Pedro Salvado


The pc_accumulation package



How to accumulate a pointCloud

This is what you should do

use pc_accumulation_nodelet:

Then you must subscribe the desired topic

With this class you can subscribe a sensor_msgs::LaserScan or sensor_msgs::PointCloud.(create respective Callback) In order for this to work, you must subscribe also a nav_msgs::Odometry, in order to make the accumulation possible.

You must set several parameters (required)

Must specify:(use them as Global Variables)

Frame of accumulation : acc_frame = Desired frame to remove points from lib._acc_frame_id = Distance distance_from =

Publish Accumulated PointCloud

The message to publish is from type sensor_msgs::PointCloud2

To make it simple:

Using the nodelet

Example of a xml launch file for xb3

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This is a pc_accumulation launch file for starting the pc_accumulation_nodelet-->
<node name="pc_accumulation_nodelet" pkg="pc_accumulation" type="pc_accumulation_nodelet" >
<!--This parameter set the desired max distance removed_from -->
<param name="distance_from" value="15" type="double"/>
<!--This parameter sets the point from your system -->
<param name="removed_from" value="/atc/vehicle/center_bumper"/>
<!-- Define the time interval between each published message-->
<param name="timer_value" value="0.1" type="double"/> <!--Frequency of pub message ( sec ) -->
<!-- Set the accumulation frame_id-->
<param name="acc_frame" value="/world"/>
<!-- Subscribe several topics LaserScan and PointClouds (0 - 4)-->
<!-- Remmaping topics-->
<remap from="/laserscan0" to="/atc/laser/center_top_roof/laser_scan"/>
<remap from="/pointcloud0" to="/xb3_short/left/image_raw"/>

Author(s): Pedro Salvado
autogenerated on Mon Mar 2 2015 01:32:32