Referência ao ficheiro src/interface/vapiGtkOptions.c

#include "vapiGtkInterface.h"
#include "vapiOptions.h"
#include "vapiGtkOptions.h"
#include "vapiGtkOptionsOperations.h"
#include "vapiGtkEventsOperations.h"
#include "vapiAux.h"

Diagrama de dependências de inclusão para vapiGtkOptions.c:

Ir para o código fonte deste ficheiro.


#define OptionWidgetsWidth   80


void vapiGtkOptionsBlockEvents (GList **OptionsEvents)
void vapiGtkOptionsCreate (GtkWidget *ParentContainer, GtkWidget **Container, GList **OptionsList[3], vOptions *Options, vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings, vGtkOptionsCustomCreate CustomFunc, GCallback EventFunc, vpointer EventData)
GtkWidget * vapiGtkOptionsCreateByInterfaceType (vInterfaceType interfaceType, double min, double max, double scale, double defaultValue)
int vapiGtkOptionsCreateDefault (vOptions *Options, vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings, GList **OptionsList[3], GList **tempList[3], int i, int widgetsWidth, GCallback EventFunc, vpointer EventData)
void vapiGtkOptionsFree (GtkWidget **Container, GList **OptionsList[3])
GtkWidget * vapiGtkOptionsGetAssociatedWidget (const char *requiredOption, vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings, GList **OptionsData)
vTempFloatvapiGtkOptionsGetOptionByInterfaceType (GtkWidget *Range, vInterfaceType interfaceType, vBoolean ISint)
void vapiGtkOptionsGetOptions (vOptions *options, vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings, vGtkOptionsCustomGet CustomGet, GList **OptionsData)
void vapiGtkOptionsPopulate (vOptions *Options, vOptionsSettings *OptionsSettings, GList **OptionsList[3], vGtkOptionsCustomPopulate CustomFunc)
void vapiGtkOptionsSetOptionByInterfaceType (GtkWidget *Range, double Value, vInterfaceType interfaceType, vBoolean ISint)
void vapiGtkOptionsUnBlockEvents (GList **OptionsEvents)

Documentação das macros

#define OptionWidgetsWidth   80

Definido na linha 8 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referenciado por vapiGtkOptionsCreate().

Documentação das funções

void vapiGtkOptionsBlockEvents ( GList **  OptionsEvents  ) 

Definido na linha 461 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referências _vapiEventList::eventHandler e _vapiEventList::widget.

Referenciado por vapiGtkOptionsPopulate() e vapiGtkSaveSelectedRegion().

00462 {
00463         int listSize, i;
00464         vapiEventList *eventList;
00465         if (*OptionsEvents == NULL)
00466         {
00467                 return;
00468         }
00469         listSize = g_list_length (*OptionsEvents);
00470         if (listSize > 0)
00471         {
00472                 for (i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
00473                 {
00474                         eventList = (vapiEventList *) g_list_nth_data
00475                                 (*OptionsEvents, i);
00476                         g_signal_handler_block (GTK_OBJECT
00477                                                 (eventList->widget),
00478                                                 eventList->eventHandler);
00479                 }
00480         }
00483 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiGtkOptionsCreate ( GtkWidget *  ParentContainer,
GtkWidget **  Container,
GList **  OptionsList[3],
vOptions Options,
vOptionsSettings OptionsSettings,
vGtkOptionsCustomCreate  CustomFunc,
GCallback  EventFunc,
vpointer  EventData 

Definido na linha 18 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referências OptionWidgetsWidth, vapiGtkOptionsCreateDefault() e vapiGtkOptionsFree().

Referenciado por vapiGtkOperationShowOptions(), vapiGtkWindowIOAddSelectIO() e vapiGtkWindowIOConfiguredSelect().

