Referência ao ficheiro src/vapiOptions.h

Functions and definitions to handle Options. Mais...

#include "vapiTypes.h"

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Estruturas de Dados

struct  _vOptBoolean
 Defines an Boolean Option. Mais...
struct  _vOptchar
 Defines an option where the value to fill is a string. Mais...
struct  _vOptChoose
 Defines an List of choices as option, where the user can select one. Mais...
struct  _vOptfloat
 Defines an float option. Mais...
struct  _vOptint
 Defines an option where the value entered is an integer. Mais...
struct  _vOptions
 Saves the Data defined in the Options Settings. Mais...
struct  _vOptionsSettings
 Saves the definition of an options structure. Mais...

Definições de tipos

typedef int vInterfaceType
 Definition for easily know what this does.
typedef _vOptBoolean vOptBoolean
 Defines an Boolean Option.
typedef _vOptchar vOptchar
 Defines an option where the value to fill is a string.
typedef _vOptChoose vOptChoose
 Defines an List of choices as option, where the user can select one.
typedef _vOptfloat vOptfloat
 Defines an float option.
typedef _vOptint vOptint
 Defines an option where the value entered is an integer.
typedef _vOptions vOptions
 Saves the Data defined in the Options Settings.
typedef void(*) vOptionsFreeCustom (vOptions *, vOptionsSettings *)
 Frees a Custom Options Data Structure.
typedef _vOptionsSettings vOptionsSettings
 Saves the definition of an options structure.
typedef void(*) vOptionsSettingsFreeCustom (vOptionsSettings *)
 Frees a Custom Options Settings structure.


enum  vapiInterfaceType { vBar = 0, vSpin }
 Types of interfaces to Options. Mais...


vBoolean vapiOptionsCheck (vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings, vOptions *Options)
 Checks the options data for invalid options .
vBoolean vapiOptionsGetBooleans (vOptions *Options, int position)
 Retrieves the boolean option from the position in the Array of Booleans.
char * vapiOptionsGetChars (vOptions *Options, int position)
 Retrieves the string from the position in the Array of Strings.
int vapiOptionsGetChoices (vOptions *Options, int position)
 Retrieves the number of the choice of the list of choices in the position required in the choices' list array.
double vapiOptionsGetFloats (vOptions *Options, int position)
 Retrieves the float from the position in the Array of floats.
int vapiOptionsGetInts (vOptions *Options, int position)
 Retrieves the integer from the position in the Array of integers.
int vapiOptionsGetTimes (vOptions *Options)
 Retrieves the number of repetitions.
vOptionsvapiOptionsInit (vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings)
 Inits an Options Data Structure with default values.
vOptionsSettingsvapiOptionsSettingsInit ()
 Initiates an Options Settings structure with the default values.
void vOptionsFree (vOptions *Options, vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings, vOptionsFreeCustom FreeCustom)
 Frees an Options Data structure.
void vOptionsSettingsFree (vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings, vOptionsSettingsFreeCustom FreeCustom)
 Frees the Options Settings structure.

Descrição detalhada

Functions and definitions to handle Options.

Definido no ficheiro vapiOptions.h.

Documentação dos tipos

typedef int vInterfaceType

Definition for easily know what this does.

Definido na linha 21 do ficheiro vapiOptions.h.

typedef struct _vOptBoolean vOptBoolean

Defines an Boolean Option.

typedef struct _vOptchar vOptchar

Defines an option where the value to fill is a string.

typedef struct _vOptChoose vOptChoose

Defines an List of choices as option, where the user can select one.

typedef struct _vOptfloat vOptfloat

Defines an float option.

typedef struct _vOptint vOptint

Defines an option where the value entered is an integer.

typedef struct _vOptions vOptions

Saves the Data defined in the Options Settings.

typedef void(*) vOptionsFreeCustom(vOptions *, vOptionsSettings *)

Frees a Custom Options Data Structure.

Definido na linha 153 do ficheiro vapiOptions.h.

typedef struct _vOptionsSettings vOptionsSettings

Saves the definition of an options structure.

typedef void(*) vOptionsSettingsFreeCustom(vOptionsSettings *)

Frees a Custom Options Settings structure.

Definido na linha 156 do ficheiro vapiOptions.h.

Documentação dos valores da enumeração

enum vapiInterfaceType

Types of interfaces to Options.

Valores da enumeração:
vBar  Shifting bar
vSpin  Spin Button.

