Walkie 6.2


General description of the walking machine project

Name of the walking machine/project:Walkie 6.2
Begin and end of the Project:1997 - present
Project costs:
Building effort [person years]: 3
Source of financial support: Mechatronics Lab of the Politecnico di Torino and in part Alenia Aerospace

Research group

Mechatronics Laboratory

Staff of the project:

Prof. Giancarlo Genta
Dr. Marcello Chiaberge
Dr. Nicola Amati

Information via www: http://www.lim.polito.it

Contact address:

Prof. Giancarlo Genta, Mechanics Department Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, Turin, Italy
Tel: +39 (011) 564692212, Fax: +39 (011) 5646999, Email: amati@polito.it

Technical data of the walking machine

Dimension Capacity Mobility Energy supply
Length 0.43m Max. speed 52,9m/h Number of legs 6 Energy supply 36Wh
Hight 0,26m Weight 6.4kg Act. degrees of freedom 8 Power supply 10 W
Width 0.30m Load 8kg Pas. degrees of freedom 0 Power consumption 1.15W


Genta G., Amati N., "Performance Evaluation of Twin Rigid-Frames Hexapod Planetary Rovers", Fourth InternationalConference on Motion and Vibration Control, Zurich, August 1998, Vol. 3, pp. 895-900.

Genta G., Amati N., "Prestazioni su terreno accidentato di veicoli esapodi a telai rigidi", XXVII Conv. Naz. AIAS, Perugia, September 1998, pp. 709-718.

Genta G., Amati N., Chiaberge M., Miranda E., Reyneri L.M., Somma R., Perino M.A., "An Autonomous Micro-Hexapod Walking Machine for Planetary Exploration", Clawar 8217;98, First International Symposium, Brussels, November 1998, pp. 197-202.

Genta G, Amati N., Reyneri L.M., "Three Rigid Frames Planetary Rover: a new Concept" 50th Int. Astronautical Congress, Amsterdam, October 1999, pp. 1-10.

Genta G., Amati N., Chiaberge M., Miranda E., Reyneri L.M.,"WALKIE 6-A Walking Rover Demonstrator for Platerary Exploration, 8221;, Space Forum. Accepted for Publication in Vol. 5, No. 4 (2001) pp. 259 - 277.

Genta G., Amati N., Chiaberge M., Miranda E., Reyneri L.M., "Twin Rigid-Frames Walking Microrovers: A Perspective For Miniaturisation 8221;, Journal of British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 52, No. 7/8 July/August 1999, pp. 301-304.

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