00024 {
00025         int i = 0, j;
00026         GList *tempList[3], **tempLists[3];
00027         int widgetsWidth = OptionWidgetsWidth;
00029         tempList[0] = NULL;
00030         tempList[1] = NULL;
00031         tempList[2] = NULL;
00033         tempLists[0] = &tempList[0];
00034         tempLists[1] = &tempList[1];
00035         tempLists[2] = &tempList[2];
00038         /*
00039          * Criar Listas
00040          */
00041         vapiGtkOptionsFree (Container, OptionsList);
00042         *Container = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
00044         gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy ((GtkScrolledWindow *) * Container,
00045                                         GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
00046                                         GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
00048         gtk_box_pack_start ((GtkBox *)
00049                             ParentContainer, *Container, TRUE, TRUE, 1);
00050         gtk_box_reorder_child ((GtkBox *) ParentContainer, *Container, 4);
00052         *OptionsList[0] =
00053                 g_list_append (*OptionsList[0], gtk_vbox_new (TRUE, 1));
00055         gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport ((GtkScrolledWindow *)
00056                                                * Container,
00057                                                g_list_nth_data (*OptionsList
00058                                                                 [0], 0));
00059         gtk_box_set_homogeneous ((GtkBox *)
00060                                  g_list_nth_data (*OptionsList[0], 0), FALSE);
00063         /*
00064          * Criar as widgets para as opções.
00065          * Primeiro, as custom, caso existam.
00066          */
00067         if (CustomFunc != NULL)
00068         {
00069                 i = CustomFunc (Options, OptionsSettings,
00070                                 OptionsList, tempLists,
00071                                 i, widgetsWidth, EventFunc, EventData);
00072         }
00074         /*
00075          * Depois as default.
00076          */
00077         i = vapiGtkOptionsCreateDefault (Options, OptionsSettings,
00078                                          OptionsList, tempLists,
00079                                          i, widgetsWidth, EventFunc,
00080                                          EventData);
00082         /* inserir todos na vbox */
00083         for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
00084         {
00085                 gtk_box_pack_start ((GtkBox *)
00086                                     g_list_nth_data (*OptionsList[0],
00087                                                      0),
00088                                     (GtkWidget *)
00089                                     g_list_nth_data
00090                                     (tempList[1], j), FALSE, FALSE, 6);
00091                 gtk_box_pack_start ((GtkBox *)
00092                                     g_list_nth_data (*OptionsList[0],
00093                                                      0),
00094                                     (GtkWidget *)
00095                                     g_list_nth_data (*OptionsList[1],
00096                                                      j), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
00097                 if (tempList[0] != NULL && j > 0)
00098                 {
00099                         gtk_box_pack_start ((GtkBox *)
00100                                             g_list_nth_data (*OptionsList[0],
00101                                                              0),
00102                                             (GtkWidget *)
00103                                             g_list_nth_data (tempList[0],
00104                                                              j - 1), FALSE,
00105                                             FALSE, 0);
00106                 }
00108                 tempList[2] =
00109                         g_list_append (tempList[2], gtk_hseparator_new ());
00110                 gtk_widget_set_size_request (g_list_nth_data
00111                                              (tempList[2], j), widgetsWidth,
00112                                              5);
00114                 gtk_box_pack_start ((GtkBox *)
00115                                     g_list_nth_data (*OptionsList[0],
00116                                                      0),
00117                                     (GtkWidget *)
00118                                     g_list_nth_data (tempList[2],
00119                                                      j), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
00121         }
00122         g_list_free (tempList[0]);
00123         g_list_free (tempList[1]);
00124         g_list_free (tempList[2]);
00125         gtk_widget_show_all (*Container);
00126 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GtkWidget* vapiGtkOptionsCreateByInterfaceType ( vInterfaceType  interfaceType,
double  min,
double  max,
double  scale,
double  defaultValue 

Definido na linha 355 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referências vBar e vSpin.

Referenciado por vapiGtkOptionsCreateDefault().

