Anthropomorphism, or Why
The need for anthropomorphism in domestic robotics is
classically illustrated by the problem of staircases. It is not feasible
to alter houses or to remove the staircases. It is possible to design
robots with stair-climbing attachments, but these are usually weak spots
in the design. Providing a robot with the same locomotive structures as a
human will ensure that it can certainly operate in any environment a human
can operate in. The development of the robot is facilitated by the
extensive research into the anatomy and physiology of the human; it is
hoped that eventually the work done by the Shadow Project can have some
impact on further research and development in these and related fields,
such as prosthetic design.
The most visible (and appealing) piece of "work in
progress" at the Shadow Project is the prototype bipedal robot, the Shadow
Walker. The Walker is a wooden leg-skeleton, powered by Shadow air
muscles. It stands 160 cm tall, its 'upper body' currently consisting of
the control valves, the various control electronics and computer
interfaces. Its purpose is to permit us to research and develop the
necessary designs and techniques of humanoid balancing and walking. The
walker is a research prototype, and as such has undergone considerable
refinement as control problems are discovered.
The skeleton of the Walker was designed by David
Buckley. It is wooden, and follows the shape of the human skeleton closely
(note above), save only in these respects:
- the lower leg is one piece, rather than the
two-bone structure of the human.
- the knee has a simple joint and as such possesses
no kneecap.
- The foot has only one toe, which is the width of
the foot.
The hip is a ball-joint, permitting three degrees of
freedom; the ankle is a double-axis design, permitting two. Our
observations suggest that a different structure might be easier to work
with for certain control aspects; but this is the one we have. We do not
envisage that any great modifications will need to be made to this design
in the course of development, except possibly that it may be necessary to
provide more than one toe for balancing.
In order to make the Walker as close as possible in
its design to the design of the human, it is necessary to find some
substitute for the human musculature. The device we use is the Shadow
air-muscle, designed and developed by Richard
Greenhill. The air-muscle operates on compressed air at low pressures,
whilst providing both power-to-weight ratios and strengths within the
range of the human muscles. Its design makes it intrinsically safe. The
air-muscle is inherently compliant, but has significant nonlinearities in
its behaviour. The air-muscle is described in Eureka, April
1993, and Industrial Technology, April 2000 Despite
these dates, it does exist.
Twenty-eight air muscles (14 on each leg) act across
the eight joints, enabling a total of twelve degrees of freedom. The
muscle arrangement closely mimics that of the human muscles, in that the
placement of an air-muscle will usually match a corresponding muscle in
the human; however, there are significantly fewer muscles on the robot
than on the human. Considerations of the problems of replacing muscles,
and of mounting attachment points capable of withstanding the strains
exerted, has led to the locations of the anchor-points of the muscles on
the skeleton not being identical to those of the human muscles.
Muscle Control
Each air muscle has two control valves, one to fill it
from the regulated supply of clean air, and the other to exhaust it. A
sensor on the muscle measures the amount of strain in it and a sensor on
the air line measures the air pressure in the muscle. As a result of the
low-cost criterion, the valve set has been through several significant
design iterations. The initial design utilised low-cost surplus AC
solenoid valves. These however necessitated high-voltage AC supplies, and
extra switching circuitry to isolate 110V AC from the i/o systems. Triacs
used in these circuits also had the disadvantage of only switching off
during a zero-crossing of the supply, thus restricting control of the
valves. Although these valves can be powered from lower voltages if a DC
supply is used (50V), this still requires more expensive switching
circuitry. Also, we discovered that the valves were optimised for
switching high-pressure air, and hence had a low throughput at the low
pressures we use. The valves we now use are 12V DC water valves, which
switch sufficiently quickly, are relatively noise free (compared to 110V
AC) and have a high throughput. These valves are low-cost, and so are not
proportional; however, the high-speed control of the switching permits
sufficiently fine control of the valves to render this less of a problem
than might be expected. Although this is a regular point of some debate
within the project team.
There are four types of sensor used on the Shadow
Walker. These are;
- Pressure
- Each muscle has a pressure gauge attached to its
air-line. These sensors were designed by David Trickett, as a
modification of the standard Bourden gauge to produce an electrical
output, as well as the usual visual indication.
- Strain
- Each air-muscle is attached with two pieces of
Kevlar ® rope. At one end is a strain gauge. This gives a simple
monotonic increasing output with increasing strain on the muscle.
- Under-Foot Pressure
- Under each foot are five force sensors, two at the
toe, one in the centre, and two across the heel. These provide a fairly
good indication of both contact with the ground, and the distribution of
the centre of mass of the robot. The sensors were originally
opto-reflectors, of the Shadow Project's design; however, recently we
have discovered the Interlink force-sensing resistor: this is much
easier to use to get an indication of load on something like a heel,
although has disadvantages as a high-quality load indicator. Using these
has made the sensing of the weight distribution much better.
