FROM: IBIS GPS/Mapping System GPS ActiveX, Utilities, Code examples - Registration - Links IBIS is a set of mapping and navigation functions that uses data from a GPS receiver along with maps, GPS type road display and other various displays to provide a comprehensive navigation tool set. Click here to view some screen samples. Features: Support for marine charts in BSB, NOS/GEO and Maptech pcx published formats. DRG Geotiff format land maps. User scanned maps and charts in various formats GPS communication. NMEA input, waypoint, route and track upload/download. Point and click waypoint, mark and route creation. Multiple Track creation and re-display. Display as many maps as your memory allows. Zooming, scrolling and several other functions by button, mouse or keyboard Many more features... download IBIS and give it a try. Download IBIS Version 3.5.8 - Updated 1/10/2003 Register