00358 {
00359         GtkWidget *newRange=NULL;
00361         if (interfaceType == vBar || !interfaceType)
00362         {
00363                 newRange = gtk_hscale_new_with_range (min, max, scale);
00364                 gtk_range_set_value ((GtkRange *) newRange, defaultValue);
00365                 gtk_range_set_update_policy ((GtkRange *)
00366                                              newRange,
00367                                              GTK_UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS);
00368         }
00369         if (interfaceType == vSpin)
00370         {
00371                 newRange = gtk_spin_button_new_with_range (min, max, scale);
00372                 gtk_spin_button_set_value ((GtkSpinButton *) newRange,
00373                                            defaultValue);
00374                 gtk_spin_button_set_update_policy ((GtkSpinButton *) newRange,
00375                                                    GTK_UPDATE_IF_VALID);
00376         }
00377         return newRange;
00378 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int vapiGtkOptionsCreateDefault ( vOptions Options,
vOptionsSettings OptionsSettings,
GList **  OptionsList[3],
GList **  tempList[3],
int  i,
int  widgetsWidth,
GCallback  EventFunc,
vpointer  EventData 

Definido na linha 164 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referências _vapiEventList::eventHandler, _vOptions::floats, _vOptionsSettings::floats, _vOptionsSettings::floatsNumber, _vOptfloat::interfaceType, _vOptint::interfaceType, _vOptions::ints, _vOptionsSettings::ints, _vOptionsSettings::intsNumber, vapiGtkOptionsCreateByInterfaceType(), vBar e _vapiEventList::widget.

Referenciado por vapiGtkOptionsCreate().