Definido na linha 17 do ficheiro vapiOptions.h.

00018 { vBar = 0, vSpin };

Documentação das funções

vBoolean vapiOptionsCheck ( vOptionsSettings OptionsSettings,
vOptions Options 

Checks the options data for invalid options .

Verdadeiro caso exista algum erro.

Definido na linha 242 do ficheiro vapiOptions.c.

Referências _vOptint::defaultValue, _vOptionsSettings::ints, _vOptions::ints, _vOptionsSettings::intsNumber, _vOptint::max e _vOptint::min.

Referenciado por vapiGtkWindowIOAdd_Add(), vapiIOConfiguredListFromXML(), vapiMacroFromXML() e vIOCheckIO().

00243 {
00245         int i;
00246         if (OptionsSettings->intsNumber)
00247         {
00248                 for (i = 0; i < OptionsSettings->intsNumber; i++)
00249                 {
00251                         if (Options->ints[i] <
00252                             OptionsSettings->ints[i].min
00253                             || Options->ints[i] >
00254                             OptionsSettings->ints[i].max)
00255                         {
00256                                 Options->ints[i] =
00257                                         OptionsSettings->ints[i].defaultValue;
00259                         }
00260                 }
00261         }
00262         if (OptionsSettings->floatsNumber)
00263         {
00264                 for (i = 0; i < OptionsSettings->floatsNumber; i++)
00265                 {
00267                         if (Options->floats[i] <
00268                             OptionsSettings->floats[i].min
00269                             || Options->floats[i] >
00270                             OptionsSettings->floats[i].max)
00271                         {
00272                                 Options->floats[i] =
00273                                         OptionsSettings->floats[i].
00274                                         defaultValue;
00276                         }
00277                 }
00278         }
00279         if (OptionsSettings->charsNumber)
00280         {
00281                 for (i = 0; i < OptionsSettings->charsNumber; i++)
00282                 {
00284                         if (strlen (Options->chars[i].ch) == 0)
00285                         {
00286                                 return vTRUE;
00288                         }
00289                 }
00290         }
00291         return vFALSE;
00292 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vBoolean vapiOptionsGetBooleans ( vOptions Options,
int  position 

Retrieves the boolean option from the position in the Array of Booleans.

Options Dados das opções
position Posição no array
o valor verdadeiro ou falso

Definido na linha 149 do ficheiro vapiOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::booleans, _vOptions::booleansNumber e vFALSE.

Referenciado por vapiCountObjects() e vapiSelectRegion().

00150 {
00151         if (Options->booleansNumber > 0 && position < Options->booleansNumber)
00152         {
00153                 return Options->booleans[position];
00154         }
00155         else
00156         {
00157                 return vFALSE;
00158         }
00159 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* vapiOptionsGetChars ( vOptions Options,
int  position 

Retrieves the string from the position in the Array of Strings.

Options Option's data
position Position in the array
An integer for the string or character
The returned pointer shall not be freed
this function should return NULL if the string is non existent, but the application is not ready to handle that

Definido na linha 131 do ficheiro vapiOptions.c.

Referências _vChar::ch, _vOptions::chars e _vOptions::charsNumber.

Referenciado por FileAsDigitalInput().

00132 {
00133         if (Options->charsNumber > 0 && position < Options->charsNumber)
00134         {
00135                 return Options->chars[position].ch;
00136         }
00137         else
00138         {
00139                 return " ";
00140         }
00141 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int vapiOptionsGetChoices ( vOptions Options,
int  position 

Retrieves the number of the choice of the list of choices in the position required in the choices' list array.

Options Dados das opções
position Posição no array
o índice da opção seleccionada

Definido na linha 167 do ficheiro vapiOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::choices e _vOptions::choicesNumber.

Referenciado por vapiCompareFloat(), vapiCompareInt() e vapiSmooth().

00168 {
00169         if (Options->choicesNumber > 0 && position < Options->choicesNumber)
00170         {
00171                 return Options->choices[position];
00172         }
00173         else
00174         {
00175                 return 0;
00176         }
00177 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double vapiOptionsGetFloats ( vOptions Options,
int  position 

Retrieves the float from the position in the Array of floats.

Options Option's data
position Position in the array
The value that is in the double numbers array, at the required position

Definido na linha 110 do ficheiro vapiOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::floats e _vOptions::floatsNumber.

