
Special Issue of RAS Journal published

October 2016/January 2017

The special issue with extended versions of selected papers has been published by Elsevier's Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal. The papers were published throughout several volumes of the journal, but form altogether a virtual special issue:

Call for extended versions for Special Edition of RAS Journal

October 7, 2015

Authors of accepted papers were invited to prepare extended versions of their papers to submitt to a Special Edition of RAS Journal. Paper submission deadline is 15th December 2015.

Preliminary Program

September 29, 2015

The accepted 11 papers will be presented in two sessions during the first day of the conference, 19th November.

Review process complete

September 3, 2015

The review process has completed. Notification to authors is being prepared.

Journal Publication

June 13th, 2015

The editor of the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal confirmed and encouraged the possibility of the publication of extended versions of selected papers in a special issue of the journal.

Program Committee

June 11th, 2015

Most invitations for the Program Committee have been positively answered. The reviewing process of this special session will count with the kind availability of several international personalities experts on the field.

Website online

June 1st, 2015

This website went on-line for the first time.