00169 {
00170         int j, k;
00171         vapiEventList *eventList;
00172         if (OptionsSettings->floatsNumber)
00173         {
00175                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->floatsNumber; j++)
00176                 {
00177                         *OptionsList[1] =
00178                                 g_list_append (*OptionsList[1],
00179                                                vapiGtkOptionsCreateByInterfaceType
00180                                                (OptionsSettings->
00181                                                 floats[j].interfaceType,
00182                                                 OptionsSettings->
00183                                                 floats[j].min,
00184                                                 OptionsSettings->
00185                                                 floats[j].max,
00186                                                 OptionsSettings->
00187                                                 floats[j].scale,
00188                                                 Options->floats[j]));
00189                         gtk_widget_set_size_request (g_list_nth_data
00190                                                      (*OptionsList[1], i),
00191                                                      widgetsWidth, 35);
00193                         *tempList[1] =
00194                                 g_list_append (*tempList[1],
00195                                                gtk_label_new
00196                                                (OptionsSettings->floats[j].
00197                                                 name));
00200                         *tempList[2] =
00201                                 g_list_append (*tempList[2],
00202                                                gtk_hseparator_new ());
00203                         if (OptionsSettings->floats[j].interfaceType == vBar)
00204                         {
00205                                 eventList = malloc (sizeof (vapiEventList));
00206                                 eventList->widget
00207                                         =
00208                                         g_list_nth_data (*OptionsList[1], i);
00209                                 eventList->eventHandler =
00210                                         g_signal_connect_after
00211                                         (G_OBJECT
00212                                          (g_list_nth_data
00213                                           (*OptionsList[1],
00214                                            i)),
00215                                          "value-changed",
00216                                          EventFunc, EventData);
00217                                 *OptionsList[2] =
00218                                         g_list_append (*OptionsList[2],
00219                                                        eventList);
00220                         }
00222                         ++i;
00223                 }
00224         }
00225         if (OptionsSettings->intsNumber)
00226         {
00228                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->intsNumber; j++)
00229                 {
00231                         *OptionsList[1] =
00232                                 g_list_append (*OptionsList[1],
00233                                                vapiGtkOptionsCreateByInterfaceType
00234                                                (OptionsSettings->
00235                                                 ints[j].interfaceType,
00236                                                 OptionsSettings->
00237                                                 ints[j].min,
00238                                                 OptionsSettings->
00239                                                 ints[j].max,
00240                                                 OptionsSettings->
00241                                                 ints[j].scale,
00242                                                 Options->ints[j]));
00243                         *tempList[1] =
00244                                 g_list_append (*tempList[1],
00245                                                gtk_label_new
00246                                                (OptionsSettings->ints[j].
00247                                                 name));
00248                         if (OptionsSettings->ints[j].interfaceType == vBar)
00249                         {
00250                                 eventList = malloc (sizeof (vapiEventList));
00251                                 eventList->widget
00252                                         =
00253                                         g_list_nth_data (*OptionsList[1], i);
00254                                 eventList->eventHandler =
00255                                         g_signal_connect_after
00256                                         (G_OBJECT
00257                                          (g_list_nth_data
00258                                           (*OptionsList[1],
00259                                            i)),
00260                                          "value-changed",
00261                                          EventFunc, EventData);
00262                                 *OptionsList[2] =
00263                                         g_list_append (*OptionsList[2],
00264                                                        eventList);
00265                         }
00268                         ++i;
00269                 }
00270         }
00271         if (OptionsSettings->charsNumber)
00272         {
00273                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->charsNumber; j++)
00274                 {
00275                         *OptionsList[1] =
00276                                 g_list_append (*OptionsList[1],
00277                                                gtk_entry_new ());
00278                         *tempList[1] =
00279                                 g_list_append (*tempList[1],
00280                                                gtk_label_new
00281                                                (OptionsSettings->chars[j].
00282                                                 name));
00285                         gtk_entry_set_text ((GtkEntry *)
00286                                             g_list_nth_data (*OptionsList[1],
00287                                                              i),
00288                                             Options->chars[j].ch);
00289                         ++i;
00290                 }
00291         }
00292         if (OptionsSettings->chooseNumber)
00293         {
00294                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->chooseNumber; j++)
00295                 {
00296                         *OptionsList[1] =
00297                                 g_list_append (*OptionsList[1],
00298                                                gtk_combo_box_new_text ());
00299                         *tempList[1] =
00300                                 g_list_append (*tempList[1],
00301                                                gtk_label_new
00302                                                (OptionsSettings->choose[j].
00303                                                 name));
00306                         for (k = 0;
00307                              k <
00308                              OptionsSettings->choose[j].numberOfChoices; k++)
00309                         {
00310                                 gtk_combo_box_append_text ((GtkComboBox *)
00311                                                            g_list_nth_data
00312                                                            (*OptionsList[1],
00313                                                             i),
00314                                                            OptionsSettings->
00315                                                            choose[j].
00316                                                            listOfChoices[k].
00317                                                            ch);
00318                         }
00320                         gtk_combo_box_set_active ((GtkComboBox *)
00321                                                   g_list_nth_data
00322                                                   (*OptionsList[1], i),
00323                                                   OptionsSettings->
00324                                                   choose[j].defaultOption);
00325                         ++i;
00326                 }
00327         }
00328         if (OptionsSettings->booleansNumber)
00329         {
00330                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->booleansNumber; j++)
00331                 {
00332                         *OptionsList[1] =
00333                                 g_list_append (*OptionsList[1],
00334                                                gtk_check_button_new ());
00335                         *tempList[1] =
00336                                 g_list_append (*tempList[1],
00337                                                gtk_label_new
00338                                                (OptionsSettings->booleans[j].
00339                                                 name));
00342                         gtk_toggle_button_set_active ((GtkToggleButton *)
00343                                                       g_list_nth_data
00344                                                       (*OptionsList[1], i),
00345                                                       OptionsSettings->
00346                                                       booleans[j].
00347                                                       defaultValue);
00348                         ++i;
00349                 }
00350         }
00351         return i;
00352 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiGtkOptionsFree ( GtkWidget **  Container,
GList **  OptionsList[3] 

Definido na linha 129 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referenciado por vapiGtkOptionsCreate() e vapiGtkWindowIOAddSelectIO().

00130 {
00131         int listSize, i;
00132         if (*Container != 0)
00133         {
00134                 g_list_free (*OptionsList[0]);
00135                 g_list_free (*OptionsList[1]);
00136                 /*
00137                  * A lista de eventos tem uma estrutura cujo espaço é alocado.
00138                  * Esse espaço tem que ser libertado.
00139                  */
00140                 if (*OptionsList[2] != NULL)
00141                 {
00142                         listSize = g_list_length (*OptionsList[2]);
00143                         if (listSize > 0)
00144                         {
00145                                 for (i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
00146                                 {
00147                                         free (g_list_nth_data
00148                                               (*OptionsList[2], i));
00149                                 }
00150                                 g_list_free (*OptionsList[2]);
00151                         }
00152                 }
00153                 gtk_widget_destroy (*Container);
00154                 *Container = 0;
00155                 *OptionsList[0] = NULL;
00156                 *OptionsList[1] = NULL;
00157                 *OptionsList[2] = NULL;
00158         }
00161 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

GtkWidget* vapiGtkOptionsGetAssociatedWidget ( const char *  requiredOption,
vOptionsSettings OptionsSettings,
GList **  OptionsData 

Definido na linha 511 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referências _vOptionsSettings::charsNumber, _vOptionsSettings::floatsNumber, _vOptionsSettings::intsNumber e vapiGtkOptionsCountCustomOperationsMembers().

