In my "spare" time, I'm working on the NITLEMITE robot - yes, the one where I'm playing with LEGO bricks. The purpose of NITLEMITE is to develop a nitinol-powered walking robot similar to the Stiquito robot of Indiana University and the SCORPIO robot of The University of Toledo, using LEGO parts for the body as in the robots from MIT's Mobile Robots Lab. The use of LEGOs allow for easier prototyping and greater expansion of walking robots.
I find the use of solar cells to be interesting as one could deal with more behavioral mechanisms with such a robot. What should the robot do when a room is dark? If there is a reliable period of light followed by dark, what would be the best way to organize one's "day"? Could a robot detect the place where the light is the most intense and refer to it as "home" for purposes of "sleep" (to recharge it's system)? What information could a small robot gather about its environment, and how could it be communicated to others?
A related design item would be to develop nitinol powered "tongs" so that the robots could interact with the environment instead of just maneuvering through it.
I've mentioned the Basic STAMP earlier - it's small size and ready accessibility would make for a good on-board controller for the masses - all that's needed is the interface for the nitinol drivers. The STAMP is made from a PIC microcontroller; a design based on a high-end member of the PIC family would make for a better controller for those who like assembler.
Developing controllers based on low power designs would help to expand the amount of time that the robot could operate on a single battery charge. Some of the 3V versions of the 6811 would do nicely here, and versions of the PIC can operate at 2.5V and go into sleep mode. Limiting the peak current demands would also be of interest. This would require research into seeing if a single 180 mA current source could be multiplexed to the legs requiring movement: can a pulse train work in place of a continuous current supply?
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John K. Estell - 14 April 1995