A Flexible Framework for Multimodal Inverse Perspective Mapping

This  web page contains additional material of the manuscript A Flexible Framework for Multimodal Inverse Perspective Mapping by Miguel Oliveira, Vitor Santos and Angel D. Sappa

Outdoor Sequences

In these sequences of urban environments, the classical IPM is compared to the proposed Multi modal IPM. Results show that the proposed approach outperforms the classical approach.

Input Image
Classical IPM
Multimodal IPM
Sequence 1

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Sequence 2

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Sequence 3

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Laboratory Sequences

The following results show the computation of Multimodal IPM using a multicamera active perception unit. This unit was used to evaluate the proposed approach quantitatively.

The pan & tilt Unit with two cameras mounted.
The multicamera IPM using the flexiblility of the proposed approach: images from
left and right cameras are merged in a single one after computing their corresponding IPM.

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Labels for the video at the right column.
Multimodal IPM from a completely dynamic environment: cameras move around and people walk in front of the system.

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