Alarms The Alarm library is a companion to the Time library that makes it easy to perform tasks at specific times or after specific intervals. Tasks scheduled at a particular time of day are called Alarms, tasks scheduled after an interval of time has elapsed are called Timers. These tasks can created to continuously repeat or to occur once only. An alarm can be specified to trigger a task repeatedly at a particular time of day: Alarm.alarmRepeat(8,30,0, MorningAlarm); This would call the function MorningAlarm at 8:30 am every day. If you want the alarm to trigger only once you can use the alarmOnce method: Alarm.alarmOnce(8,30,0, MorningAlarm); This calls a MorningAlarm() function in a sketch once only (when the time is next 8:30am) Timers trigger tasks that occur after a specified interval of time has passed. The timer interval can be specified in seconds, or in hour, minutes and seconds. Alarm.timerRepeat(15, Repeats); // timer task every 15 seconds This calls the a Repeats() function in your sketch every 15 seconds. If you want a timer to trigger once only, you can use the timerOnce method: Alarm.timerOnce(10, OnceOnly); // called once after 10 seconds This calls the onceOnly() function in a sketch 10 seconds after the timer is created. Here is an example sketch that illustrates this functionality: This sketch triggers daily alarms at 8:30 am and 17:45 pm. A Timer is triggered every 15 seconds, another timer triggers once only after 10 seconds. #include #include void setup() { setTime(8,29,0,1,1,10); // set time to 8:29:00am Jan 1 2010 // create the alarms Alarm.alarmRepeat(8,30,0, MorningAlarm); // 8:30am every day Alarm.alarmRepeat(17,45,0,EveningAlarm); // 5:45pm every day Alarm.timerRepeat(15, Repeats); // timer for every 15 seconds Alarm.timerOnce(10, OnceOnly); // called once after 10 seconds } void loop(){ digitalClockDisplay(); Alarm.delay(1000); // wait one second between clock display } // functions to be called when an alarm triggers: void MorningAlarm(){ Serial.println("Alarm: - turn lights off"); } void EveningAlarm(){ Serial.println("Alarm: - turn lights on"); } void Repeats(){ Serial.println("15 second timer"); } void OnceOnly(){ Serial.println("This timer only triggers once"); } void digitalClockDisplay() { // digital clock display of the time Serial.print(hour()); printDigits(minute()); printDigits(second()); Serial.println(); } void printDigits(int digits) { Serial.print(":"); if(digits < 10) Serial.print('0'); Serial.print(digits); } Note that the loop code calls Alarm.delay(1000) - Alarm.delay must be used instead of the usual arduino delay function because the alarms are serviced in the Alarm.delay method. Failing to regularly call Alarm.delay will result in the alarms not being triggered so always use Alarm.delay instead of delay in sketches that use the Alarms library. Functional reference: // functions to create alarms and timers Alarm.alarmRepeat(Hour, Minute, Second, AlarmFunction); Description: Calls user provided AlarmFunction every day at the given Hour, Minute and Second. Alarm.alarmOnce(Hour, Minute, Second, AlarmFunction); Description: Calls user provided AlarmFunction once when the Arduino time next reaches the given Hour, Minute and Second. Alarm.timerRepeat(Period, TimerFunction); Description: Continuously calls user provided TimerFunction after the given period in seconds has elapsed. Alarm.timerRepeat(Hour, Minute, Second, TimerFunction); Description: As timerRepeat above, but period is the number of seconds in the given Hour, Minute and Second parameters Alarm.timerOnce(Period, TimerFunction); Description: Calls user provided TimerFunction once only after the given period in seconds has elapsed. Alarm.timerOnce(Hour, Minute, Second, TimerFunction); Description: As timerOnce above, but period is the number of seconds in the given Hour, Minute and Second parameters Alarm.delay( period) Description: Similar to Arduino delay - pauses the program for the period (in miliseconds) specified. Call this function rather than the Arduino delay function when using the Alarms library. The timeliness of the triggers depends on sketch delays using this function. FAQ Q: What hardware and software is needed to use this library? A: This library requires the Time library. No internal or external hardware is used by the Alarm library. Q: Why must I use Alarm.delay() instead of delay()? A: Task scheduling is handled in the Alarm.delay function. Tasks are monitored and triggered from within the Alarm.delay call so Alarm.delay should be called whenever a delay is required in your sketch. If your sketch waits on an external event (for example, a sensor change), make sure you repeatedly call Alarm.delay while checking the sensor. You can call Alarm.delay(0) if you need to service the scheduler without a delay. Q: Are there any restrictions on the code in a task handler function? A: No. The scheduler does not use interrupts so your task handling function is no different from other functions you create in your sketch. Q: What are the shortest and longest intervals that can be scheduled? A: Time intervals can range from 1 second to years. (If you need timer intervals shorter than 1 second then the TimedAction library by Alexander Brevig may be more suitable, see: Q: How are scheduled tasks affected if the system time is changed? A: Tasks are scheduled for specific times designated by the system clock. If the system time is reset to a later time (for example one hour ahead) then all alarms and timers will occur one hour later. If the system time is set backwards (for example one hour back) then the alarms and timers will occur an hour earlier. If the time is reset before the time a task was scheduled, then the task will be triggered on the next service (the next call to Alarm.delay). This is the expected behaviour for Alarms – tasks scheduled for a specific time of day will trigger at that time, but the affect on timers may not be intuitive. If a timer is scheduled to trigger in 5 minutes time and the clock is set ahead by one hour, that timer will not trigger until one hour and 5 minutes has elapsed. Q: How many alarms can be created? A: Up to six alarms can be scheduled. The number of alarms can be changed in the TimeAlarms header file (set by the constant dtNBR_ALARMS, note that the RAM used equals dtNBR_ALARMS * 12) onceOnly Alarms and Timers are freed when they are triggered so another onceOnly alarm can be set to trigger again. There is no limit to the number of times a onceOnly alarm can be reset. The following fragment gives one example of how a timerOnce task can be rescheduled: Alarm.timerOnce(random(10), randomTimer); // trigger after random number of seconds void randomTimer(){ int period = random(2,10); // get a new random period Alarm.timerOnce(period, randomTimer); // trigger for another random period }