pressure_cells Module


The pressure_cells package


Package description:

This package provides the readings of the Load Cells installed in the feet of the LAR humanoid robot.

The readings come from two Arduinos Fio by Serial Port, 5 Bytes each measurement/Arduino.
Each Arduinos reads from 4 analog pins after the Load Cell's signals are amplified.
The package has two binaries: pressure_cells and force_cop.
The pressure_cells binary reads the 5 bytes sent by the Arduinos and publish a message with there scaled value. The pressure_cells.launch file launches 2 binaries, one for each Arduino. The Ports are remapped by the launcher and obtained by the usage of the device_mapper package that is launched by a pre_pressure_cells.launch file.

Author(s): Emilio Estrelinha
autogenerated on Mon Mar 2 2015 01:32:47