Flexinol Material Properties

All data obtained from Reference 12

General Properties

Activation start temperature 68°C
Activation finish temperature 78°C
Effective transition temperature 70°C
Relaxation start temperature 52°C
Relaxation finish temperature 42°C
Annealing temperature 540°C
Melting temperature 1300°C
Heat capacity 0.322J/g°C
Latent heat 242J/g
Density 645g/cc
Energy conversion efficiency 5%
Max. deformation ratio 8%
Recommended deformation ratio 3 - 5%
Youngs Modulus 28GPa

Table of Properties for Different Wire Diameters

Description 025 037 050 100 150 250
Wire diameter (micro m) 25 37 50 100 150 250
Min bend radius (mm) 1.3 1.8 2.5 5.0 7.5 12.5
Linear resistance (ohm/m) 1770 860 510 150 50 20
Recommended current (mA) [1] 20 30 50 180 400 1000
Recommended power (W/m) [1] 0.71 0.77 1.28 4.86 8.00 20.0
Max. recovery force (N) [2] 0.284 0.645 1.147 4.599 10.356 28.763
Rec. recovery force (N) [3] 0.069 0.204 0.343 1.471 3.236 9.12
Rec. deformation force (N) [4] 0.020 0.039 0.078 0.275 0.608 1.687
Min. contraction time (sec) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Relaxation time (sec) 0.1 _ 0.3 0.8 2.0 5.5
Typical cycle rate (cycles/min) 55 52 46 33 20 9
1 In still air at 20°C
2 Wire stress 600MPa
3 Wire stress 190MPa
4 Wire stress 35MPa
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