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tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base_less Class Reference

Comparator class for iterators (compares pointer values; why doesn't this work automatically?) More...

#include <tree.h>

Public Member Functions

bool operator() (const typename tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base &one, const typename tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base &two) const
bool operator() (const typename tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base &one, const typename tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base &two) const

Detailed Description

template<class T, class tree_node_allocator = std::allocator<tree_node_<T> >>
class tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base_less

Comparator class for iterators (compares pointer values; why doesn't this work automatically?)

Definition at line 417 of file tree.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class T, class tree_node_allocator = std::allocator<tree_node_<T> >>
bool tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base_less::operator() ( const typename tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base one,
const typename tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base two 
) const

Definition at line 322 of file tree_new.h.

template<class T, class tree_node_allocator = std::allocator<tree_node_<T> >>
bool tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base_less::operator() ( const typename tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base one,
const typename tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base two 
) const

Definition at line 419 of file tree.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Jorge Almeida
autogenerated on Mon Mar 2 2015 01:32:19