Referência ao ficheiro src/vapiOperationXML.h

This file contains functions to handle the import and export of the custom options to XML. Mais...

#include <libxml/encoding.h>
#include <libxml/xmlreader.h>
#include <libxml/xmlwriter.h>
#include "vapiOptions.h"
#include "vapiOperation.h"

Diagrama de dependências de inclusão para vapiOperationXML.h:

Este grafo mostra quais são os ficheiros que incluem directamente ou indirectamente este ficheiro:

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void vapiOptionsXMLGetOptionsOperation (xmlTextWriter *xmlOutput, vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings, vOptions *Options)
 Export the options to the XML file. this function is called from the options main XML export function.
int vapiOptionsXMLSetOptionsOperation (xmlTextReader *xmlInput, vOptions *Options)
 Imports the options to the XML file. this function is called from the options main XML import function.

Descrição detalhada

This file contains functions to handle the import and export of the custom options to XML.

Definido no ficheiro vapiOperationXML.h.

Documentação das funções

void vapiOptionsXMLGetOptionsOperation ( xmlTextWriter *  xmlOutput,
vOptionsSettings OptionsSettings,
vOptions Options 

Export the options to the XML file. this function is called from the options main XML export function.

Definido na linha 10 do ficheiro vapiOperationXML.c.

Referências _vOptions::CustomOptions.

Referenciado por vapiMacroToXML().

00013 {
00014         if (((vEffectOptions *) Options->CustomOptions)->times > 1)
00015         {
00016                 xmlTextWriterStartElement (xmlOutput, BAD_CAST "option");
00018                 xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute (xmlOutput, BAD_CAST "type",
00019                                              BAD_CAST "times");
00020                 xmlTextWriterWriteFormatString (xmlOutput, "%d",
00021                                                 ((vEffectOptions *)
00022                                                  Options->CustomOptions)->
00023                                                 times);
00025                 xmlTextWriterEndElement (xmlOutput);
00026         }
00029         if (((vEffectOptions *) Options->CustomOptions)->original)
00030         {
00031                 xmlTextWriterStartElement (xmlOutput, BAD_CAST "option");
00032                 xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute (xmlOutput, BAD_CAST "type",
00033                                              BAD_CAST "original");
00034                 xmlTextWriterWriteString (xmlOutput, BAD_CAST "vTRUE");
00035                 xmlTextWriterEndElement (xmlOutput);
00036         }
00037 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int vapiOptionsXMLSetOptionsOperation ( xmlTextReader *  xmlInput,
vOptions Options 

Imports the options to the XML file. this function is called from the options main XML import function.

Definido na linha 40 do ficheiro vapiOperationXML.c.

Referências _vOptions::CustomOptions, v_debug, vapiOptionsXMLCheckOption(), vapiXMLNextElementNamed(), vFALSE e vTRUE.

Referenciado por vapiMacroFromXML().

00042 {
00043         int ret=1, bk=1;
00044         if (strcmp
00045             ((char *)
00046              xmlTextReaderGetAttribute (xmlInput, BAD_CAST "type"),
00047              "times") == 0)
00048         {
00049                 xmlTextReaderRead (xmlInput);
00050                 v_debug ("node times: %d.",
00051                          atoi ((char *) xmlTextReaderValue (xmlInput)));
00052                 ((vEffectOptions *) Options->CustomOptions)->
00053                         times = atoi ((char *) xmlTextReaderValue (xmlInput));
00054                 ret = vapiXMLNextElementNamed (xmlInput, "option");
00055         }
00057         bk = vapiOptionsXMLCheckOption (xmlInput, ret);
00059         if (bk == 0 || bk == -1)
00060         {
00061                 return bk;
00062         }
00063         if (strcmp
00064             ((char *)
00065              xmlTextReaderGetAttribute (xmlInput, BAD_CAST "type"),
00066              "original") == 0)
00067         {
00068                 xmlTextReaderRead (xmlInput);
00069                 v_debug ("original: %s", xmlTextReaderValue (xmlInput));
00070                 if (!strcmp ((char *) xmlTextReaderValue (xmlInput), "vTRUE"))
00071                 {
00072                         ((vEffectOptions *) Options->
00073                          CustomOptions)->original = vTRUE;
00074                 }
00075                 else
00076                 {
00077                         ((vEffectOptions *) Options->
00078                          CustomOptions)->original = vFALSE;
00079                 }
00080                 ret = vapiXMLNextElementNamed (xmlInput, "option");
00081         }
00082         bk = vapiOptionsXMLCheckOption (xmlInput, ret);
00084         return bk;
00085 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Gerado em Tue Jul 24 10:39:21 2007 para Vapi por  doxygen 1.5.1