
Tiago Talhada

plane_model_road_segmentation: plane_model_road_segmentation


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  • plane_model_road_segmentation


    How to find the road frame and publish it

    Using tf::Transform find_and_publish_road_frame(pcl::PointCloud< T > cloud_in);

    This is what you should do

    declare the class on your code:

    plane_model_road<pcl::PointXYZRGB> pms;


    plane_model_road<pcl::PointXYZ> pms;

    Set your parameters (Optional)

    // Those are taken by default and are not mandatory
        pms.threshold=0.01;   //Initialize default values      // RANSAC threshold
        pms.iterations=50;                                     // RANSAC maximum number of tries
        pms.point_origin.x=2; pms.point_origin.y=0; pms.point_origin.z=0;    // Origin point to project on plane
        pms.pub_frame_name="/environment/road_frame";                        // Published frame_id
        pms.debug=false;  // debug flag prints extra information

    NOTE If you dont set the parameters the above values are set automatically

    Set your parameters (Mandatory)

    // Messages configuration    
      tf::TransformListener listener_atc_ground;      // atc/vehicle/ground
      tf::TransformBroadcaster br;
    // Configure your tf pointers
    // Configure your frame names

    Then simply do

    tf::Transform road_tf=pms.find_and_publish_road_frame(cloud_in);

    Where cloud_in is your point cloud (pcl or sensor_msg from ros)

    This will publish a new frame with the name specified on pms.pub_frame_name. You can also read the plane model coeeficients AX+BY+CZ +D=0 stored in pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coef and use them at your own will. Try type:

    cout << "A = "<< pms.coef.values[0] <<"B = "<< pms.coef.values[1] << "C = "<< pms.coef.values[2] << "D = "<< pms.coef.values[3] << endl;

    Using tf::Transform find_road_frame(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> cloud_in);

    you should use this functions if you only want to get the road transformation and not to publish it. use it the same way described above

    Using the nodelet

    Example of a xml launch file for xb3

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <!--   Include atlascar model and transform -->
      <include file="$(find atlascar_base)/launch/atlascar_state.launch"/>
      <param  name="/use_sim_time"   type="bool"  value="true" />
      <!-- This is a xb3 launch files for starting up previewing pointcloud -->
      <group ns="xb3_short">
        <node name="stereo_image_proc" pkg="stereo_image_proc" type="stereo_image_proc" args="_prefilter_size:=65 _prefilter_cap:=41 _correlation_window_size:=31 _min_disparity:=0 _disparity_range:=32 _uniqueness_ratio:=10 _texture_threshold:=2950 _speckle_size:=1000 _speckle_range:=31 __name:=xb3_short_stereo_proc"/>
      <group ns="plane_model_road_segmentation">
        <!--   Transform point cloud to center bumper -->
        <node name="transform_cloud_nodelet"  pkg="plane_model_road_segmentation" type="transform_cloud_nodelet" />
        <param  name= "pointcloud_to_transform" value="/xb3_short/points2" /> 
        <param  name= "frame_id"            value="/atc/vehicle/center_bumper" /> 
        <param  name="pointcloud_transformed"   value="/xb3_short_trans/points2" />
    <!--  My process stuff  -->
        <node name="plane_model_road_segmentation_nodelet" pkg="plane_model_road_segmentation" type="plane_model_road_segmentation_nodelet"/> 
        <!-- Setting parameters -->
        <param  name= "pointcloud_subscribed"  value="/xb3_short_trans/points2" />  
        <param  name= "reference_ground_frame" value="/atc/vehicle/ground" /> 
        <param  name= "road_frame"             value="/environment/road" /> 
        <param  name= "coefficients_topic_name" value="/environment/road/model_coefficients" /> 
      <!-- Visualization  -->
      <node name="rviz" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" args="--display-config $(find plane_model_road_segmentation)/rvizconf/rviz.vcg"/>
     All Classes Files Functions Variables Defines

    Author(s): Tiago Talhada
    autogenerated on Wed Jul 23 04:33:45 2014