Cairo Interaction

Cairo Interaction — Functions to support using Cairo


#include <gdk/gdk.h>

cairo_t*            gdk_cairo_create                    (GdkDrawable *drawable);
void                gdk_cairo_set_source_color          (cairo_t *cr,
                                                         GdkColor *color);
void                gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf         (cairo_t *cr,
                                                         GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
                                                         double pixbuf_x,
                                                         double pixbuf_y);
void                gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap         (cairo_t *cr,
                                                         GdkPixmap *pixmap,
                                                         double pixmap_x,
                                                         double pixmap_y);
void                gdk_cairo_rectangle                 (cairo_t *cr,
                                                         GdkRectangle *rectangle);
void                gdk_cairo_region                    (cairo_t *cr,
                                                         GdkRegion *region);


Cairo is a graphics library that supports vector graphics and image compositing that can be used with GDK. Since 2.8, GTK+ does most of its drawing using Cairo.

GDK does not wrap the Cairo API, instead it allows to create Cairo contexts which can be used to draw on GDK drawables. Additional functions allow to convert GDK's rectangles and regions into Cairo paths and to use pixbufs as sources for drawing operations.


gdk_cairo_create ()

cairo_t*            gdk_cairo_create                    (GdkDrawable *drawable);

Creates a Cairo context for drawing to drawable.

drawable : a GdkDrawable
Returns : A newly created Cairo context. Free with cairo_destroy() when you are done drawing.

Since 2.8

gdk_cairo_set_source_color ()

void                gdk_cairo_set_source_color          (cairo_t *cr,
                                                         GdkColor *color);

Sets the specified GdkColor as the source color of cr.

cr : a cairo_t
color : a GdkColor

Since 2.8

gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf ()

void                gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf         (cairo_t *cr,
                                                         GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
                                                         double pixbuf_x,
                                                         double pixbuf_y);

Sets the given pixbuf as the source pattern for the Cairo context. The pattern has an extend mode of CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE and is aligned so that the origin of pixbuf is pixbuf_x, pixbuf_y

cr : a Cairo context
pixbuf : a GdkPixbuf
pixbuf_x : X coordinate of location to place upper left corner of pixbuf
pixbuf_y : Y coordinate of location to place upper left corner of pixbuf

Since 2.8

gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap ()

void                gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap         (cairo_t *cr,
                                                         GdkPixmap *pixmap,
                                                         double pixmap_x,
                                                         double pixmap_y);

Sets the given pixmap as the source pattern for the Cairo context. The pattern has an extend mode of CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE and is aligned so that the origin of pixbuf is pixbuf_x, pixbuf_y

cr : a Cairo context
pixmap : a GdkPixmap
pixmap_x : X coordinate of location to place upper left corner of pixmap
pixmap_y : Y coordinate of location to place upper left corner of pixmap

Since 2.10

gdk_cairo_rectangle ()

void                gdk_cairo_rectangle                 (cairo_t *cr,
                                                         GdkRectangle *rectangle);

Adds the given rectangle to the current path of cr.

cr : a cairo_t
rectangle : a GdkRectangle

Since 2.8

gdk_cairo_region ()

void                gdk_cairo_region                    (cairo_t *cr,
                                                         GdkRegion *region);

Adds the given region to the current path of cr.

cr : a cairo_t
region : a GdkRegion

Since 2.8