Referenciado por vapiGtkSaveSelectedRegion() e vapiGtkSaveTemplate().

00514 {
00515         int i = 0, varNumber = 0, times;
00517         /*
00518          * FIXME: isto tem que ser opção e ter opção para retornar
00519          *  as widgets das customOptions.
00520          */
00521         times = vapiGtkOptionsCountCustomOperationsMembers (OptionsSettings);
00523         switch (requiredOption[i])
00524         {
00525         case 'f':
00526         {
00528                 if (OptionsSettings->floatsNumber == 0)
00529                 {
00530                         return NULL;
00531                 }
00532                 varNumber = atoi (&requiredOption[i]);
00533                 /*
00534                  * Para floats, antes existe o times, e em seguida basta o 
00535                  * numero do float.
00536                  */
00537                 return g_list_nth_data (*OptionsData, varNumber + times);
00538                 break;
00539         }
00540         case 'd':
00541         {
00543                 if (OptionsSettings->intsNumber == 0)
00544                 {
00545                         return NULL;
00546                 }
00547                 varNumber = atoi (&requiredOption[++i]);
00548                 /*
00549                  * Para ints, antes existe o times e os floats, e em seguida basta o 
00550                  * numero do int.
00551                  */
00552                 return g_list_nth_data (*OptionsData,
00553                                         times + varNumber +
00554                                         OptionsSettings->floatsNumber);
00555                 break;
00556         }
00557         case 'c':
00558         {
00560                 if (OptionsSettings->charsNumber == 0)
00561                 {
00562                         return NULL;
00563                 }
00564                 varNumber = atoi (&requiredOption[++i]);
00565                 /*
00566                  * Para ints, antes existe o times e os floats, e em seguida basta o 
00567                  * numero do int.
00568                  */
00569                 return g_list_nth_data (*OptionsData,
00570                                         varNumber + times +
00571                                         OptionsSettings->
00572                                         floatsNumber +
00573                                         OptionsSettings->intsNumber);
00574                 break;
00575         }
00577         }
00578         return NULL;
00580 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vTempFloat* vapiGtkOptionsGetOptionByInterfaceType ( GtkWidget *  Range,
vInterfaceType  interfaceType,
vBoolean  ISint 

Definido na linha 616 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referências _vTempFloat::intValue, _vTempFloat::value, vBar e vSpin.

Referenciado por vapiGtkOptionsGetOptions().

00619 {
00620         vTempFloat *Value = malloc (sizeof (vTempFloat));
00622         if (interfaceType == vBar || !interfaceType)
00623         {
00624                 if (ISint)
00625                 {
00626                         Value->intValue =
00627                                 (int) gtk_range_get_value ((GtkRange *)
00628                                                            Range);
00629                 }
00630                 else
00631                 {
00632                         Value->value =
00633                                 gtk_range_get_value ((GtkRange *) Range);
00634                 }
00636         }
00637         if (interfaceType == vSpin)
00638         {
00639                 if (ISint)
00640                 {
00641                         Value->intValue =
00642                                 gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int ((GtkSpinButton *) Range);
00643                 }
00644                 else
00645                 {
00646                         Value->value =
00647                                 gtk_spin_button_get_value ((GtkSpinButton *)
00648                                                            Range);
00649                 }
00651         }
00653         return Value;
00655 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiGtkOptionsGetOptions ( vOptions options,
vOptionsSettings OptionsSettings,
vGtkOptionsCustomGet  CustomGet,
GList **  OptionsData 

Definido na linha 658 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referências _vOptionsSettings::floats, _vOptions::floats, _vOptionsSettings::floatsNumber, _vOptionsSettings::ints, _vOptions::ints, _vOptionsSettings::intsNumber, _vTempFloat::intValue, v_debug, _vTempFloat::value, vapiGtkOptionsGetOptionByInterfaceType(), vFALSE e vTRUE.

