Vapi Estruturas de dados

Lista das estruturas de dados com uma breve descrição:
_vEffectThe Operations Data Structure
_vEffectOptionsCustom Options used in operations
_vEffectSettingsDefines the operation's specific options
_vGroupListItemGroup List Item
_vImagesImage Structures This handles the images to use in Macros and Operations
_vOptBooleanDefines an Boolean Option
_vOptcharDefines an option where the value to fill is a string
_vOptChooseDefines an List of choices as option, where the user can select one
_vOptfloatDefines an float option
_vOptintDefines an option where the value entered is an integer
_vOptionsSaves the Data defined in the Options Settings
_vOptionsSettingsSaves the definition of an options structure

Gerado em Tue Jul 24 10:39:51 2007 para Vapi por  doxygen 1.5.1