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Merlin Systems Corp. Ltd
HumaniformTM Robotics

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Order Humaniform Muscles online now!

Industrial Automation

Humaniform Muscles are lightweight, clean and easy to install. For a wide range of applications they offer a sensible alternative to pneumatic cylinders, hydraulic cylinders and dc motors.

Our patented energy efficient design makes them an ideal choice for more unusual applications such as keeping a window open or positioning a seat.

Please contact our sales department to discuss your application.



Humaniform muscles have a core diameters of 12mm OD and can be built to custom lengths. Because they operate in a manner that is similar to a human muscle they are ideal for animatronic projects.

Physiologically air muscles have many properties that are similar to human muscles. The elastic properties of the muscle enable energy to be stored and released in a way that is similar to a human muscle. This type of response is difficult to imitate using conventional actuator technologies. This and many other features make them a good choice for use as prosthetic actuators.

Please contract our sales department to discuss your application.




Humaniform Muscles are ideal actuators for robotic arms. Humaniform Muscles are powerful, lightweight and compliant (i.e. soft). This makes them a safe alternative to existing actuator technologies.

We also offer a bespoke robot construction service using our muscles. Contact our sales department for us to build you a complete system.

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ITTC Tamar Science Park, 1 Davy Road, Derriford. Plymouth. England. PL6 8BX

Patents Pending: 0013036.9, 0021359.5. Webmaster: sales@merlinsystemscorp.co.uk

Humaniform, Digilog, Stretch Sensor, LEX & MIABOT are Trademarks of Merlin Systems Corp. Ltd
All rights reserved. Copyright Merlin Systems Corp. Ltd 2001.