Remote monitor module

remote_monitor: remote_monitor


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  • remote_monitor

    This package manage a database, this can establish comunication from a internet connection to a server where the database is running. The to be added from the node to the DB are: DBField<int> id_; DBField<int> rpm_; DBField<double> speed_; DBField<std::string> db_time_; DBField<std::string> atlas_time_; DBField<int> throttle_; DBField<int> brake_; DBField<int> clutch_; DBField<int> gear_; DBField<double> steering_; DBField<double> throttle_press_; DBField<double> brake_press_; DBField<double> clutch_press_; DBField<int> auto_throttle_; DBField<int> auto_brake_; DBField<int> auto_clutch_; DBField<int> auto_steering_; DBField<int> auto_ignition_; DBField<int> handbrake_; DBField<int> emergency_; DBField<int> lights_minimum_; database_DBField<int> lights_medium_; DBField<int> lights_high_; DBField<int> lights_left_; DBField<int> lights_right_; DBField<int> lights_brake_; DBField<int> lights_reverse_; DBField<int> lights_warning_; DBField<int> horn_; DBField<double> lat_gps_; DBField<double> long_gps_; DBField<double> alt_gps_; DBField<double> track_gps_; This are some empty fiels for future data database_interface::DBField<int> empty_field3_; database_interface::DBField<int> empty_field4_;

    All the ubscribed fields are taken from the following messages:

    include <atlascar_base/ManagerStatus.h> ->this are the most variables to monitor include <sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.h> -> this have some GPS fields to be used for monitor

    the node are allways recieving the messages from manager and GPS coordinates and writting them over the DB, when the node is colosed a backup of the BD is created remotely in the directory /tmp/atlas/atlas_date_time.csv and then the DB is cleared.


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    Author(s): Jose Viana
    autogenerated on Wed Jul 23 04:35:32 2014