Mathematical Model

University of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez Campus
Electrical Engineering Department

Undergraduate Research INEL 4998
Nitinol Propelled Hexapod Robot



Mathematical Model

Relaxed state

Shrunk state


This mathematical analysis is based in an ideal function of the robot. In the above figure the X variable stands for the leg’s length. Is important to recognize that the distance between the body crimp connection and the leg is ten times less that of the leg. Since we have a right triangle, applying the Pithagoras’ theorem we can calculate the length of the relaxed Nitinol wire (X initial). That is

X initial = 1.00498756 X

The Nitinol contracts 4.8% when the temperature changes from 30C to 80C. Knowing this, we can calculate the length of the contracted Nitinol wire (X final) using the following formula:

(X initial – X final)/ X initial = .048

X final = .952*X initial


This will give us a new relationship:

X final = .952*1.00498756X

This will be the length of the contracted Nitinol wire. Base on experimentation we obtain that the inclination angle (a) is approximately 87.5°. The length of distance over passed is

OP = COS [(87.5)*(.952*1.00498756*X)]

Adding these two lengths of displacement together, the total displacement is

(.1 + .041947)*X

remembering that X stands for the leg’s length.


The data mentioned before is exclusive for the case when the Nitinol reaches the temperature of 80C. The question now is, what is happening in the transition from 30C to 80C ? Based in experimentation and using the information available in the data book, we can expect that in one second the Nitinol reaches 80C. The temperature increases exponentially while the pulse is applied. This behavior can be related by the following equation:

Temp. =503.94( Exp(t/10) –1) + 27.

This equation implies that the environment temperature is 27C. For low temperatures the Nitinol is in martensite form. This is for temperatures between 36C up to 67.5C, this is when the Nitinol wire is relaxed. For temperatures higher than 67.5C, the Nitinol wire changes its form to austenite, which implies that it is contracted. Based in an experimental graph, the percent of contraction is related in the following equation:

While the Nitinol contracts, the inclination angle (a) decreases. (a) is the angle with respect to the body. This angle varies lineally with respect to the percent of contraction, which is related by the following equation:


This angle will change from 87.5° up to 95.71°.

Once we have the angle of inclination we can calculate the displacement per pulse with the equation developed before. That is;

Displacement/pulse = .1*X +cos(a){(1 - P)(1.00498756*X)

The ideal velocity can be determined dividing the displacement per the time pulse period and multiplying by 60*X.

Velocity (cm/min) =displacement (60*X)/time pulse period.


Graph Results



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Last updated: December 23, 1998.