Referência ao ficheiro src/vapiOperationOptions.h

This file stores some low level functions to handle operation's custom options. Mais...

#include "vapiTypes.h"
#include "vapiOptions.h"
#include "vapiOperation.h"
#include "vapiImages.h"

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void vapiCheckOptOriginal (vImages *Images, vOptions *Options)
 Check if the Original is set to true. This is a custom option, only in use by operations. This checks if the original is set to true and makes the operation use the original image if so.
vOptionsvapiOperationOptionsInit (vEffect *Operation)
 Initiates an Custom Options structure.
vOptionsvapiOptionsCopy (vEffect *Operation, vOptions *Options)
 Creates a copy of supplied Operation's options data structure.
IplImage * vapiOptionsGetTemplate (vOptions *Options)
 fetches the template from the options data. This function is used to access the options data and avoid errors.
void vEffectOptionsFree (vOptions *Options, vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings)
 Frees the custom options used by the operation. This function is used from inside the free options general function.
void vOperationOptionsFree (vOptions *Options, vEffect *Operation)
 Frees a complete Options data structure, including the custom operation options' data.
void vOptionsFreeTemplate (vOptions *options)
 Frees a template form the Options data structure.

Descrição detalhada

This file stores some low level functions to handle operation's custom options.

Definido no ficheiro vapiOperationOptions.h.

Documentação das funções

void vapiCheckOptOriginal ( vImages Images,
vOptions Options 

Check if the Original is set to true. This is a custom option, only in use by operations. This checks if the original is set to true and makes the operation use the original image if so.

Images The image's handler
Options The options Data structure.

Definido na linha 44 do ficheiro vapiOperationOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::CustomOptions, vapiOriginal2Actual() e vImagesFreeActual().

Referenciado por vapiApplyOperation() e vapiLaplace().

00045 {
00046         if (((vEffectOptions *) Options->CustomOptions)->original)
00047         {
00048                 vImagesFreeActual (Images);
00049                 vapiOriginal2Actual (Images);
00050         }
00051 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vOptions* vapiOperationOptionsInit ( vEffect Operation  ) 

Initiates an Custom Options structure.

Operation so that the function can read the options settings and create the data struture has defined.
an options sata structure.

Definido na linha 11 do ficheiro vapiOperationOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::CustomOptions, _vOptionsSettings::CustomOptionsSettings, _vEffectSettings::NeedOfAuxImage, NeedRegion, NeedTemplate, _vEffect::OptionsSettings, _vEffectOptions::original, _vEffectOptions::Template, _vEffectOptions::times, vapiOptionsInit() e vFALSE.

Referenciado por vapiCalibrateCameraCreateMacro(), vapiCalibrateCameraGetColourAOptions(), vapiCalibrateCameraGetColourBOptions(), vapiGtkMacroAppendItem(), vapiGtkMacroInsertItem(), vapiGtkMacroUpdateItemOptions(), vapiGtkOperationApply(), vapiGtkOperationShowOptions(), vapiMacroFromXML() e vapiOptionsCopy().

00012 {
00013         vOptions *Options;
00014         vEffectOptions *CustomOptions;
00015         vEffectSettings *OperationSettings;
00017         /*
00018          * Pequena verificação de segurança.
00019          */
00020         if (Operation == NULL)
00021         {
00022                 return NULL;
00023         }
00024         CustomOptions =
00025                 malloc (sizeof (vEffectOptions));
00026         OperationSettings =
00027                 Operation->OptionsSettings->CustomOptionsSettings;
00028         Options = vapiOptionsInit (Operation->OptionsSettings);
00029         Options->CustomOptions = CustomOptions;
00031         CustomOptions->original = vFALSE;
00032         CustomOptions->times = 1;
00034         if (OperationSettings->NeedOfAuxImage == NeedTemplate
00035             || OperationSettings->NeedOfAuxImage == NeedRegion)
00036         {
00037                 CustomOptions->Template = NULL;
00038         }
00040         return Options;
00041 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vOptions* vapiOptionsCopy ( vEffect Operation,
vOptions Options 

Creates a copy of supplied Operation's options data structure.

a new Options data structure.

Definido na linha 82 do ficheiro vapiOperationOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::booleans, _vOptionsSettings::booleansNumber, _vChar::ch, _vOptions::chars, _vOptionsSettings::charsNumber, _vOptions::choices, _vOptionsSettings::chooseNumber, _vOptions::floats, _vOptionsSettings::floatsNumber, _vOptions::ints, _vOptionsSettings::intsNumber, NeedRegion, NeedTemplate, _vEffect::OptionsSettings, vapiOperationOptionsInit() e vapiReturnStringPointer().

