 (11111111) acting as start byte
for byte trains. The sensory ganglion acts as a Zeitgeber pulsing at 12.2 Hz,
and the others follow. Measuring the times for each type of activity of the
brain (Fig.11) shows the striking fact that the brain spends no less than 65% of
its time sending or receiving data, at 9600 Baud, leaving only 40 ms for the
"thinking" part of the brain cycle.
| period 82 ms (12.2 Hz) |
| receive | think | send | wait |
| 17 ms | 28 ms | 37 ms | 13 ms|
Fig.11 Time used for each type of brain activity in a cycle [return to top of
The final result is that, given the
stability and simplicity constraints of the wheels, Autopod 0.33 walks,
untethered and semi-autonomously (radio-controlled), with the wheels in no way
alleviating the loads on the legs. There is no doubt that the 6- legged
untethered autonomous version 1.00 is possible. Swing time of a leg up in the
air is about two seconds, and stance time on the ground several seconds,
depending on propulsive load. Autopod 0.33 does not possess any data logging
capacity, so the performance of the robot has to be evaluated by visual
observation. For example, the two legs alternate for walking, but at one point
the robot hit a large obstacle (on purpose) and the two legs decided to push
together against it. This looked very life-like and as an "emergent property"
but was just the result of the loose logic coupling between the two legs in the
metamere algorithm. Simple visual observation can give many results and saves
the complexity of a "black box".
Even with simple programs, Autopod 0.33 walks convincingly on a cemented or
rocky mostly horizontal driveway. On a grassy and sometimes muddy real-world
mild slope (Fig.12), some problems appear. First, Autopod 0.33 is unable to
climb up a 10ø thick grass slope. There are three interdependent reasons for
that: 1) The robot has to pull up the slope a mass of about 50 lb (see section
6.3), all with only one leg. There would be from to three to five to do so in a
6-legged version. 2) The wheels pack grass or mud in front of them in miniature
hills which locally have a slope well exceeding 10ø, like wheel chocks. The
whole point of walking machines is that legs step over obstacles wheels have to
roll over. 3) The horizontal swing moment of the legs is insufficient. The
extensors and flexors of the coxa are undersized in Autopod 0.33 (Fig.7), and
need to be increased in number to tackle slopes. The stronger the slope the more
these actuators have to bear the weight of the whole robot (70% of the total
weight for a 45ø slope). A second problem is that the push-button leg contact
sensor would not trigger consistently if the leg happened to sidesweep a tangle
of grass or hit soft mud. As a result, and for the algorithm used, the robot
could then "lock up". The push-button activation force is too high and it is not
exposed enough to trigger in all conditions. This is relatively easy to correct.

12. Photo of Autopod 0.33 walking backwards down a 10ø grassy
slope, in a
light rain.
The walking distance autonomy,
which may be a wrong indicator of performance anyway, was not measured, but
could be of the order of a city block, on a flat surface. Simple compressed air
saving systems, such as having a flexible rod inside the McKibben actuators to
occupy non-working and yet compressed air volume, or having the valves closer to
the actuators to save dead space in tubing, may be used. More complex energy
saving systems are possible by recycling the compressed air released directly to
ambient air into intermediate stages of a compressor, in an action similar to
compound and multiple expansion steam engines. Electrical systems autonomy is
not a limiting factor (see section 5.1.5). Many so-called autonomous walking
robots trail a fluid power and/or an electrical power supply tether, that
Autopod was designed to avoid as much as possible given its intended mission.
Weights are all-important in walking
machines, so a break- down of the weight of each of the components is tabulated
in Figure 13, both for Autopod 0.33 and for an hypothetical 6-legged Autopod
1.00 using the same kind of components. Because of the geometric arrangement
(cover photo and Fig.1), while walking or standing on one leg, each leg of
Autopod 0.33 bears a weight of about 16 lb. In the alternating tripod gait of a
6-legged robot, each leg would have to bear on average a load of 17 lb
(comparable to 16 above), or, in some extirpation case with only one leg up at a
time, only 10 lb. It is therefore quite possible to double the tanks of 3000 PSI
air storage. There is a new trend for 5000 PSI tanks in the aerospace industry,
but calculations show them to have only a marginal increase of specific energy
(good volumetric energy is not as relevant for walking machines), at more than
twice the cost.
| Autopod version (real & estimated) | 0.33 | 1.00 |
| components | lb | lb |
| body frame & four low-pressure tanks | 5 | 6 |
| servovalve board & low-pressure manifold | 2 | 6 |
| electronics board & Ni-Cd batteries | 1.5 | 3.5 |
| legs with all actuators & sensors | 6 | 18 |
| high-pressure cylinder, full, with valve | 14.5 | 14.5 |
| high-pressure to low-pressure regulator | 3 | 3 |
| SUBTOTAL | 32 | 51 |
| wheels & axle assembly | 18 | 0 |
| TOTAL | 50 | 51 |
Fig.13 Component weight summary in Pounds
Autopod had to be inexpensive for 2 reasons.
