Pipe Crawling Robot


General description of the walking machine project

Name of the walking machine/project: Pipe Crawling Robot machine (Technical University Munich)
Begin and end of the Project: Jan. 1994 - April 1998
Project costs:
Building effort [person years]: 8
Source of financial support:

Research group

Lehrstuhl B f"ur Mechanik, TU M"unchen

Staff of the project:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Pfeiffer (director)
Dr.-Ing. Th. Rossmann - mechanics, control, dynamics

Information via www:


Contact address:

Dr-Ing. Th. Rossmann, Lehrstuhl f"ur Mechanik,
TU M"unchen, Arcisstr. 21, 80290 M"unchen, Germany
Tel: ++49 89 2891-5208, Fax: ++49 89 2891-5209, Email: rossmann@lbm.mw.tu-muenchen.de

Technical data of the walking machine

Dimension Capacity Mobility Energy supply
Length 0,75m Max. speed 0.1m/s Number of legs 8 Energy supply DC
Height 0.6m Weight 20kg Act. degrees of freedom 24 Power supply -
Width 0.6m Load 15kg Pas. degrees of freedom - Power consumption


[Rossmann and Pfeiffer, 1996], [Rossmann and Pfeiffer, 1997], [Rossmann and Pfeiffer, 1998]

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