00083 {
00084         vOptions *Options2;
00085         int i;
00087         Options2 = vapiOperationOptionsInit (Operation);
00089         /*
00090          * Pequena verificação de segurança.
00091          */
00092         if (Operation == NULL)
00093         {
00094                 return NULL;
00095         }
00096         ((vEffectOptions *) Options2)->original =
00097                 ((vEffectOptions *) Options)->original;
00098         ((vEffectOptions *) Options2)->times =
00099                 ((vEffectOptions *) Options)->times;
00101         /*
00102          * Definição e alocação de espaço de acordo com as necessidades da operação.
00103          */
00104         if (Operation->OptionsSettings->floatsNumber)
00105         {
00106                 for (i = 0; i < Operation->OptionsSettings->floatsNumber; i++)
00107                 {
00108                         Options2->floats[i] = Options2->floats[i];
00109                 }
00110         }
00111         if (Operation->OptionsSettings->intsNumber)
00112         {
00114                 for (i = 0; i < Operation->OptionsSettings->intsNumber; i++)
00115                 {
00116                         Options2->ints[i] = Options->ints[i];
00117                 }
00118         }
00120         if (Operation->OptionsSettings->charsNumber)
00121         {
00122                 for (i = 0; i < Operation->OptionsSettings->charsNumber; i++)
00123                 {
00124                         Options2->chars[i].ch =
00125                                 vapiReturnStringPointer (Options->chars[i].
00126                                                          ch);
00127                 }
00128         }
00129         if (Operation->OptionsSettings->chooseNumber)
00130         {
00132                 for (i = 0; i < Operation->OptionsSettings->chooseNumber; i++)
00133                 {
00134                         Options2->choices[i] = Options->choices[i];
00135                 }
00136         }
00137         if (Operation->OptionsSettings->booleansNumber)
00138         {
00140                 for (i = 0; i < Operation->OptionsSettings->booleansNumber;
00141                      i++)
00142                 {
00143                         Options2->booleans[i] = Options->booleans[i];
00144                 }
00145         }
00146         if (((vEffectSettings *) Operation->OptionsSettings->
00147              CustomOptionsSettings)->NeedOfAuxImage == NeedTemplate
00148             || ((vEffectSettings *) Operation->OptionsSettings->
00149                 CustomOptionsSettings)->NeedOfAuxImage == NeedRegion)
00150         {
00151                 ((vEffectOptions *) Options2)->Template =
00152                         ((vEffectOptions *) Options)->Template;
00153         }
00155         return Options2;
00157 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

IplImage* vapiOptionsGetTemplate ( vOptions Options  ) 

fetches the template from the options data. This function is used to access the options data and avoid errors.

the IplImage pointer for the template.

Definido na linha 167 do ficheiro vapiOperationOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::CustomOptions e _vEffectOptions::Template.

Referenciado por vapiTemplateMatch().

00168 {
00169         vEffectOptions * OperationOptions = Options->CustomOptions;
00171         return OperationOptions->Template;
00172 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vEffectOptionsFree ( vOptions Options,
vOptionsSettings OptionsSettings 

Frees the custom options used by the operation. This function is used from inside the free options general function.

Definido na linha 54 do ficheiro vapiOperationOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::CustomOptions, _vOptionsSettings::CustomOptionsSettings, _vEffectSettings::NeedOfAuxImage, NoNeed e vOptionsFreeTemplate().

Referenciado por vOperationOptionsFree().

00055 {
00056         vEffectSettings *OperationSettings =
00057                 OptionsSettings->CustomOptionsSettings;
00059         if (OperationSettings->NeedOfAuxImage != NoNeed)
00060         {
00061                 vOptionsFreeTemplate (Options);
00062         }
00063         free (Options->CustomOptions);
00064 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vOperationOptionsFree ( vOptions Options,
vEffect Operation 

Frees a complete Options data structure, including the custom operation options' data.

Definido na linha 160 do ficheiro vapiOperationOptions.c.

Referências _vEffect::OptionsSettings, vEffectOptionsFree() e vOptionsFree().

Referenciado por vapiGtkMacroUpdateItemOptions(), vapiGtkOperationApply(), vapiGtkOperationShowOptions() e vMacroItemFree().

00161 {
00162         vOptionsFree (Options, Operation->OptionsSettings,
00163                       &vEffectOptionsFree);
00164 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vOptionsFreeTemplate ( vOptions options  ) 

Frees a template form the Options data structure.

Definido na linha 67 do ficheiro vapiOperationOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::CustomOptions.

Referenciado por vEffectOptionsFree().

00068 {
00069         if (!
00070             (((vEffectOptions *) options->CustomOptions)->Template ==
00071              NULL))
00072         {
00073                 cvReleaseImage (&
00074                                 ((vEffectOptions *) options->
00075                                  CustomOptions)->Template);
00077         }
00078 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Gerado em Tue Jul 24 10:39:04 2007 para Vapi por  doxygen 1.5.1