Referência ao ficheiro src/vapiOperation.h

#include "vapiTypes.h"
#include "vapiImages.h"
#include "vapiOptions.h"
#include "vapiResult.h"
#include <stdarg.h>

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Estruturas de Dados

struct  _vEffect
 The Operations Data Structure. Mais...
struct  _vEffectOptions
 Custom Options used in operations. Mais...
struct  _vEffectSettings
 Defines the operation's specific options. Mais...

Definições de tipos

typedef _vEffect vEffect
 The Operations Data Structure.
typedef _vEffectOptions vEffectOptions
 Custom Options used in operations.
typedef _vEffectSettings vEffectSettings
 Defines the operation's specific options.
typedef void(*) vOperationFunction (vImages *Images, vOptions *options, vMacroResult *PreviousResult)
 The operation's function.


vEffectvapiOperationInit (const char *name, const char *Group, vOperationFunction func)
 Initiates an Operation.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetBoolean (vEffect *Operation, const char *name, const char *description, vBoolean defaultValue)
 Adds a boolean option.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetChar (vEffect *Operation, const char *name, const char *description)
 Adds a character or string option.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetChoose (vEffect *Operation, const char *name, const char *description, int numberOfChoices, int defaultOption,...)
 Adds a "option list" option.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetFloat (vEffect *Operation, const char *name, const char *description, double min, double max, double defaultValue, double scale, vInterfaceType interfaceType)
 Adds a float option.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetHasOriginalOption (vEffect *Operation)
 Set if the operation can ask the user for the use of the original image, or not.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetInt (vEffect *Operation, const char *name, const char *description, int min, int max, int defaultValue, int scale, vInterfaceType interfaceType)
 Adds an integer option.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetMacros (vEffect *Operation, int MacrosNumber)
 Sets the use of Macros, so that space can be spared for them.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetNeedOfAuxImage (vEffect *Operation, int NeedOfAuxImage)
 Sets the need of a Template space.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetOperationBriefDescription (vEffect *Operation, const char *briefDescription)
 Define the operation's brief Description.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetOperationLongDescription (vEffect *Operation, const char *longDescription)
 Define the operation's long Description.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetRepeatInside (vEffect *Operation)
 Sets if the operation handles the repetitions.
void vapiOperationSettingsSetRunSeveralTimes (vEffect *Operation)
 Sets if the Operation Can run several times (repetitions).

Documentação dos tipos

typedef struct _vEffect vEffect

The Operations Data Structure.

typedef struct _vEffectOptions vEffectOptions

Custom Options used in operations.

typedef struct _vEffectSettings vEffectSettings

Defines the operation's specific options.

typedef void(*) vOperationFunction(vImages *Images, vOptions *options, vMacroResult *PreviousResult)

The operation's function.

Images The images handler
PreviousResult the result Handler
options the opration's options

Definido na linha 41 do ficheiro vapiOperation.h.

Documentação das funções

vEffect* vapiOperationInit ( const char *  name,
const char *  Group,
vOperationFunction  func 

Initiates an Operation.

name name of the Operation
func pointer for the operation's function
Group Thematic group of the function
a pointer to the operation's data

Definido na linha 13 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::briefDescription, _vOptionsSettings::CustomOptionsSettings, _vEffect::func, _vEffect::Group, _vEffectSettings::HasOriginalOption, _vEffect::longDescription, _vEffectSettings::MacrosNumber, _vEffect::name, _vEffectSettings::NeedOfAuxImage, NoNeed, _vEffect::OptionsSettings, _vEffectSettings::repeatInside, _vEffectSettings::runSeveralTimes, vapiOptionsSettingsInit(), vapiReturnStringPointer() e vFALSE.

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects(), vapiImageOperations(), vapiIOOperations() e vapiTimerOperations().

00015 {
00017         vEffect *Operation = malloc (sizeof (vEffect));
00018         vEffectSettings *CustomOptionsSettings =
00019                 malloc (sizeof (vEffectSettings));
00020         Operation->OptionsSettings = vapiOptionsSettingsInit ();
00021         Operation->OptionsSettings->CustomOptionsSettings =
00022                 CustomOptionsSettings;
00024         Operation->name = vapiReturnStringPointer (name);
00025         Operation->Group = vapiReturnStringPointer (Group);
00026         Operation->briefDescription = vapiReturnStringPointer (" ");
00027         Operation->longDescription = vapiReturnStringPointer (" ");
00028         Operation->func = func;
00029         /*
00030          * Iniciar as definições a zero.
00031          */
00032         CustomOptionsSettings->HasOriginalOption = vFALSE;
00033         CustomOptionsSettings->MacrosNumber = 0;
00034         CustomOptionsSettings->runSeveralTimes = vFALSE;
00035         CustomOptionsSettings->NeedOfAuxImage = NoNeed;
00036         CustomOptionsSettings->repeatInside = vFALSE;
00038         return Operation;
00039 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetBoolean ( vEffect Operation,
const char *  name,
const char *  description,
vBoolean  defaultValue 

Adds a boolean option.

name Name of the Option, for users to read.
description Option's description
defaultvalue Option's default value

Definido na linha 64 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::OptionsSettings e vapiOptionsSetBoolean().

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects().

