TYPE_des_sysparam Struct Reference

data struct with all DES System Parameters definition, all fields have a length of 16bits but the variable range can change normally [0, 32767] More...

#include <des70_10.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int acceleration
 ParNb 18: R/W; Acceleration rpm/ms².
int ad_conv_offset
 ParNb 29: R/W; Offset of general AD converter range=[0, 65535] (just in service mode).
int baudrate
 ParNb 0: R/W; 0=9600; 1=14400; 2=19200;3=38400; 4=57600; 5=115200 baud range=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
int can_bcr1
 ParNb 34: R; CAN BCR1 range=[0, 65535].
int can_bcr2
 ParNb 35: R; CAN BCR2 range=[0, 65535].
int can_config
 ParNb 41: R; CAN communication configuration register.
int can_module_id
 ParNb 30: R; CAN module ID range=[1, 127].
int can_op_mode
 ParNb 36: R; CAN operation mode range=[0, 65535].
int can_rtr0_id
 ParNb 39: R; Remote Transmission Request ID(channel0) range=[385, 1407].
int can_rtr1_id
 ParNb 40: R; Remote Transmission Request ID(channel1) range=[385, 1407].
int can_rx_pdo_id
 ParNb 32: R; CAN Receive PDO ID range=[385, 1407].
int can_rx_sdo_id
 ParNb 37: R; CAN Receive SDO ID = 1536 + moduleID range=[1537, 1663].
int can_service_id
 ParNb 31: R; CAN service ID = CAN module ID range=[1, 127].
int can_tx_pdo_id
 ParNb 33: R; CAN Transmit PDO ID range=[385, 1407].
int can_tx_sdo_id
 ParNb 38: R; CAN Transmit SDO ID = 1408 + moduleID range=[1409, 1535].
int cur_det_ph_u_offset
 ParNb 27: R/W; Offset of (phase U) current detection range=[0, 65535] (just in service mode).
int cur_det_ph_v_offset
 ParNb 28: R/W; Offset of (phase V) current detection range=[0, 65535] (just in service mode).
int cur_reg_gain_i
 ParNb 3: R/W; Current regulation I-gain.
int cur_reg_gain_p
 ParNb 2: R/W; Current regulation P-gain.
int enc_resolution
 ParNb 20: R/W; Encoder resolution in counts/turn.
int error_proc
 ParNb 43: R/W; Error Reaction Procedure range=[0 - disable, 1-stop].
int hall_angle_offs
 ParNb 45: R; Angular offset of hall sensor signals range=[-32768, 32767] (just in service mode).
int index_offset
 ParNb 24: R/W; Angular Offset of Index Pulse range=[-32768, 32767](just in service mode).
int internal_param1
 ParNb 7: R/W; do not change.
int internal_param2
 ParNb 8: R/W; do not change.
int internal_param3
 ParNb 9: R/W; do not change.
int internal_param4
 ParNb 22: R/W; Internally used, do not change (just in service mode).
int internal_param5
 ParNb 42: R; Internally used, do not change.
int max_cont_current
 ParNb 15: R/W; Max continuous current range=[1, 10000] mA.
int max_cur_output
 ParNb 4: R/W; Max output of current regulator (just in service mode).
int max_duty_cycle
 ParNb 26: R/W; Max Duty Cycle (just in service mode).
int max_speed
 ParNb 17: R/W; Maximum Speed range=[0, 25000] rpm.
int max_speed_curr
 ParNb 44: R/W; Maximal Speed in regulation mode.
int max_speed_error
 ParNb 10: R/W; Limitation of speed error for the input of the speed regulator (just in service mode).
int peak_current
 ParNb 14: R/W; Peak current in mA range=[1, 30000] mA.
int pole_pair_number
 ParNb 21: R/W; Number of pole pair range=[1, 64].
int pwm_period
 ParNb 25: R; PWM period in clock.
int rpm2qc_factor
 ParNb 23: R/W; Conversion factor from rpm to qc/ms (just in service mode).
int setting_unit_delay
 ParNb 13: R/W; Delay of setting unit (just in servide mode).
int setting_unit_gain
 ParNb 11: R/W; gain of setting unit.
int setting_unit_offset
 ParNb 12: R/W; offset of setting unit range=[-100, 100].
int speed_constant
 ParNb 19: R/W; Speed Constant of motor (just in service mode).
int speed_reg_gain_i
 ParNb 6: R/W; Speed Regulator I-gain.
int speed_reg_gain_p
 ParNb 5: R/W; Speed Regulator P-gain.
int sys_config
 ParNb 1: R/W; System Configuration (0bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
b0: 0-speed/current setting by software | 1-speed/current defined by analog input "Set Value"
b1: 0-acceleration enabled | 1-acceleration disabled
b2: 0-depending of b3 | 1-current regulator
b3: 0-speed regulator | 1-reserved
b4: 0:speed monitor signal | 1-torque setting monitor signal
b5: do not change
b6: not used
b7: 0-stop motor by digital input 'STOP' | 1-stop motor by software (command 'stop_motion')
b8: 0-set max speed by potentiometer 'P1' | 1-set max speed by software (MAX_SPEED && max_speed)
b9: 0-set offset by potentiometer 'P2' | 1-set offset by software (OFFSET_OF_SETTING_UNIT && setting_unit_offset)
b10: 0-set max current by potentiometer 'P3' | 1-set max current by software (peak_current && max_cont_current)
b11: 0-Set the regulation

int therm_const
 ParNb 16: R/W; Thermal constant (just in service mode).