Referenciado por vapiColourFilter(), vapiCompareFloat(), vapiTemplateMatch() e vapiTimerWait().

00111 {
00112         if (Options->floatsNumber > 0 && position < Options->floatsNumber)
00113         {
00114                 return Options->floats[position];
00115         }
00116         else
00117         {
00118                 return 0;
00119         }
00120 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int vapiOptionsGetInts ( vOptions Options,
int  position 

Retrieves the integer from the position in the Array of integers.

Options option's data
position Position in the array
The value that is in the integer numbers array, at the required position

Definido na linha 92 do ficheiro vapiOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::ints e _vOptions::intsNumber.

Referenciado por vapiCompareFloat(), vapiCompareInt(), vapiFlip(), vapiJumpToConditional(), vapiMarkPoints(), vapiSelectRegion(), vapiSmooth() e vapiThreshold().

00093 {
00094         if (Options->intsNumber > 0 && position < Options->intsNumber)
00095         {
00096                 return Options->ints[position];
00097         }
00098         else
00099         {
00100                 return 0;
00101         }
00102 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int vapiOptionsGetTimes ( vOptions Options  ) 

Retrieves the number of repetitions.

Options Dados das opções
número de vezes que uma operação deve ser executada
esta função deve desaparecer, visto que se trata de uma opção custom.

Definido na linha 185 do ficheiro vapiOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::CustomOptions e _vEffectOptions::times.

Referenciado por vapiDilate() e vapiErode().

00186 {
00187         vEffectOptions *CustomOptions = Options->CustomOptions;
00188         return CustomOptions->times;
00189 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vOptions* vapiOptionsInit ( vOptionsSettings OptionsSettings  ) 

Inits an Options Data Structure with default values.

OptionsSettings Options definitions

Definido na linha 11 do ficheiro vapiOptions.c.

Referências _vOptionsSettings::booleansNumber, _vOptions::booleansNumber, _vOptionsSettings::charsNumber, _vOptions::charsNumber, _vOptions::choicesNumber, _vOptionsSettings::chooseNumber, _vOptint::defaultValue, _vOptfloat::defaultValue, _vOptionsSettings::floats, _vOptions::floats, _vOptionsSettings::floatsNumber, _vOptions::floatsNumber, _vOptionsSettings::ints, _vOptions::ints, _vOptionsSettings::intsNumber e _vOptions::intsNumber.

Referenciado por vapiGtkWindowIOAdd_Add(), vapiGtkWindowIOAddSelectIO(), vapiGtkWindowIOConfiguredSaveChanges(), vapiIOConfiguredListFromXML() e vapiOperationOptionsInit().

00012 {
00013         int i;
00014         vOptions *Options = malloc (sizeof (vOptions));
00016         /*
00017          * Definir o numero de cada tipo mesmo na estrtura de opções, 
00018          * Por forma a ajudar a robustez.
00019          */
00020         Options->floatsNumber = OptionsSettings->floatsNumber;
00021         Options->intsNumber = OptionsSettings->intsNumber;
00022         Options->charsNumber = OptionsSettings->charsNumber;
00023         Options->booleansNumber = OptionsSettings->booleansNumber;
00024         Options->choicesNumber = OptionsSettings->chooseNumber;
00027         /*
00028          * Definição e alocação de espaço de acordo com as necessidades da operação.
00029          */
00030         if (OptionsSettings->floatsNumber)
00031         {
00032                 Options->floats =
00033                         malloc (OptionsSettings->floatsNumber *
00034                                 sizeof (double));
00035                 for (i = 0; i < OptionsSettings->floatsNumber; i++)
00036                 {
00037                         Options->floats[i] =
00038                                 OptionsSettings->floats[i].defaultValue;
00039                 }
00040         }
00041         if (OptionsSettings->intsNumber)
00042         {
00043                 Options->ints =
00044                         malloc (OptionsSettings->intsNumber * sizeof (int));
00045                 for (i = 0; i < OptionsSettings->intsNumber; i++)
00046                 {
00047                         Options->ints[i] =
00048                                 OptionsSettings->ints[i].defaultValue;
00049                 }
00050         }
00052         if (OptionsSettings->charsNumber)
00053         {
00054                 Options->chars =
00055                         malloc (OptionsSettings->charsNumber *
00056                                 sizeof (vChar));
00057                 for (i = 0; i < OptionsSettings->charsNumber; i++)
00058                 {
00059                         Options->chars[i].ch = "";
00060                 }
00061         }
00062         if (OptionsSettings->chooseNumber)
00063         {
00064                 Options->choices =
00065                         malloc (OptionsSettings->chooseNumber * sizeof (int));
00066                 for (i = 0; i < OptionsSettings->chooseNumber; i++)
00067                 {
00068                         Options->choices[i] =
00069                                 OptionsSettings->choose[i].defaultOption;
00070                 }
00071         }
00072         if (OptionsSettings->booleansNumber)
00073         {
00074                 Options->booleans =
00075                         malloc (OptionsSettings->booleansNumber *
00076                                 sizeof (vBoolean));
00077                 for (i = 0; i < OptionsSettings->booleansNumber; i++)
00078                 {
00079                         Options->booleans[i] =
00080                                 OptionsSettings->booleans[i].defaultValue;
00081                 }
00082         }
00083         return Options;
00084 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vOptionsSettings* vapiOptionsSettingsInit (  ) 