00067 {
00068         vapiOptionsSetBoolean (Operation->OptionsSettings, name,
00069                                description, defaultValue);
00071 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetChar ( vEffect Operation,
const char *  name,
const char *  description 

Adds a character or string option.

name Name of the Option, for users to read.
description Option's description

Definido na linha 87 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::OptionsSettings e vapiOptionsSetChar().

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects() e vapiImageOperations().

00089 {
00090         vapiOptionsSetChar (Operation->OptionsSettings, name, description);
00091 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetChoose ( vEffect Operation,
const char *  name,
const char *  description,
int  numberOfChoices,
int  defaultOption,

Adds a "option list" option.

name Name of the Option, for users to read.
description Option's description
numberOfChoices Number of choices in the option list
defaultOption The default active option. It's the index of the option's list.
... the choices.

Definido na linha 74 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::OptionsSettings e vapiOptionsSetChoose().

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects() e vapiImageOperations().

00077 {
00078         va_list choices;
00079         va_start (choices, defaultOption);
00080         vapiOptionsSetChoose (Operation->OptionsSettings,
00081                               name, description,
00082                               numberOfChoices, defaultOption, choices);
00083         va_end (choices);
00084 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetFloat ( vEffect Operation,
const char *  name,
const char *  description,
double  min,
double  max,
double  defaultValue,
double  scale,
vInterfaceType  interfaceType 

Adds a float option.

name Name of the Option, for users to read.
description Option's description
min Option's Minimum value
max Option's Maximum value
defaultvalue Option's default value
scale Option's scan or increment.
interfaceType Type of the interface that user will see to fill this option.

Definido na linha 53 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::OptionsSettings e vapiOptionsSetFloat().

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects() e vapiTimerOperations().

00057 {
00058         vapiOptionsSetFloat (Operation->OptionsSettings, name,
00059                              description, min,
00060                              max, defaultValue, scale, interfaceType);
00061 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetHasOriginalOption ( vEffect Operation  ) 

Set if the operation can ask the user for the use of the original image, or not.

Definido na linha 123 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::OptionsSettings e vTRUE.

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects() e vapiImageOperations().

00124 {
00125         ((vEffectSettings *) Operation->OptionsSettings->
00126          CustomOptionsSettings)->HasOriginalOption = vTRUE;
00127 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetInt ( vEffect Operation,
const char *  name,
const char *  description,
int  min,
int  max,
int  defaultValue,
int  scale,
vInterfaceType  interfaceType 

Adds an integer option.

name Name of the Option, for users to read.
description Option's description
min Option's Minimum value
max Option's Maximum value
defaultvalue Option's default value
scale Option's scan or increment.
interfaceType Type of the interface that user will see to fill this option.

Definido na linha 42 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::OptionsSettings e vapiOptionsSetInt().

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects() e vapiIOOperations().

00046 {
00047         vapiOptionsSetInt (Operation->OptionsSettings, name,
00048                            description, min, max,
00049                            defaultValue, scale, interfaceType);
00050 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetMacros ( vEffect Operation,
int  MacrosNumber 

Sets the use of Macros, so that space can be spared for them.

Definido na linha 116 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::OptionsSettings.

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects().

00117 {
00118         ((vEffectSettings *) Operation->OptionsSettings->
00119          CustomOptionsSettings)->MacrosNumber = MacrosNumber;
00120 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetNeedOfAuxImage ( vEffect Operation,
int  NeedOfAuxImage 

Sets the need of a Template space.

Definido na linha 94 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::OptionsSettings.

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects().

00096 {
00097         ((vEffectSettings *) Operation->OptionsSettings->
00098          CustomOptionsSettings)->NeedOfAuxImage = NeedOfAuxImage;
00099 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetOperationBriefDescription ( vEffect Operation,
const char *  briefDescription 

Define the operation's brief Description.

Definido na linha 130 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::briefDescription e vapiReturnStringPointer().

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects(), vapiImageOperations(), vapiIOOperations() e vapiTimerOperations().

00133 {
00134         free (Operation->briefDescription);
00135         Operation->briefDescription =
00136                 vapiReturnStringPointer (briefDescription);
00137 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetOperationLongDescription ( vEffect Operation,
const char *  longDescription 

Define the operation's long Description.

Definido na linha 140 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::longDescription e vapiReturnStringPointer().

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects(), vapiImageOperations() e vapiTimerOperations().

00142 {
00143         free (Operation->longDescription);
00144         Operation->longDescription =
00145                 vapiReturnStringPointer (longDescription);
00146 }

Grafo de chamadas desta função:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetRepeatInside ( vEffect Operation  ) 

Sets if the operation handles the repetitions.

Definido na linha 102 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::OptionsSettings e vTRUE.

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects().

00103 {
00104         ((vEffectSettings *) Operation->OptionsSettings->
00105          CustomOptionsSettings)->repeatInside = vTRUE;
00106 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void vapiOperationSettingsSetRunSeveralTimes ( vEffect Operation  ) 

Sets if the Operation Can run several times (repetitions).

Definido na linha 109 do ficheiro vapiOperation.c.

Referências _vEffect::OptionsSettings e vTRUE.

Referenciado por vapiAvailableEfects().

00110 {
00111         ((vEffectSettings *) Operation->OptionsSettings->
00112          CustomOptionsSettings)->runSeveralTimes = vTRUE;
00113 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Gerado em Tue Jul 24 10:38:55 2007 para Vapi por  doxygen 1.5.1