# Ceres Solver - A fast non-linear least squares minimizer # Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # http://ceres-solver.org/ # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Author: keir@google.com (Keir Mierle) set(CERES_INTERNAL_SRC array_utils.cc blas.cc block_evaluate_preparer.cc block_jacobi_preconditioner.cc block_jacobian_writer.cc block_random_access_dense_matrix.cc block_random_access_diagonal_matrix.cc block_random_access_matrix.cc block_random_access_sparse_matrix.cc block_sparse_matrix.cc block_structure.cc c_api.cc canonical_views_clustering.cc cgnr_solver.cc callbacks.cc compressed_col_sparse_matrix_utils.cc compressed_row_jacobian_writer.cc compressed_row_sparse_matrix.cc conditioned_cost_function.cc conjugate_gradients_solver.cc coordinate_descent_minimizer.cc corrector.cc covariance.cc covariance_impl.cc cxsparse.cc dense_normal_cholesky_solver.cc dense_qr_solver.cc dense_sparse_matrix.cc detect_structure.cc dogleg_strategy.cc dynamic_compressed_row_jacobian_writer.cc dynamic_compressed_row_sparse_matrix.cc evaluator.cc file.cc gradient_checking_cost_function.cc gradient_problem.cc gradient_problem_solver.cc implicit_schur_complement.cc iterative_schur_complement_solver.cc levenberg_marquardt_strategy.cc lapack.cc line_search.cc line_search_direction.cc line_search_minimizer.cc line_search_preprocessor.cc linear_least_squares_problems.cc linear_operator.cc linear_solver.cc local_parameterization.cc loss_function.cc low_rank_inverse_hessian.cc minimizer.cc normal_prior.cc parameter_block_ordering.cc partitioned_matrix_view.cc polynomial.cc preconditioner.cc preprocessor.cc problem.cc problem_impl.cc program.cc reorder_program.cc residual_block.cc residual_block_utils.cc schur_complement_solver.cc schur_eliminator.cc schur_jacobi_preconditioner.cc scratch_evaluate_preparer.cc single_linkage_clustering.cc solver.cc solver_utils.cc sparse_matrix.cc sparse_normal_cholesky_solver.cc split.cc stringprintf.cc suitesparse.cc triplet_sparse_matrix.cc trust_region_preprocessor.cc trust_region_minimizer.cc trust_region_strategy.cc types.cc visibility.cc visibility_based_preconditioner.cc wall_time.cc ) # Heuristic for determining LIB_SUFFIX. FHS recommends that 64-bit systems # install native libraries to lib64 rather than lib. Most distros seem to # follow this convention with a couple notable exceptions (Debian-based and # Arch-based distros) which we try to detect here. if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux" AND NOT DEFINED LIB_SUFFIX AND NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING AND CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL "8" AND NOT EXISTS "/etc/debian_version" AND NOT EXISTS "/etc/arch-release") set(LIB_SUFFIX "64") endif () # Also depend on the header files so that they appear in IDEs. file(GLOB CERES_INTERNAL_HDRS *.h) # Include the specialized schur solvers. if (SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS) file(GLOB CERES_INTERNAL_SCHUR_FILES generated/*.cc) else (SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS) # Only the fully dynamic solver. The build is much faster this way. file(GLOB CERES_INTERNAL_SCHUR_FILES generated/*_d_d_d.cc) endif (SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS) # Build the list of dependencies for Ceres based on the current configuration. if (NOT MINIGLOG AND GLOG_FOUND) list(APPEND CERES_LIBRARY_PUBLIC_DEPENDENCIES ${GLOG_LIBRARIES}) endif (NOT MINIGLOG AND GLOG_FOUND) if (SUITESPARSE AND SUITESPARSE_FOUND) # Define version information for use in Solver::FullReport. add_definitions(-DCERES_SUITESPARSE_VERSION="${SUITESPARSE_VERSION}") list(APPEND CERES_LIBRARY_PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES ${SUITESPARSE_LIBRARIES}) endif (SUITESPARSE AND SUITESPARSE_FOUND) if (CXSPARSE AND CXSPARSE_FOUND) # Define version information for use in Solver::FullReport. add_definitions(-DCERES_CXSPARSE_VERSION="${CXSPARSE_VERSION}") list(APPEND CERES_LIBRARY_PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES ${CXSPARSE_LIBRARIES}) endif (CXSPARSE AND CXSPARSE_FOUND) if (BLAS_FOUND AND LAPACK_FOUND) list(APPEND CERES_LIBRARY_PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES ${LAPACK_LIBRARIES}) list(APPEND CERES_LIBRARY_PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES ${BLAS_LIBRARIES}) endif (BLAS_FOUND AND LAPACK_FOUND) if (OPENMP_FOUND) if (NOT MSVC) list(APPEND CERES_LIBRARY_PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES gomp) list(APPEND CERES_LIBRARY_PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) endif (NOT MSVC) endif (OPENMP_FOUND) set(CERES_LIBRARY_SOURCE ${CERES_INTERNAL_SRC} ${CERES_INTERNAL_HDRS} ${CERES_INTERNAL_SCHUR_FILES}) # Primarily for Android, but optionally for others, compile the minimal # glog implementation into Ceres. if (MINIGLOG) list(APPEND CERES_LIBRARY_SOURCE miniglog/glog/logging.cc) endif (MINIGLOG) add_library(ceres ${CERES_LIBRARY_SOURCE}) set_target_properties(ceres PROPERTIES VERSION ${CERES_VERSION} SOVERSION ${CERES_VERSION_MAJOR}) include(AppendTargetProperty) # Always build position-independent code (PIC), even when building Ceres as a # static library so that shared libraries can link against it, not just # executables (PIC does not apply on Windows). if (NOT WIN32 AND NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # Use the explicit POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE target property on CMake versions # that support it (>= 2.8.9). Otherwise, manually add the -fPIC flag as an # additional compile definitions for the target. if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "2.8.9") append_target_property(ceres COMPILE_FLAGS "-fPIC") else() # Use set_target_properties() not append_target_property() here as # POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE is a binary ON/OFF switch. set_target_properties(ceres PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) endif() endif() if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "2.8.12") # CMake version < 2.8.12 does not support target_compile_options(), warn # user that they will have to add compile flags to their own projects # manually if required. if (CXX11 AND COMPILER_HAS_CXX11_FLAG) message("-- Warning: Detected CMake version: ${CMAKE_VERSION} < 2.8.12, " "which is the minimum required for compile options to be included in an " "exported CMake target, but CERES_USE_CXX11 is enabled and the detected. " "compiler requires -std=c++11. The client is responsible for adding " "-std=c++11 when using Ceres.") endif() else() # CMake version >= 2.8.12 supports target_compile_options(). if (CXX11 AND COMPILER_HAS_CXX11_FLAG) # If Ceres is compiled using C++11, and the compiler requires -std=c++11 # to be set, then ensure that this requirement is rolled into the exported # CMake target, such that client code which uses Ceres will inherit it (if # the CMake version supports it), iff they are NOT compiling for C. We # check for not C, rather than C++ as LINKER_LANGUAGE is often NOTFOUND and # then uses the default (C++). target_compile_options(ceres PUBLIC $<$,C>>:-std=c++11>) endif() endif() if (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # When building a shared library, mark all external libraries as # PRIVATE so they don't show up as a dependency. target_link_libraries(ceres LINK_PUBLIC ${CERES_LIBRARY_PUBLIC_DEPENDENCIES} LINK_PRIVATE ${CERES_LIBRARY_PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES}) else (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # When building a static library, all external libraries are # PUBLIC(default) since the user needs to link to them. # They will be listed in CeresTargets.cmake. set(CERES_LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES ${CERES_LIBRARY_PUBLIC_DEPENDENCIES} ${CERES_LIBRARY_PRIVATE_DEPENDENCIES}) target_link_libraries(ceres ${CERES_LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES}) endif (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) install(TARGETS ceres EXPORT CeresExport RUNTIME DESTINATION bin LIBRARY DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX} ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX}) if (BUILD_TESTING AND GFLAGS) # The CERES_GFLAGS_NAMESPACE compile definition is NOT stored in # CERES_COMPILE_OPTIONS (and thus config.h) as Ceres itself does not # require gflags, only the tests and examples do. add_definitions(-DCERES_GFLAGS_NAMESPACE=${GFLAGS_NAMESPACE}) add_library(gtest gmock_gtest_all.cc gmock_main.cc) if (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # Define gtest-specific shared library flags for compilation. append_target_property(gtest COMPILE_DEFINITIONS GTEST_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY) endif() add_library(test_util evaluator_test_utils.cc numeric_diff_test_utils.cc test_util.cc) if (MINIGLOG) # When using miniglog, it is compiled into Ceres, thus Ceres becomes # the library against which other libraries should link for logging. target_link_libraries(gtest ${GFLAGS_LIBRARIES} ceres) target_link_libraries(test_util ceres gtest) else (MINIGLOG) target_link_libraries(gtest ${GFLAGS_LIBRARIES} ${GLOG_LIBRARIES}) target_link_libraries(test_util ceres gtest ${GLOG_LIBRARIES}) endif (MINIGLOG) macro (CERES_TEST NAME) add_executable(${NAME}_test ${NAME}_test.cc) target_link_libraries(${NAME}_test test_util ceres gtest) if (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) # Define gtest-specific shared library flags for linking. append_target_property(${NAME}_test COMPILE_DEFINITIONS GTEST_LINKED_AS_SHARED_LIBRARY) endif() add_test(NAME ${NAME}_test COMMAND ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${NAME}_test --test_srcdir ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/data) endmacro (CERES_TEST) ceres_test(array_utils) ceres_test(autodiff) ceres_test(autodiff_cost_function) ceres_test(autodiff_local_parameterization) ceres_test(block_jacobi_preconditioner) ceres_test(block_random_access_dense_matrix) ceres_test(block_random_access_diagonal_matrix) ceres_test(block_random_access_sparse_matrix) ceres_test(block_sparse_matrix) ceres_test(bundle_adjustment) ceres_test(c_api) ceres_test(canonical_views_clustering) ceres_test(compressed_row_sparse_matrix) ceres_test(conditioned_cost_function) ceres_test(corrector) ceres_test(cost_function_to_functor) ceres_test(covariance) ceres_test(cubic_interpolation) ceres_test(detect_structure) ceres_test(dense_sparse_matrix) ceres_test(dynamic_autodiff_cost_function) ceres_test(dynamic_compressed_row_sparse_matrix) ceres_test(dynamic_numeric_diff_cost_function) ceres_test(evaluator) ceres_test(gradient_checker) ceres_test(gradient_checking_cost_function) ceres_test(gradient_problem) ceres_test(gradient_problem_solver) ceres_test(graph) ceres_test(graph_algorithms) ceres_test(householder_vector) ceres_test(implicit_schur_complement) ceres_test(iterative_schur_complement_solver) ceres_test(jet) ceres_test(levenberg_marquardt_strategy) ceres_test(dogleg_strategy) ceres_test(line_search_preprocessor) ceres_test(local_parameterization) ceres_test(loss_function) ceres_test(minimizer) ceres_test(normal_prior) ceres_test(numeric_diff_cost_function) ceres_test(ordered_groups) ceres_test(parameter_block) ceres_test(parameter_block_ordering) ceres_test(partitioned_matrix_view) ceres_test(polynomial) ceres_test(problem) ceres_test(program) ceres_test(reorder_program) ceres_test(residual_block) ceres_test(residual_block_utils) ceres_test(rotation) ceres_test(schur_complement_solver) ceres_test(schur_eliminator) ceres_test(single_linkage_clustering) ceres_test(small_blas) ceres_test(solver) # TODO(sameeragarwal): This test should ultimately be made # independent of SuiteSparse. if (SUITESPARSE AND SUITESPARSE_FOUND) ceres_test(compressed_col_sparse_matrix_utils) target_link_libraries(compressed_col_sparse_matrix_utils_test ${SUITESPARSE_LIBRARIES}) endif (SUITESPARSE AND SUITESPARSE_FOUND) ceres_test(symmetric_linear_solver) ceres_test(triplet_sparse_matrix) ceres_test(trust_region_minimizer) ceres_test(trust_region_preprocessor) ceres_test(unsymmetric_linear_solver) ceres_test(visibility) ceres_test(visibility_based_preconditioner) # Put the large end to end test last. ceres_test(system) endif (BUILD_TESTING AND GFLAGS)