- Joint Position
- Each of the twelve degrees of freedom requires a
sensor to measure it. Initial designs used rotary potentiometers
however, potentiometers suffer from several problems:
- when in motion, their wipers make poor contact
and pop, thus producing poor-quality readings, and reducing intrinsic
- The mechanical contact introduces a possible
mechanical failure.
- the requirement to mount on an axis of rotation
which is sometimes unfeasible.
As a result, all joint positions are now measured
The hip provides a good overview of the problems
involved with the sensors. The upper leg is clamped round a ball that is
attached to the torso of the Walker, which provides the necessary three
degrees of freedom. To measure this, however, using on-axis potentiometers
is impossible without a wholly different construction. Measuring with
off-axis potentiometers requires difficult linkages; our experiments
foundered either on excessive play in the linkage, or on the existence of
some motion which was not transmitted along the link. A traditional
technique used for measuring co-ordinates in a difficult -dimensional
space is to measure simpler parameters of the system, such that the
parameters produce a spanning set for the space. However, in the case of
the hip, we would need to mount these sensors in a limited space, and then
to resolve their outputs, which would most likely introduce further
inaccuracies. Our current solution is to use opto-reflectors to measure
two of the degrees of freedom; one by reflecting infrared from the inside
leg from a reflective surface on the groin [Conceptually. Think of it as a
bel, rather than a specification...] region of the robot, which measures
distance from the leg to the groin, and the other by reflecting visible
light from a graded scale at a constant distance above the ball, thus
indicating position of leg with respect to the scale. The detection of
rotation about the length of the leg is not at present finalised; we are
performing experiments with magneto-resistive sensors which measure the
angle between the sensor and a magnetic field, which would be a permanent
magnet mounted within the ball.
The human balancing process is greatly aided by the
inner ear, which acts as a sensitive 3-axis accelerometer and
inclinometer. One of our ongoing projects is the provision of similar
sensing capability for the Walker. We currently have an array of mercury
tilt switches, which provide crude indications of tilt, and we have
mounted commercial accelerometer parts to the Walker, then stolen them
for... other experiments... Other measurements necessary for balance are
performed by the the under-foot sensors. The other aspects of balance are
detailed under standing up.
When the electronics were originally designed, in
1987, an 8-bit high-speed ADC was a pricey part. And we needed 80 of them.
Not to mention the 56 valves we had to drive. A quick look around led
David Buckley to our long-standing design for the biped.
Interface card
- This card maps the robot into the I/O space of a
BBC Micro. (Or Acorn Archimedes). The interface is in fact to the 1MHz
I/O bus design for these machines. It interconnects most of the daughter
- A-D converter card
- This addressed card provides a high-speed 8-bit
analogue-to-digital converter, running at approximately 500kHz. It
provides select signals for up to 4 daughter sensor interface cards.
- Sensor interface cards
- Two of these unaddressed cards are currently used.
Each supports 64 sensors, which have a 0-5V range. These are multiplexed
under the control of the AD card.
- Output cards
- Two of these multiply-addressed cards are used.
Each provides 48 pull-down output lines, capable of sinking 500mA each
from a load running from up to 50V DC. The outputs are latched.
The design has evolved somewhat over time, as
improvements in software necessitate electronics improvements. Currently,
the system is scheduled for replacement with a whole new electronic
The optimistic early work on the control of the Shadow
Walker was filled with notions of letting neural networks
solve the problems . However, there were and are certain
significant obstacles to this technique.
- The early unreliability of the sensors precluded
any use of their outputs directly without significant conditioning of
the values. This conditioning proved difficult to determine, due to
sensor stability problems.
- The valves were initially too slow to perform rapid
manipulations of the robot. Speed improvements in the control revealed
interesting unpredictabilities in the valve behaviour down around the
milli-second level.
- The control of the valves was also poor. This was
mostly a software issue, though we've had some fun with current flows
down small cables.
- And, finally, the robot itself was exceedingly
fragile, with a mean-time-before-failure of as much as a couple of
minutes at times. Incremental improvements in this area have helped a
lot, but it still isn't going to be allowed to fall flat on it's front
any time soon.
Didn't the neural nets solve the problem? Well, to understand the
problems here, you have to know a little about the usefulenss of the
neural network. A neural net is very good at associating a set of inputs
with a set of outputs; a small change in input will tend to produce only a
small change in output, and they can be made to have the right outputs for
certain classes of inputs. How is this done? Neural networks are trained
in one of three ways:
- Supervised learning
- This requires that many examples of pairs of inputs
and ooutputs can be presented to the network, and the network
generalises these to cover the rest of the possible cases. In our case,
this would require us to be able to predict the very data that we hoped
the network could produce for us, namely the correct responses of the
biped to a diverse selection of conditions.
- Unsupervised learning
- The network is given a signal ("pain" or
"pleasure", depending on the sign) indicating how well it performed on
the most recent attempt, and is modified accordingly. The initial
actions of the network are essentially random, and only after many, many
iterations of the training process will it begin to exhibit good
behaviour. When dealing with the problems of standing, for a fragile
robot, random behaviour almost always means falling over and damaging
the robot. Except, of course, when it means kicking things, or shaking
the robot to pieces, or ...
