

General description of the walking machine project

Name of the walking machine/project: Octópode
Begin and end of the Project: Apr/2000 to Dec/2001
Project costs:
Building effort [person years]: 2
Source of financial support:

Research group

Grupo de Estudos em Automação e Robótica

Staff of the project:

Eduardo José Lima II
Leonardo Lara Rodrigues

Information via www: http://www.mecanica.pucminas.br/~gear

Contact address:

Leonardo Lara Rodrigues, GEAR - IPUC - PUC/MG
Rua Dom José Gaspar, 500 - Prédio 9 - Sala 203, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil
Email: leolara@ig.com.br

Technical data of the walking machine

Dimension Capacity Mobility Energy supply
Length 0.4m Max. speed 0.08m/s Number of legs 8 Energy supply Elecrical and Chemical, Fuel cells
Hight 0.25m Weight 32kg Act. degrees of freedom 26 Power supply
Width 0.43m Load 66kg Pas. degrees of freedom 0 Power consumption 18kW


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