First, limited personal funds were available for the project. Second, "walking
robots for everyone" were envisioned, rather than a one-of-kind expensive one. A
quote of $25,000 for a light 3000 PSI compressor (used in jet fighters) that
would have been ideal for the job, immediately closed the possibility of these
expensive parts from the start. Component cost (Fig.14) was remarkably low for
an untethered pneumatically powered walking robot.
| | Autopod 0.33 | Autopod 1.00 |
| components | $ | $ (est.) |
| aluminum frame | 30 | 45 |
| leg hardware | 20 | 60 |
| nuts & bolts | 20 | 40 |
| styroboard | 20 | 20 |
| tubing | 20 | 40 |
| fittings | 20 | 30 |
| axle & wheels | 74 | 0 |
| HP tanks | 330 | 657 |
| regulator & HP hose | 101 | 170 |
| LP tanks | 10 | 20 |
| McKibben actuators | 76 | 228 |
| servos | 150 | 450 |
| kink valves | 10 | 30 |
| potentiometers | 60 | 180 |
| pressure gauge | 25 | 25 |
| radio control | 140 | 195 |
| sensory ganglion | 52 | 208 |
| brain | 218 | 654 |
| motor ganglia | 96 | 288 |
| other electronics | 40 | 40 |
| Ni-Cd batteries | 50 | 90 |
| TOTAL | 1562 | 3470 |
Fig.14 Component costs in Dollars
The development time was about 10 months for design and testing parts, and 2
months for the actual building of the robot. The building was delayed as much as
possible so as not to crystallize the design too early.
The specific tooling costs comprised:
- a vertical drill ($100), which turned out to be totally unnecessary.
Standard household tools are enough for the job.
- a standard 2-channel 20 MHz oscilloscope ($350), absolutely indispensable
to figure out how the serial communications work, and on hindsight it would be
more useful with a delay feature.
- a 3.5 HP 100 PSI electric compressor ($300), that has many other uses.
The operating costs are essentially the $15/tank refills (those are free to
an University). No part needs frequent replacement, and this includes the kink
There is a hidden cost of walking machines; they usually need to be brought
to their location of use. By removing axle and wheels, Autopod 0.33 fits in a
hatchback compact car, but a 6-legged version would require the use of a pick-up
truck or the purchase of a trailer. [return to top of
The main conclusion is
that 50 lb untethered pneumatic walking machines for urban Search and Rescue are
possible. Autopod 0.33 actually walks with actuators that are only 65% as
powerful as the industry average, and with only 70% of a nominal 100 PSI
operating pressure, so there is clearly room for improvement or significant
payloads. A 6-legged version Autopod 1.00 is clearly possible.
The inability of Autopod 0.33 to climb a 10ø slope can be solved in a
6-legged machine by increasing the size (here, the number) of actuators swinging
the coxa. For a similar total weight, a six-legged version can also have up to 5
propulsive legs on the ground (as opposed to 1 in version 0.33), and no inert
wheels to push above obstacles.
Much of the
study of walking coordination comes from biology, and therefore from the attempt
at understanding principles of an already existing (living) object. The bulk of
the research concentrates on the "smart" part, the nervous system, but the
interaction between nervous system and physical entities like muscle, inertia,
and scale is largely ignored. Of course there have been a few heroic attempts,
including the work of the Hexapod Group at UIUC. It is easy to consider the
hardware of the robot as an assembly of nuts and bolts to support an artificial
nervous system, but in fact the hardware is equally important, perhaps even more
so, than the nervous system. In other words, the controlling system is grafted
onto the robot; not the opposite. Autopod 0.33 showed that the hardware takes
about 50 times as much effort as the software, which is certainly contrary to
generally shared notions about the problems of walking machines. It appears that
a walking machine project without a clear definition of the hardware itself is
simply doomed, no matter how smart the nervous system may be.
The biologically-correct
metamere principle has promising features, but the slowness of serial
communications between modules is disappointing. This slow pace is not a problem
for Autopod 0.33, but could be for a three-metamere version. In fact, the UIUC
Hexapod Group has had similar problems with a dead-end Ethernet avenue. Some
microcontrollers use the similar I2C bus, which at least seems easy to use, but
its real throughput and its timing limitations are not clear. Also, some
microcontroller boards have two piggy-back processors, one to think, and one to
handle communications, so slowness of communications is certainly not a new
problem. As a result of all of the above, the best approach seems to be a single
board computer (SBC) type with all analog-to-digital inputs on daughterboards
with Direct Memory Access (DMA). A Pentium-class computer is certainly powerful
enough to control a relatively slow-walking hexapod. The metameric principle and
associated distributed architecture would be preserved only in software.
A great deal of work of the Hexapod Group at UIUC dealt with the control of
the compliance of the actuators, muscle-like or not. The experience gained with
Autopod 0.33 does not show this to be an issue as important as it looks in
theory. Autopod 0.33 walks quite well in "hydraulic mode", so to speak. It also
walks slowly enough that the low 12 Hz sampling rate of all sensors and commands
is not a problem at all.
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