Referência ao ficheiro src/vapiOperationList.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "vapi.h"
#include "vapiLists.h"
#include "vapiMacroList.h"
#include "vapiMacro.h"
#include "vapiGroups.h"
#include "vapiOperationList.h"
#include "vapiOperation.h"

Diagrama de dependências de inclusão para vapiOperationList.c:

Ir para o código fonte deste ficheiro.


static void vapiOperationListAddItem (vOperationList *OperationList, vEffect *Operation)
void vapiOperationListAddOperation (vEffect *Operation[], int OperationNumber)
 Adds an operation to the list, and the respective group name on the list of groups.
void vapiOperationListAddOperationOne (vOperationList *OperationList, vGroupList *GroupList, vEffect *Operation)
int vapiOperationListCountElements (vOperationList *OperationList)
 Counts The number of Operations in the list.
vOperationListvapiOperationListInit (vGroupList *GroupList)
vOperationListvapiOperationListNew ()
 New Operation List.
vEffectvapiOperationListSelectItem (vOperationList *OperationList, int Item)
 Selects an Operation from the List.
vEffectvapiOperationListSelectOperation (vOperationList *OperationList, const char *name)
 Selects an Operation from the List.


static vGroupListGlobalOperationGroupList
static vOperationListGlobalOperationList

Documentação das funções

static void vapiOperationListAddItem ( vOperationList OperationList,
vEffect Operation 
) [static]

Definido na linha 39 do ficheiro vapiOperationList.c.

Referências OperationList e v_list_append().

Referenciado por vapiOperationListAddOperationOne().

00040 {
00041         v_list_append ((vList *) OperationList, Operation);
00042 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationListAddOperation ( vEffect Operation[],
int  OperationNumber 

Adds an operation to the list, and the respective group name on the list of groups.

Operation[] An Array of pointers for operations
OperationNumber the number of operations that are in the array

Definido na linha 85 do ficheiro vapiOperationList.c.

Referências GlobalOperationGroupList, GlobalOperationList e vapiOperationListAddOperationOne().

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects(), vapiImageOperations(), vapiIOOperations() e vapiTimerOperations().

00086 {
00087         int i;
00088         for (i = 0; i < OperationNumber; i++)
00089         {
00090                 if (Operation[i] == NULL)
00091                 {
00092                         continue;
00093                 }
00094                 vapiOperationListAddOperationOne (GlobalOperationList,
00095                                                   GlobalOperationGroupList,
00096                                                   Operation[i]);
00097         }
00098 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationListAddOperationOne ( vOperationList OperationList,
vGroupList GroupList,
vEffect Operation 

Definido na linha 77 do ficheiro vapiOperationList.c.

Referências _vEffect::Group, OperationList, vapiGroupListAddItem() e vapiOperationListAddItem().

Referenciado por vapiOperationListAddOperation().

00079 {
00080         vapiOperationListAddItem (OperationList, Operation);
00081         vapiGroupListAddItem (GroupList, Operation->Group);
00082 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int vapiOperationListCountElements ( vOperationList OperationList  ) 

Counts The number of Operations in the list.

Number of operations in the list.

Definido na linha 45 do ficheiro vapiOperationList.c.

Referências OperationList e v_list_count_elements().

Referenciado por vapiGtkSelectOperationPopulateGroup() e vapiOperationListSelectOperation().

00046 {
00047         return v_list_count_elements ((vList *) OperationList);
00048 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vOperationList* vapiOperationListInit ( vGroupList GroupList  ) 

Definido na linha 24 do ficheiro vapiOperationList.c.

Referências GlobalOperationGroupList, GlobalOperationList e vapiOperationListNew().

Referenciado por main().

00025 {
00026         GlobalOperationGroupList = GroupList;
00027         GlobalOperationList = vapiOperationListNew ();
00028         return GlobalOperationList;
00029 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vOperationList* vapiOperationListNew (  ) 

New Operation List.

Definido na linha 32 do ficheiro vapiOperationList.c.

Referências OperationList e v_list_new().

Referenciado por vapiOperationListInit().

00033 {
00034         vOperationList *OperationList = (vOperationList *) v_list_new ();
00035         return OperationList;
00036 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vEffect* vapiOperationListSelectItem ( vOperationList OperationList,
int  Item 

Selects an Operation from the List.

Item Operation's position in the list.
the pointer for the operation.
do not free this pointer.

Definido na linha 51 do ficheiro vapiOperationList.c.

Referências OperationList e v_list_get().

Referenciado por vapiGtkSelectOperationPopulateGroup() e vapiOperationListSelectOperation().

00052 {
00053         return ((vEffect *) v_list_get ((vList *) OperationList, Item));
00054 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vEffect* vapiOperationListSelectOperation ( vOperationList OperationList,
const char *  name 

Selects an Operation from the List.

name Operation's name.
the pointer for the operation.
do not free this pointer.

Definido na linha 57 do ficheiro vapiOperationList.c.

Referências _vEffect::name, OperationList, v_list_get(), vapiOperationListCountElements() e vapiOperationListSelectItem().

Referenciado por vapiCalibrateCameraCreateMacro(), vapiCalibrateCameraGetColourAOptions(), vapiCalibrateCameraGetColourBOptions(), vapiGetOperationFromTxtOperation(), vapiGtkSelectOperationSelect(), vapiGtkSelectOperationSelectToUse(), vapiGtkSelectOperationSelectToUseFromButton() e vapiMacroFromXML().

00059 {
00060         vEffect *item;
00061         int ListSize, i;
00062         ListSize = vapiOperationListCountElements (OperationList);
00064         for (i = 0; i < ListSize; i++)
00065         {
00066                 item = vapiOperationListSelectItem (OperationList, i);
00067                 if (!strcmp (name, item->name))
00068                 {
00069                         return ((vEffect *)
00070                                 v_list_get ((vList *) OperationList, i));
00071                 }
00072         }
00073         return NULL;
00074 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Documentação das variáveis

vGroupList* GlobalOperationGroupList [static]

Definido na linha 21 do ficheiro vapiOperationList.c.

Referenciado por vapiOperationListAddOperation() e vapiOperationListInit().

vOperationList* GlobalOperationList [static]

Definido na linha 20 do ficheiro vapiOperationList.c.

Referenciado por vapiOperationListAddOperation() e vapiOperationListInit().

Gerado em Tue Jul 24 10:38:57 2007 para Vapi por  doxygen 1.5.1