

class  class_camera_projection
 The class camera projection. Provides functionalities to perform projection of an image into a polygon plane. More...


file  camera_projection.cpp

performs the projection of a camera image to a polygonal primitive

file  camera_projection.h

The class camera_projection performs the projection of an image into a polygon plane.


#define PFLN   {printf("DEBUG PRINT FILE %s LINE %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);}


typedef cv::Vec< unsigned char, 3 > t_pixel


int class_camera_projection::compute_pixel_list_to_vertex_list (pcl::ModelCoefficientsPtr coeff)
void class_camera_projection::compute_projectable_pixels (void)
int class_camera_projection::create_image_canvas (const cv::Mat *image, std::vector< pcl::PointXY > *pts)
 Creates the image canvas pixels list and stores it to.
int class_camera_projection::create_image_canvas_for_known_camera (const cv::Mat *image, std::vector< pcl::PointXY > *pts, std::string name)
int class_camera_projection::create_polygon_from_pts_list (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > *vertexes, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > *vertices)
int class_camera_projection::draw_pixels_projectable (cv::Mat *image, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > *pc, const cv::Scalar color, int thickness=1)
int class_camera_projection::draw_pixels_vector (cv::Mat *image, std::vector< pcl::PointXY > *pts, const cv::Scalar color, int thickness=1)
int class_camera_projection::draw_pixels_vector_as_polyline (cv::Mat *image, std::vector< pcl::PointXY > *pts, const cv::Scalar color, int thickness)
float class_camera_projection::get_weight_for_pixel (int l, int c, double resolution_factor, float px, float py, float pz)
int class_camera_projection::set_image (const cv::Mat *image, ros::Time time, std::string name="none")
 Sets the image to be projected. Also computes the canvas, canny and grid masks.
int class_camera_projection::set_vertex_chull (const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr vertexes)

Define Documentation

#define PFLN   {printf("DEBUG PRINT FILE %s LINE %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);}

Definition at line 39 of file camera_projection.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef cv::Vec<unsigned char, 3> t_pixel

Definition at line 64 of file camera_projection.h.

Function Documentation

int class_camera_projection::compute_pixel_list_to_vertex_list ( pcl::ModelCoefficientsPtr  coeff  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 373 of file camera_projection.cpp.

void class_camera_projection::compute_projectable_pixels ( void   )  [inherited]

Definition at line 276 of file camera_projection.cpp.

int class_camera_projection::create_image_canvas ( const cv::Mat *  image,
std::vector< pcl::PointXY > *  pts 
) [inherited]

Creates the image canvas pixels list and stores it to.


Definition at line 112 of file camera_projection.cpp.

int class_camera_projection::create_image_canvas_for_known_camera ( const cv::Mat *  image,
std::vector< pcl::PointXY > *  pts,
std::string  name 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 151 of file camera_projection.cpp.

int class_camera_projection::create_polygon_from_pts_list ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > *  vertexes,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > *  vertices 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 53 of file camera_projection.cpp.

int class_camera_projection::draw_pixels_projectable ( cv::Mat *  image,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > *  pc,
const cv::Scalar  color,
int  thickness = 1 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 38 of file camera_projection.cpp.

int class_camera_projection::draw_pixels_vector ( cv::Mat *  image,
std::vector< pcl::PointXY > *  pts,
const cv::Scalar  color,
int  thickness = 1 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 229 of file camera_projection.cpp.

int class_camera_projection::draw_pixels_vector_as_polyline ( cv::Mat *  image,
std::vector< pcl::PointXY > *  pts,
const cv::Scalar  color,
int  thickness 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 238 of file camera_projection.cpp.

float class_camera_projection::get_weight_for_pixel ( int  l,
int  c,
double  resolution_factor,
float  px,
float  py,
float  pz 
) [inherited]

Definition at line 249 of file camera_projection.cpp.

int class_camera_projection::set_image ( const cv::Mat *  image,
ros::Time  time,
std::string  name = "none" 
) [inherited]

Sets the image to be projected. Also computes the canvas, canny and grid masks.

image the image to be projected
time the time stamp of the image
name the name of the camera from which the image is taken
1=success, 0=failure

Definition at line 69 of file camera_projection.cpp.

int class_camera_projection::set_vertex_chull ( const pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr  vertexes  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 47 of file camera_projection.cpp.

 All Classes Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

Author(s): Miguel Oliveira
autogenerated on Wed Jul 23 04:35:24 2014