Detailed Description

data struct with all DES System Parameters definition, all fields have a length of 16bits but the variable range can change normally [0, 32767]

Definition at line 45 of file des70_10.h.

Member Data Documentation

ParNb 18: R/W; Acceleration rpm/ms².

Definition at line 84 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 29: R/W; Offset of general AD converter range=[0, 65535] (just in service mode).

Definition at line 106 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 0: R/W; 0=9600; 1=14400; 2=19200;3=38400; 4=57600; 5=115200 baud range=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].

Definition at line 47 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 34: R; CAN BCR1 range=[0, 65535].

Definition at line 116 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 35: R; CAN BCR2 range=[0, 65535].

Definition at line 118 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 41: R; CAN communication configuration register.

Definition at line 130 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 30: R; CAN module ID range=[1, 127].

Definition at line 108 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 36: R; CAN operation mode range=[0, 65535].

Definition at line 120 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 39: R; Remote Transmission Request ID(channel0) range=[385, 1407].

Definition at line 126 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 40: R; Remote Transmission Request ID(channel1) range=[385, 1407].

Definition at line 128 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 32: R; CAN Receive PDO ID range=[385, 1407].

Definition at line 112 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 37: R; CAN Receive SDO ID = 1536 + moduleID range=[1537, 1663].

Definition at line 122 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 31: R; CAN service ID = CAN module ID range=[1, 127].

Definition at line 110 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 33: R; CAN Transmit PDO ID range=[385, 1407].

Definition at line 114 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 38: R; CAN Transmit SDO ID = 1408 + moduleID range=[1409, 1535].

Definition at line 124 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 27: R/W; Offset of (phase U) current detection range=[0, 65535] (just in service mode).

Definition at line 102 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 28: R/W; Offset of (phase V) current detection range=[0, 65535] (just in service mode).

Definition at line 104 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 3: R/W; Current regulation I-gain.

Definition at line 54 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 2: R/W; Current regulation P-gain.

Definition at line 52 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 20: R/W; Encoder resolution in counts/turn.

Definition at line 88 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 43: R/W; Error Reaction Procedure range=[0 - disable, 1-stop].

Definition at line 134 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 45: R; Angular offset of hall sensor signals range=[-32768, 32767] (just in service mode).

Definition at line 138 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 24: R/W; Angular Offset of Index Pulse range=[-32768, 32767](just in service mode).

Definition at line 96 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 7: R/W; do not change.

Definition at line 62 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 8: R/W; do not change.

Definition at line 64 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 9: R/W; do not change.

Definition at line 66 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 22: R/W; Internally used, do not change (just in service mode).

Definition at line 92 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 42: R; Internally used, do not change.

Definition at line 132 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 15: R/W; Max continuous current range=[1, 10000] mA.

Definition at line 78 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 4: R/W; Max output of current regulator (just in service mode).

Definition at line 56 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 26: R/W; Max Duty Cycle (just in service mode).

Definition at line 100 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 17: R/W; Maximum Speed range=[0, 25000] rpm.

Definition at line 82 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 44: R/W; Maximal Speed in regulation mode.

Definition at line 136 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 10: R/W; Limitation of speed error for the input of the speed regulator (just in service mode).

Definition at line 68 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 14: R/W; Peak current in mA range=[1, 30000] mA.

Definition at line 76 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 21: R/W; Number of pole pair range=[1, 64].

Definition at line 90 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 25: R; PWM period in clock.

Definition at line 98 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 23: R/W; Conversion factor from rpm to qc/ms (just in service mode).

Definition at line 94 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 13: R/W; Delay of setting unit (just in servide mode).

Definition at line 74 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 11: R/W; gain of setting unit.

Definition at line 70 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 12: R/W; offset of setting unit range=[-100, 100].

Definition at line 72 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 19: R/W; Speed Constant of motor (just in service mode).

Definition at line 86 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 6: R/W; Speed Regulator I-gain.

Definition at line 60 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 5: R/W; Speed Regulator P-gain.

Definition at line 58 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 1: R/W; System Configuration (0bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
b0: 0-speed/current setting by software | 1-speed/current defined by analog input "Set Value"
b1: 0-acceleration enabled | 1-acceleration disabled
b2: 0-depending of b3 | 1-current regulator
b3: 0-speed regulator | 1-reserved
b4: 0:speed monitor signal | 1-torque setting monitor signal
b5: do not change
b6: not used
b7: 0-stop motor by digital input 'STOP' | 1-stop motor by software (command 'stop_motion')
b8: 0-set max speed by potentiometer 'P1' | 1-set max speed by software (MAX_SPEED && max_speed)
b9: 0-set offset by potentiometer 'P2' | 1-set offset by software (OFFSET_OF_SETTING_UNIT && setting_unit_offset)
b10: 0-set max current by potentiometer 'P3' | 1-set max current by software (peak_current && max_cont_current)
b11: 0-Set the regulation

Definition at line 50 of file des70_10.h.

ParNb 16: R/W; Thermal constant (just in service mode).

Definition at line 80 of file des70_10.h.

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Author(s): David Gameiro, Jorge Almeida
autogenerated on Wed Jul 23 04:34:43 2014