
GtkInvisible — A widget which is not displayed


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

GtkWidget*          gtk_invisible_new                   (void);
GtkWidget*          gtk_invisible_new_for_screen        (GdkScreen *screen);
void                gtk_invisible_set_screen            (GtkInvisible *invisible,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen);
GdkScreen*          gtk_invisible_get_screen            (GtkInvisible *invisible);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

GtkInvisible implements AtkImplementorIface.


  "screen"                   GdkScreen             : Read / Write


The GtkInvisible widget is used internally in GTK+, and is probably not very useful for application developers.

It is used for reliable pointer grabs and selection handling in the code for drag-and-drop.



typedef struct _GtkInvisible GtkInvisible;

The GtkInvisible struct contains no public fields.

gtk_invisible_new ()

GtkWidget*          gtk_invisible_new                   (void);

Creates a new GtkInvisible.

Returns : a new GtkInvisible.

gtk_invisible_new_for_screen ()

GtkWidget*          gtk_invisible_new_for_screen        (GdkScreen *screen);

Creates a new GtkInvisible object for a specified screen

screen : a GdkScreen which identifies on which the new GtkInvisible will be created.
Returns : a newly created GtkInvisible object

Since 2.2

gtk_invisible_set_screen ()

void                gtk_invisible_set_screen            (GtkInvisible *invisible,
                                                         GdkScreen *screen);

Sets the GdkScreen where the GtkInvisible object will be displayed.

invisible : a GtkInvisible.
screen : a GdkScreen.

Since 2.2

gtk_invisible_get_screen ()

GdkScreen*          gtk_invisible_get_screen            (GtkInvisible *invisible);

Returns the GdkScreen object associated with invisible

invisible : a GtkInvisible.
Returns : the associated GdkScreen.

Since 2.2

Property Details

The "screen" property

  "screen"                   GdkScreen             : Read / Write

The screen where this window will be displayed.