- Self-organisation
- Is more useful for pattern recognition tasks, and
again requires the presentation of correct data to the network.
The development of the software thus became
test-directed; it was necessary to build programs to facilitate the
testing of parts of the robot, and the routines written to do this
developed in complexity. Programs operating on the robot now have a
standard library of routines to draw on, which they augment with further
Robot Standard Library
The current standard library of routines for the
low-level control of the robot provides these facilities:
- valve switching to 1 millisecond resolution,
asynchronously of the main processes executing, with automatic interlock
to prevent simultaneous filling and emptying of the same muscle.
- reading the sensors.
- maintaining data of minimum and maximum sensor
values over time, and reporting excursions from these bounds.
- scaling the readings of the sensors to the range
0..255, so higher-levels of software can assume the signals are
- providing standard names for all the sensors and
muscles, so software can refer to `left hip 2' rather than `sensor 50'.
- Providing logging facilities, to record all the
sensor values over a time-period, permitting examination later for
It has been stated that some or all of these
facilities could be provided in the hardware of the robot directly;
however, this would possess several disadvantages:
- the very large number of sensors (80) and valves
(56) would require significant investment in time and complexity to
construct further control hardware.
- The design would become fixed in a manner that, at
present, it is not.
- The hardware would require significant space on the
robot, which is not available.
- The hardware would be expensive, compared to the
software costs. Yes, Virginia, software is cheaper than hardware!
Control Programs
On top of the standard library, a variety of further
programs have been developed. Some permit detailed examination of the
state of the robot, others provide a `front panel', and still others are
part of the actual control of balancing. In 1997 we were able to stand the
robot up straight, and have it remain in this position, under its own
control, for periods of fifteen or more minutes. Apart from the valve
noise, the main indication that the robot is not statically balancing is
that it sways up to 10 degrees from the vertical. However, it is not yet
capable of recovering from more extreme deviations, nor rapid changes in
its orientation.
The control system that finally enabled the robot to
exhibit this fundamental behaviour was a simple fuzzy rule-based
controller. Each sensor's input range is divided into a number of bands,
or `qualifiers': for a specific sensor value, a mapping gives the
proportional activation of the corresponding band. The rules are then
specified in terms of these qualifiers.
High-Level Control
The higher-level control has altered with experience
with the system. As mentioned earlier, we spent some time looking at the
p[ossiblity of using neural nets, but eventually decided they were not
suitable. Instead, we currently use a simple fuzzy-logic system. Sensor
values are classified according to their closeness to certain qualifiers,
for example, the left hip (`LHip') has qualifiers fore ,
mid and aft, and then rules take qualifier values
and use them to produce actuator commands. A typical code sequence is:
LHip Fore : Left 6 LongFill & Left 2 LongEmpty
LHip Aft : Left 2 LongFill & Left 6 LongEmpty
LHip Mid : Left 2 Off & Left 6 Off
which simply acts to restore the hip to the centre
position by filling and emptying the muscles (2 & 6) that act on it.
Simple control of this sort now lets the Walker stand up straight, swaying
gently around within the tolerance of the control. Any significant
perturbation of the system (for example, pushing the Walker) will take the
state outside the narrow controlled region. We are now augmenting the
joint position rules with rules examining the underfoot sensors, to
produce control in a larger region of the state space. The augmentation
process is entirely manual, for reasons described above. However, we are
investigating the possibility of using neural-network systems to broaden
the effectiveness of the hand-generated rules.
The most recent development comes from our new
underfoot sensors. These have been improved the reliability of the
information from the feet considerably. Using this better-quality output,
we've started to put reflexes in to react to significant changes, so when
the robot moves (or is moved) outside the envelope of simply standing, the
system will take other actions to restore it to standing up. In this case,
we were getting the heel sensors to trigger a pushing action with the toe,
so if the robot was pushed forwards, the toe would push down and move the
robot back. We tried this code, and pushed the robot forwards a few times.
And it duly recovered from these small, but significant, perturbations,
which it wouldn't have done using just the posture maintenance. Then, we
tried pushing it sideways, instead. The entire foot lifted off the floor:
the heel sensor reflex acted, but because the foot was off the ground,
instead of pressing back, the foot was moved forwards. The change in mass
distribution caused the robot to swing back over, and the foot hit the
floor. But, because there was nothing to stabilise the side-to-side
motion, the robot carried on swinging over, lifting the other foot from
the floor. So, the heel reflex for that foot kicked in, and it swung
forwards, and the robot swung back onto that side... Unfortunately, luck
ran out at that point, and the third step didn't happen: the robot was
caught by it's tether and stopped. However, it had taken
two steps. Next: to get this to be repeatable.
© Richard Walker and The Shadow Robot Company
1999,2000 |