Referenciado por vapiGtkMacroAppendItem(), vapiGtkMacroInsertItem(), vapiGtkMacroUpdateItemOptions(), vapiGtkOperationApply(), vapiGtkWindowIOAdd_Add() e vapiGtkWindowIOConfiguredSaveChanges().

00662 {
00663         vTempFloat *tempFloat;
00664         int i=0, j;
00666         if (CustomGet!=NULL)
00667         {
00668         i= CustomGet(options,
00669                            OptionsSettings, OptionsData);
00670         }
00672         if (OptionsSettings->floatsNumber)
00673         {
00674                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->floatsNumber; j++)
00675                 {
00676                         tempFloat = (vTempFloat *)
00677                                 vapiGtkOptionsGetOptionByInterfaceType
00678                                 (g_list_nth_data
00679                                  (*OptionsData, i),
00680                                  OptionsSettings->floats[j].
00681                                  interfaceType, vFALSE);
00682                         options->floats[j] = tempFloat->value;
00683                         v_debug ("OPTIONS FLOAT VALOR: %f", options->floats[j]);
00684                         free (tempFloat);
00685                         ++i;
00686                 }
00687         }
00688         if (OptionsSettings->intsNumber)
00689         {
00690                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->intsNumber; j++)
00691                 {
00693                         tempFloat = (vTempFloat *)
00694                                 vapiGtkOptionsGetOptionByInterfaceType
00695                                 (g_list_nth_data
00696                                  (*OptionsData, i),
00697                                  OptionsSettings->ints[j].
00698                                  interfaceType, vTRUE);
00699                         options->ints[j] = tempFloat->intValue;
00700                         v_debug ("OPTIONS VALOR: %d", options->ints[j]);
00701                         free (tempFloat);
00702                         ++i;
00703                 }
00704         }
00705         if (OptionsSettings->charsNumber)
00706         {
00707                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->charsNumber; j++)
00708                 {
00709                         options->chars[j].ch =
00710                                 vapiReturnStringPointer (gtk_entry_get_text
00711                                                          ((GtkEntry *)
00712                                                           g_list_nth_data
00713                                                           (*OptionsData, i)));
00714                         v_debug ("GET O CHAR: %s.", options->chars[j].ch);
00715                         ++i;
00716                 }
00717         }
00718         if (OptionsSettings->chooseNumber)
00719         {
00720                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->chooseNumber; j++)
00721                 {
00723                         options->choices[j] =
00724                                 gtk_combo_box_get_active ((GtkComboBox *)
00725                                                           g_list_nth_data
00726                                                           (*OptionsData, i));
00727                         ++i;
00728                 }
00729         }
00730         if (OptionsSettings->booleansNumber)
00731         {
00732                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->booleansNumber; j++)
00733                 {
00735                         options->booleans[j] =
00736                                 gtk_toggle_button_get_active ((GtkToggleButton
00737                                                                *)
00738                                                               g_list_nth_data
00739                                                               (*OptionsData,
00740                                                                i));
00741                         ++i;
00742                 }
00743         }
00744 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiGtkOptionsPopulate ( vOptions Options,
vOptionsSettings OptionsSettings,
GList **  OptionsList[3],
vGtkOptionsCustomPopulate  CustomFunc 

Definido na linha 382 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referências _vOptions::floats, _vOptionsSettings::floats, _vOptionsSettings::floatsNumber, _vOptions::ints, _vOptionsSettings::ints, _vOptionsSettings::intsNumber, vapiGtkOptionsBlockEvents(), vapiGtkOptionsSetOptionByInterfaceType(), vFALSE e vTRUE.

Referenciado por vapiGtkMacroSelectItem() e vapiGtkOperationShowOptions().