Initiates an Options Settings structure with the default values.

Definido na linha 314 do ficheiro vapiOptions.c.

Referências _vOptionsSettings::booleansNumber, _vOptionsSettings::charsNumber, _vOptionsSettings::chooseNumber, _vOptionsSettings::floatsNumber e _vOptionsSettings::intsNumber.

Referenciado por vapiCreateIO() e vapiOperationInit().

00315 {
00316         vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings =
00317                 malloc (sizeof (vOptionsSettings));
00318         OptionsSettings->floatsNumber = 0;
00319         OptionsSettings->intsNumber = 0;
00320         OptionsSettings->charsNumber = 0;
00321         OptionsSettings->chooseNumber = 0;
00322         OptionsSettings->booleansNumber = 0;
00323         return OptionsSettings;
00324 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vOptionsFree ( vOptions Options,
vOptionsSettings OptionsSettings,
vOptionsFreeCustom  FreeCustom 

Frees an Options Data structure.

Além de libertar a estrtura vOptions, liberta também as custom.
OptionsSettings Definições das opções
FreeCustom Função para libertar a estura que alberga os dados estendidos.

Definido na linha 197 do ficheiro vapiOptions.c.

Referências _vChar::ch, _vOptions::chars, _vOptionsSettings::charsNumber, _vOptions::floats, _vOptionsSettings::floatsNumber, _vOptions::ints, _vOptionsSettings::intsNumber e vCharFreeChar().

Referenciado por vapiGtkWindowIOAdd_Add(), vapiGtkWindowIOAddSelectIO(), vapiGtkWindowIOConfiguredSaveChanges(), vapiIOListFreeConfigured() e vOperationOptionsFree().

00199 {
00200         int i;
00202         if (OptionsSettings->floatsNumber)
00203         {
00204                 free (Options->floats);
00205         }
00206         if (OptionsSettings->intsNumber)
00207         {
00208                 free (Options->ints);
00209         }
00210         if (OptionsSettings->charsNumber)
00211         {
00212                 for (i = 0; i < OptionsSettings->charsNumber; i++)
00213                 {
00214                         if (strlen (Options->chars[i].ch) > 0)
00215                         {
00216                                 vCharFreeChar (&Options->chars[i]);
00217                         }
00218                 }
00219                 free (Options->chars);
00220         }
00221         if (OptionsSettings->chooseNumber)
00222         {
00223                 free (Options->choices);
00224         }
00225         if (OptionsSettings->booleansNumber)
00226         {
00227                 free (Options->booleans);
00228         }
00229         if (FreeCustom != NULL)
00230         {
00231                 FreeCustom (Options, OptionsSettings);
00232         }
00233         free (Options);
00234 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vOptionsSettingsFree ( vOptionsSettings OptionsSettings,
vOptionsSettingsFreeCustom  FreeCustom 

Frees the Options Settings structure.

Além de libertar a estrtura vOptionsSettings, liberta também a custom.
OptionsSettings Definições das opções
FreeCustom Função para libertar a estutura de estendidos.

Definido na linha 300 do ficheiro vapiOptions.c.

Referenciado por vapiFreeIO().

00302 {
00303         if (FreeCustom != NULL)
00304         {
00305                 FreeCustom (OptionsSettings);
00306         }
00307         free (OptionsSettings);
00309 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Gerado em Tue Jul 24 10:39:26 2007 para Vapi por  doxygen 1.5.1