Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oCClusterHypotheses cluster class
oCColorColor class, extension to std_msgs::ColorRGBA
oCconstant_velocity_ekfilterConstant velocity Kalman filter
oCconstantVelocityEKFilterConstant velocity Kalman filter
oCGVGraphAn object containing a libgraph graph and its associated nodes and edges.
oCHypothesisHypotheses tree nodes
oCHypothesisTreeHypotheses tree
oCMarkersDynamic markers support class
oCMeasurementMeasurement class type
oCMhtBig and complicated class that implements the MHT (Multiple Hypotheses Tracking) algorithm
oCMotionModelNonholonomic Motion model abstraction layer
oCnonholonomicEKFilterNonholonomic Kalman filter
oCPointSimple point class
oCSearchAreaEllipsoid target gait area
oCst_clusterThis structure contains all point cluster information
oCst_lineThis structure contains a single line properties
oCst_objectThis structure contains object information
oCt_classificationObject classification in regard to velocity and occlusion
oCt_clusterCluster type class, clusters are groups of points in close proximity
oCt_configThis structure contains global configurations parameters
oCt_dataThis structure has all points coordinates
oCt_errorsEstimation errors
oCt_flagThis structure contains global flags parameters
oCt_fpsIterations per second structure
oCt_linked_listFull description of and tracked object
oCt_measurementsSingle XY measurement
oCt_motion_modelsMotion models structure
oCt_nodeClass handler for tree nodes
oCt_object_morphologyMorphologic information of target
oCt_pathList of XY points
oCt_pointPolar point structure
oCt_positionPosition structure, estimated and predicted values
oCt_search_areaEllipsoid target gait area
oCt_timersTimers structure
oCt_velocityTarget velocity data
|oCbreadth_first_queued_iteratorBreadth-first iterator, using a queue
|oCchildren_iteratorIterator which traverses only the nodes which are siblings of each other
|oCcompare_nodesComparator class for two nodes of a tree (used for sorting and searching)
|oCfixed_depth_iteratorIterator which traverses only the nodes at a given depth from the root
|oCiterator_baseBase class for iterators, only pointers stored, no traversal logic
|oCiterator_base_lessComparator class for iterators (compares pointer values; why doesn't this work automatically?)
|oCleaf_iteratorIterator which traverses only the leaves
|oCpost_order_iteratorDepth-first iterator, first accessing the children, then the node itself
|oCpre_order_iteratorDepth-first iterator, first accessing the node, then its children
|\Csibling_iteratorIterator which traverses only the nodes which are siblings of each other
\Ctree_node_A node in the tree, combining links to other nodes as well as the actual data

Author(s): Jorge Almeida
autogenerated on Mon Mar 2 2015 01:32:19