src Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for src:


file  accelerometer_network_calibration.cpp [code]
 Gets the accelerometer's offset of each IMU presented on the network.
file  complementary_filter.cpp [code]
 Complementary filter - Roll & Pitch calculation.
file  dcm_algorithm.cpp [code]
 dcm algorithm for Roll, Pitch and Yaw determination - INCOMPLETE
file  imu_rviz.cpp [code]
 Toll for IMU's data visualization - only 8 IMU.
file  kalman_imu_data.cpp [code]
 Extended Kalman Filter algorithm implementation only with gyroscopes data.
file  rs232_tcp.cpp [code]
 Communication with 1 IMU and Fanuc for its data aquisition.
file  sensors_receiver.cpp [code]
 Reads the network IMU's data and publish.

Author(s): Telmo Rafeiro
autogenerated on Mon Mar 2 2015 01:31:44