{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2070{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\f0\fs24 NEW 10 REM Test Program Three - Blip A Line 11 REM 9210.19 Rev 9304.31 12 REM Activate a line on the parallel port for short time 13 REM 14 REM Keyboard Output BORIS 15 REM "1" Key = Bit 0 = Leg 5 16 REM "2" Key = Bit 1 = Legs 4 & 6 17 REM "3" Key = Bit 2 = Left Side Lift 18 REM "4" Key = Bit 3 = not used 19 REM "5" Key = Bit 4 = not used 20 REM "6" Key = Bit 5 = Right Side Lift 21 REM "7" Key = Bit 6 = Legs 1 & 3 22 REM "8" Key = Bit 7 = Leg 2 23 REM 30 DELAY = 200: REM Delay ON time, Increase for longer 40 LPRINT CHR$(0); : REM Clear port 50 PRINT "Press 1 thru 8 to activate bits, Q to end" 100 A$ = INKEY$: REM Get key press 110 IF A$ = "1" THEN LPRINT CHR$(1); : GOTO 200: REM bit 0 120 IF A$ = "2" THEN LPRINT CHR$(2); : GOTO 200: REM bit 1 130 IF A$ = "3" THEN LPRINT CHR$(4); : GOTO 200: REM bit 2 140 IF A$ = "4" THEN LPRINT CHR$(8); : GOTO 200: REM bit 3 150 IF A$ = "5" THEN LPRINT CHR$(16); : GOTO 200: REM bit 4 160 IF A$ = "6" THEN LPRINT CHR$(32); : GOTO 200: REM bit 5 170 IF A$ = "7" THEN LPRINT CHR$(64); : GOTO 200: REM bit 6 180 IF A$ = "8" THEN LPRINT CHR$(128); : GOTO 200: REM bit 7 190 IF A$ = "q" OR A$ = "Q" THEN LPRINT CHR$(0); : END 195 GOTO 100 200 REM Delay loop 210 FOR I = 1 TO DELAY 220 NEXT I 230 LPRINT CHR$(0); : REM After delay, clear output 240 GOTO 100