00386 {
00387         int i = 0, j;
00389         vapiGtkOptionsBlockEvents (OptionsList[2]);
00391         i = CustomFunc (Options, OptionsSettings, OptionsList, i);
00393         if (OptionsSettings->floatsNumber)
00394         {
00395                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->floatsNumber; j++)
00396                 {
00398                         vapiGtkOptionsSetOptionByInterfaceType
00399                                 (g_list_nth_data
00400                                  (*OptionsList[1], i),
00401                                  Options->floats[j],
00402                                  OptionsSettings->floats[j].
00403                                  interfaceType, vFALSE);
00404                         ++i;
00405                 }
00406         }
00407         if (OptionsSettings->intsNumber)
00408         {
00410                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->intsNumber; j++)
00411                 {
00413                         vapiGtkOptionsSetOptionByInterfaceType
00414                                 (g_list_nth_data
00415                                  (*OptionsList[1], i),
00416                                  Options->ints[j],
00417                                  OptionsSettings->ints[j].
00418                                  interfaceType, vTRUE);
00419                         ++i;
00420                 }
00421         }
00422         if (OptionsSettings->charsNumber)
00423         {
00424                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->charsNumber; j++)
00425                 {
00427                         gtk_entry_set_text ((GtkEntry *)
00428                                             g_list_nth_data
00429                                             (*OptionsList[1], i),
00430                                             Options->chars[j].ch);
00431                         ++i;
00432                 }
00433         }
00434         if (OptionsSettings->chooseNumber)
00435         {
00436                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->chooseNumber; j++)
00437                 {
00438                         gtk_combo_box_set_active ((GtkComboBox *)
00439                                                   g_list_nth_data
00440                                                   (*OptionsList[1], i),
00441                                                   Options->choices[j]);
00442                         ++j;
00443                 }
00444         }
00445         if (OptionsSettings->booleansNumber)
00446         {
00447                 for (j = 0; j < OptionsSettings->booleansNumber; j++)
00448                 {
00450                         gtk_toggle_button_set_active ((GtkToggleButton *)
00451                                                       g_list_nth_data
00452                                                       (*OptionsList[1], i),
00453                                                       Options->booleans[j]);
00454                         ++j;
00455                 }
00456         }
00457         vapiGtkOptionsUnBlockEvents (OptionsList[2]);
00458 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiGtkOptionsSetOptionByInterfaceType ( GtkWidget *  Range,
double  Value,
vInterfaceType  interfaceType,
vBoolean  ISint 

Definido na linha 583 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referências vBar e vSpin.

Referenciado por vapiGtkOptionsPopulate().

00586 {
00588         if (interfaceType == vBar || !interfaceType)
00589         {
00590                 if (ISint)
00591                 {
00592                         gtk_range_set_value ((GtkRange *) Range, (int) Value);
00593                 }
00594                 else
00595                 {
00596                         gtk_range_set_value ((GtkRange *) Range, Value);
00597                 }
00598         }
00599         if (interfaceType == vSpin)
00600         {
00601                 if (ISint)
00602                 {
00603                         gtk_spin_button_set_value ((GtkSpinButton *) Range,
00604                                                    (int) Value);
00605                 }
00606                 else
00607                 {
00608                         gtk_spin_button_set_value ((GtkSpinButton *) Range,
00609                                                    Value);
00610                 }
00611         }
00613 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiGtkOptionsUnBlockEvents ( GList **  OptionsEvents  ) 

Definido na linha 486 do ficheiro vapiGtkOptions.c.

Referências _vapiEventList::eventHandler e _vapiEventList::widget.

Referenciado por vapiGtkSaveSelectedRegion().

00487 {
00488         int listSize, i;
00489         vapiEventList *eventList;
00490         if (*OptionsEvents == NULL)
00491         {
00492                 return;
00493         }
00494         listSize = g_list_length (*OptionsEvents);
00495         if (listSize > 0)
00496         {
00497                 for (i = 0; i < listSize; i++)
00498                 {
00499                         eventList = (vapiEventList *) g_list_nth_data
00500                                 (*OptionsEvents, i);
00501                         g_signal_handler_unblock (GTK_OBJECT
00502                                                   (eventList->widget),
00503                                                   eventList->eventHandler);
00504                 }
00505         }
00508 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Gerado em Tue Jul 24 10:36:41 2007 para Vapi por  doxygen 1.5.1