Optoeletric module


The optoelectric package

This module is responsible for receiving sensor sharp distances, calculate the vehicle orientation and publish them into ros.

Using the system

1- You need to place the sensors in the vehicle.

2- Connect the system serial port to one of computer usb

3- Connect Vin to 14V and Gnd to ground.

4- Launch the calibration_base and orientation_base, for that use the folow command, roslaunch optoelectric vehicle_sharp_calibration.launch

5- Launch the perception_base and orientation_base, for that use the folow command, roslaunch optoelectric vehicle_sharp.launch

You could run Rviz to view the markers.


Arduino Serial port: "/dev/ttyACM0" Baudrate:115200


Publish mensagens from this module.

Published Topic:

For sensors distance,








For orientation,


For car maker,


Author(s): Pedro Salvado, Gonçalo Carpinteiro
autogenerated on Mon Mar 2 2015 01:32:31